Main Scenario/Doll Master of Mt. Ooe

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Chapter 4.png
4-1 Nishiki Hundred Ghost Stories
4-2 Doll Master of Mt. Ooe
4-3 Supaa Denjarasu
4-4 Ghost of the Mist
4-5 Two Good Friends
4-6 Present
4-7 Narrow Path to Hell
4-8 Ningyou Jigoku
4-9 Nene and Nana of Yumiharizuki
4-10 Vow by the Full Moon
Story Yoshino.png
"This is where Nana said she saw someone suspicious."
Story Queensway.png
"She said she saw her going up the mountain, so we need to go up there again. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the barrier since Miss Yoshino has it restored, but we should be careful as it's nighttime."
Story Vivienne.png
"Now, is it an oni or snake this time? Or a sketchy person holding a doll?"
Story Putra.png
"There might even be a line of sleepwalking, unconscious children, something that Yoshino sometimes does."
Story Yoshino.png
"Yoshino doesn't sleep with dolls. However sometimes falls asleep holding machine parts."
Story Vivienne.png
"But it seems we have had a connection with dolls ever since arriving in Nishiki. I'd prefer normal dolls that aren't cursed for once..."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Right, stop. No more talks of Cursed Nishikese Dolls. We are looking for people, not dolls."
Story Putra.png
"But isn't it quite scary that someone's talking to dolls while climbing up the mountain at this late hour of the night? Chit-chatting to a doll like that?"
Story Vivienne.png
"It's true, I'd be spooked if I actually saw it."
Story Putra.png
"Well, Nana did also say it was too dark to see clearly, so there's no guarantee that there really is a person there."
"...I told you, right~? I said that this place is too close to the town, so it might be the 'wrong' place."
Story Putra.png
"W-who's there? There's someone mumbling to herself..."
Story Vivienne.png
"Y-you're right. Does she have friends nearby?"
"What? I thought you want to make more friends? Hmmhmm, this piece of junk is your new friend? You sure have bad tastes too."
"No wonder they call you the Cursed Ooe Doll."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Hey? Don't you all think so too?"
Story Putra.png
Story Vivienne.png
Story Yakutsk.png
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Oh, was that so scary? I'm kind of amused I did that, because I did try to scare you all."
Story Paddington.png
"You're... Miss Shimoamazu!"
Story Queensway.png
"Shimoamazu? The Shimoamazu of the Ooe Big Four...?"
Story Paddington.png
"Shimoamazu is the best apprentice of Ooenomiya. All of the Ooe Big Four are enlisted to the SSS."
Story Yoshino.png
"Ooooh- an amazing person has appeared. Sorry for saying you were a strange person who talks to dolls."
Story Queensway.png
"After all, Miss Shimoamazu's mother is Shimoamazu the First, the great sorceress who once sealed the Daiyaki, the oni that once terrorized Mount Ooe."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Indeed, I am Shimoamazu the Second. Together with Futamata the Second, Karakawa the Second and Amanohashidate, the tomboy of Mount Ooe, we are known as the Ooe Big Four. Feel free to disagree or dispute."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"And now that I'm done with the usual self-introductions, I'd like to move on to the main topic... Is that alright with you, Conductor-san?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Just wait a minute! Don't move on as if nothing happened!"
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Good evening, Yakutsk. You had a spectacular tumble earlier. I was watching you right up to where your foot got caught in the drainage ditch in the fields."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Grr, I thought nobody saw that..."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Shimoamazu! What were you doing here? I don't care even if you're a member of the SSS, wandering around here by yourself like that will get the public reporting you."
Story Putra.png
"Yeah, you were actually reported too."
Yakutsk is right. So far, we haven't received any news of reinforcements sending in from either the Allied or Nishiki Army. Why in the world did you want to climb up that mountain?
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Well... to put it simply, I am interested in a treasure hunt."
Story Putra.png
"Hey, you sure you're not joking?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Yeah. We had it rough just yesterday on this mountain."
Story Queensway.png
"But didn't Miss Shimoamazu said something about being 'wrong' here? You did say that you're looking for something..."
Story Putra.png
"So what are you really looking for?"
Story Shimoamazu.png
"A doll. I'm looking for a very rare doll."
Story Queensway.png
"A doll? Are you looking for the Cursed Nishikese Doll?"
Story Shimoamazu.png
"No. Albeit that one's a shame not to look for..."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"...Conductor-san, I have something really important to say. The rest of the SSS, please listen with an open mind as well."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"I'm staying in this town looking for a certain doll. I was going to end my search, but after hearing that the SSS was coming, I decided to investigate a little more closely. I had wanted to ask for a lift back to the St. Iris garrison."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"There were many rumours of a 'treasure hunt', and it would be safer and more reliable to enlist the help of Conductor-san's group to investigate dangerous objects, right? I was hoping to ask you to help me if I encounter situations that I couldn't handle alone."
Story Queensway.png
"So, Shimoamazu, when you refer to situations that you couldn't handle alone..."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Yes, that's right. The situation is grave. We have to deal with it as soon as possible."
Having both the 'Treasure hunt' and the Kekkai Yaburi in this town is trouble enough. So what is this bad situation that you're talking about, Shimoamazu?
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Well, it's quicker for you just see for yourself, so I'd like you to first see this treasure I found first..."
Saying this, Shimoamazu put away the doll she had been holding earlier and took out something... spherical from her bag.
It was too dark to see clearly. Could this be a ball that's played with by Nishikese children around on the streets?
Story Putra.png
"Hey... isn't that a human head?"
What Shimoamazu took out was a human head. In this darkness, it is difficult to see the details, but the size suggests that it is a child's head.
Story Vivienne.png
"Mon Dieu, it has hair too!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Hold it! Why the Hell are you carrying that around for!?"
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Calm down, please. This is not a human head. In fact, it's better if it were one."
Story Yakutsk.png
Story Shimoamazu.png
"It's a lot scarier than a human skull."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Take a good look at it. This warped head is made entirely of ancient mechanical parts."
Story Putra.png
"Then, we're dealing with another rampaging robot again!?"
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Calm down, please. This one is already dead. I have cast a powerful sorcery on this, so it is unlikely that it will start up again."
A human head made of mechanical parts... Who made it and for what purpose?
Story Shimoamazu.png
"I don't know all the details yet. But judging from its construction, this is definitely a doll's head. I don't even know when it was made or what it was used for."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Recently, these creepy dolls have been found all over Nishiki. And they are all just heads, like this one."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"The Nishiki Army has even resorted to ask for help from Mount Ooe, so I'm sure the Allied Forces will get wind of this news soon. These are something that's never seen before, hence the Nishiki Army must have decided that it would be difficult to deal with them on their own."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"We've been calling this steel doll, 'Koutetsu Ningyou'."
Story Queensway.png
"Koutetsu Ningyou... Miss Shimoamazu, did you come here looking for this steel doll?"
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Yes, I've already found three in this town."
Story Queensway.png
"Three? That's quite a lot, I mean?"
Story Shimoamazu.png
"It's not a lot. Steel dolls are not like typical junk, they're not going to be lying around in a small area. I even detected a fourth reaction too, which is really unusual."
Story Queensway.png
"That's certainly more than one person can handle."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Yeah. Regardless of how much I love dolls, this is a bit munch. So far no damage has been done, but as long as we're dealing with ancient objects, you never know what might happen."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"That's why I need your help. In return, I'll help you with SSS duties. I have a feeling that the 'treasure hunt' you guys are after and the Koutetsu Ningyou are somehow related."
I completely agree with your suggestion. If we follow the Steel Dolls together with you, Shimoamazu, we may find further clues.
Where did you detect the fourth reaction?
Story Shimoamazu.png
"That's, right around here. I thought it was at the top of this mountain, but it seems to be moving the other way, away from where I first detected..."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"...I think I'll go a bit further northwest. Conductor-san, will you come with me?"
Of course. But let's not go too far. We'll check out places where you think is suspicious, Shimoamazu, and if we don't find anything there, we'll all return back to the inn.
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Understood. Let's go with that. Let's work hard together too, everyone. I'm sorry for getting you into trouble again after you've just solved the other case."
Story Putra.png
"What are you talking about! It's part of our job!"
Story Vivienne.png
"Oui, oui. We're all friends of the same SSS, so there's nothing to worry about."
Story Shimoamazu.png
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Right. I'm a Train Knight of the SSS now."
The Special Steel Squad left the inn town and heads for the forest in the northwest together with our new partner, Shimoamazu.
At this point in time, no one would have thought that the Koutetsu Ningyou head Shimoamazu brought would bring tragedy to the SSS...
Chapter 4.png
4-1 Nishiki Hundred Ghost Stories
4-2 Doll Master of Mt. Ooe
4-3 Supaa Denjarasu
4-4 Ghost of the Mist
4-5 Two Good Friends
4-6 Present
4-7 Narrow Path to Hell
4-8 Ningyou Jigoku
4-9 Nene and Nana of Yumiharizuki
4-10 Vow by the Full Moon