Event Scenario/Takahiro's Strategy

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The Maiden Knights' Travels ~Joust Train Girls~ Banner.png
T-1 Maiden Knights Aboard the Train
T-2 Pioneer, Lead by Celia
T-3 What Akane Adores and Admires
T-4 Bon Appétit, Kisaki Special
T-5 On the Pride of Knighthood
T-6 It's Name is Joust Monster
T-7 Those Waiting at Eisengrad
T-8 Reunion, and So On
T-9 Takahiro's Strategy
T-10 A Spear That Makes Impossible Possible
Story Akane Ryuuzouji.png
"Hey, that is...!"
When we returned to Verforet with the news that the mighty Joust Monster has appeared--
Story Celia.png
"I didn't expect an ambush on the tracks. What generous hospitality."
A swarm of Joust Monsters had set up formation to stand in our way.
Story Mio Kisaki.png
"The one in the middle looks big and strong. Is that the leader?"
As Mio stated, there is a large Joust Monster positioned in the centre. That one seems to be leading the army.
Story Putra.png
"That means that if we beat that guy, this place will be all settled. Let's go!"
As soon as Putra held up her spear, one of the enemies noticed, immediately went into combat and charged towards her.
Story Putra.png
"EEEEII...! Drat, I don't have enough reach for an opponent on horseback..."
Story Queensway.png
"The enemy advance guard is in our way... We'll pummel them all, Sir Conductor, command us!"
Yes. If they aren't budging, we'll just have to take the initiative, coordinate with Yakutsk and destroy them individually in a pincer attack--!
Story Yakutsk.png
"What an uninteresting plan. We'll get this over with quickl- GAAH!?"
The Joust Monsters, sensing the fighting spirit of the duo, swiped them away with their spears, and they are both knocked to the ground.
Story Queensway.png
"Ngh... I can't believe you've got such amount of power hidden away...!"
Story Putra.png
"Yooou-! I'll avenge you both-!"
Putra thrusts her spear at the enemy's head...
"Wait! That's dangerous!"
Story Putra.png
Just as Takahiro yelled, Putra was sent flying. It's a step up in power from the initial attack...
Story Akane Ryuuzouji.png
"When each and every one of them hits back that hard, we are outnumbered."
Story Mio Kisaki.png
"What should we do, Takahiro-kun...?"
"Joust Monsters, huh?"
Takahiro is sorting out the characteristics of the enemy group as they stare at him.
Story Celia.png
"Mizuno... you stopped Putra earlier. I assumed you had already spotted something."
"That was just a prediction based on what I heard from you, senior... but after seeing that counterattack, I got my confirmation."
"So, everyone - Let us joust with them."
Story Akane Ryuuzouji.png
"Mizuno... Did you get motion sickness from the Mist Train bumping around?"
"No, I'm sane. There are two things I've found out."
"As is the case now, unless we finally show a willingness to fight, they don't attack and wait for us to attack them."
Story Akane Ryuuzouji.png
"Certainly on the way here, we were never attacked by any Joust Monsters."
"And if anyone does anything that breaks the rules of jousting, such as attacking one versus two at the same time, or aiming directly at their heads, you'll be met with fierce resistance."
Story Mio Kisaki.png
"They're knights, but in the end they're a violent threat to the peace, and that's more outrageous."
"When we combine that with the information we had before, such as the weakness of the feather ornaments...".
Story Celia.png
"They're monsters, but with some serious jousting qualities."
"So that's what we're going to do. We're going to take them out one on one, via jousting."
Story Mio Kisaki.png
"But we don't have horses. Can we cross them just by handling lances?"
Story Akane Ryuuzouji.png
"Fortunately, our armour is still loaded on the train, but as we know, we cannot do it without horses..."
"Not to worry, after I heard that Mio and the rest were going to fight, I hurriedly borrowed warhorses from the Eisengrad Army. Of course, I also borrowed horses for the SSS. This way, we'll be in perfect condition to fight, won't we?"
Story Mio Kisaki.png
"I'm glad to hear that, Takahiro-kun! Now we've got all the right players."
Story Paddington.png
"Did you hear that, Conductor? The SSS is also making our jousting debut. Conductor and I will be begleiters."
"Yes, that's right. Can you girls still fight?"
Story Queensway.png
"Yes, I'm a knight in shining armor. I will stand up again and again!"
Story Putra.png
"I never thought I'd be able to joust like this, I'm glad I was taught-"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Hey, I haven't been taught in detail yet. Also, can I use a whip?"
Story Paddington.png
"If you don't mind, could you use this clothesline?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Heh, why don't you show me how it works then?"
Story Paddington.png
"Hawawa, but I'm a begleiter~!"
Joust Train Girls.jpg
"Well, as senior jousters, we have to set an example!"
"But if we go one-on-one against this quantity, it's going to be an endurance battle, and we're going to be outnumbered."
"Jousting is our strategy. We have to make the most of our individual specialities and use it against them."
"Mio will draw the attacker in and counter attack. The opponent is less mobile, so with your dynamic vision, Mio should be able to make steady decisions."
"Roger! Joust Monster, here I come!"
"Akane, you will be able to use your physical strength to break the defence down by striking enemies surrounding the main threat. If he falls from his horse in the manner of a multi-stage thrust, that can disrupt the entire formation."
"You talk nonsense. But you understand my fighting style very well. --HAAH!"
The SSS is ordered to charge in to follow Mio and Akane. Here and there, jousting matches takes place--
Look at this, Conductor! We're slowly turning the tables on them!"
Takahiro's idea seems to have been spot on. In addition, we have a group of real knights who are prepared and proud to be here.
The strength of their desire to protect this world-
To respond to the wishes of their loved ones-
It is the very strength of these women.
"Mizuno, the enemy is getting sparse. Is it time to attack the main camp?"
"Yes, it's time. I want to see how good our opponent is... Can you aim at his body a few times?"
"That would be fine. I myself would like to see first-hand how strong he is."
"Of course, I won't go easy on him."
'Yes, let's go all out...!
Celia rode on her horse and held up her lance, the tip of which glows sharply.
"Face me, Joust Monster. --Los geht!"
The Maiden Knights' Travels ~Joust Train Girls~ Banner.png
T-1 Maiden Knights Aboard the Train
T-2 Pioneer, Lead by Celia
T-3 What Akane Adores and Admires
T-4 Bon Appétit, Kisaki Special
T-5 On the Pride of Knighthood
T-6 It's Name is Joust Monster
T-7 Those Waiting at Eisengrad
T-8 Reunion, and So On
T-9 Takahiro's Strategy
T-10 A Spear That Makes Impossible Possible