Main Scenario/For Peace

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Chapter 42.png
42-1 Sister's Change
42-2 Another Route
42-3 Reason for the Change
42-4 Begin Operation!
42-5 What Came Out of the Gate
42-6 Alma
42-7 For Peace
42-8 Youko's World
42-9 The Mist Core of the Steel Tree
42-10 Victory for All
42-EP Epilogue
――Poison is Steel. Steel is Poison.
――Poison is the product of the sisters who control the clouds. Light and darkness, each belong to each sister cannot create the same cloud.
――Yet the bond between the sisters is deep and strong. Even forces that are never compatible can be drawn together in one place.
Story Paddington.png
"Big sis, big sis! Please, stay strong!"
Story Islington.png
"This is bad... I'm almost fainting a bit now..."
Story Vivienne.png
"Her magic is draining more rapidly than before. She's drained of so much magic that it's visible."
Story Putra.png
"Versailles, Queensway, get rid of her, we need to get that weapon away from Islington!"
Story Versailles.png
"Affirmative! Queensway, let's go!"
Story Queensway.png
"Yes! Let's both work together!"
Story Alma.png
"One versus two... You goons are so funny!"
In an attempt to pull Alma away from Islington, Versailles and Queensway both jumped on Alma.
The two women were acting much better than before. Versailles is not only clawing away at her own top speed, but also adjusting well to make it easier for Queensway to match her movements.
Story Versailles.png
Story Queensway.png
Story Alma.png
"Uhehehehe! You're moving a bit better!"
The battle between the three of them unfolds with blinding speed. Including myself, I decided to leave this battle to Versailles and Queensway for the time being.
Priority should be given to rescuing Islington rather than defeating Alma. Yoshino, Vivienne and Putra quickly moved away to ensure Islington and Paddington's safety.
Story Alma.png
"Well, this is better, but not so much that I can't see it."
Story Alma.png
"I see I see. So this is how it feels."
Story Alma.png
"Their overall levels seem high, but I and Lady Youko can fight them all on our own. That man over there doesn't seem that strong at the moment either..."
Alma gradually moves backwards, but with her face relaxed, and casually parried Versailles' and Queensway's attacks.
Story Versailles.png
(She's stopped moving!)
Story Queensway.png
(She has only this place to go!)
Alma, having retreated on the tracks, comes to the front of the Gate and stopped there. Versailles and Queensway did not miss the opportunity. They slashed at the stationary Alma together at the same time.
Their attack was blocked by the technique of another person who was not Alma.
It was a special sorcery art that splashed the two of them. That kind of technique is used... by a sorceress from another world.
Story Youko.png
"You are playing too much... Alma."
Story Alma.png
"Lady Youko♪"
Story Queensway.png
"Youko... you are alive after all."
Story Youko.png
"Happy to meet you, everyone of the SSS. Happy to meet Youko as always."
Story Youko.png
"Yuuzen-san and the rest of you really got me at Nishiki. It was an inadvertent mistake on my part."
Story Youko.png
"However, I don't see Yuuzen-san today. She must be suffering on the road to Shura with her friends."
Story Miyako.png
"Yuuzen-san is here. I don't think you should let your guard down too much."
Story Youko.png
"Ara, you are Yuuzen-san's... Have you improved your skills a little?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Not a little, Miyako is getting very strong."
Story Islington.png
"Oi, vixen bitch... Don't just ignore me and carry on..."
Story Paddington.png
"Big sis, don't push yourself!"
Story Youko.png
"You are the St. Iris's Divine Child, and you look sick. It's as if the Steel Tree is sucking your magic."
Story Islington.png
Story Miyako.png
"It is Alma's weapon that is sucking her magic. It is not being absorbed by the Steel Tree."
Story Youko.png
"Yeah, it certainly is. But only if she is wounded by that weapon."
Story Miyako.png
"What do you mean?"
Story Alma.png
"Lady Youko, be careful with that Miyako twerp. She uses Clairvoyance."
Story Youko.png
"That twerp's clairvoyance is nothing. It doesn't affect me in any way."
Story Alma.png
"I-I'm sorry..."
Story Youko.png
"You have entered the Steel Tree. You didn't even know what kind of place this was."
Story Youko.png
"Fine. I've already bought you enough time, so I'll tell you one good thing."
Story Youko.png
"...... Those who set foot inside the Steel Tree will have their magic sucked up by the huge Mist Core. Those who are not resistant to Poison will eventually lose their lives."
Story Youko.png
"Be careful, okay? The more powerful you are, the better you be as its bait. You wouldn't want to be a source of evil light, would you? Ufufufufu..."
Story Islington.png
"What the...?"
Story Islington.png
"What did you just say? What do you mean, 'source of evil light'?"
Story Youko.png
"Ara, you didn't understand me now? If so, let me explain it a little more clearly."
Story Youko.png
"In short, all of you will be the energy of that Mist Core, which means that the powers of Divine Children and Train Knights will be used to destroy Iris Cloud."
Story Islington.png
"You vixen bitch..."
The evil light is a ray of light emitted by the giant Mist Core. It is the dark force that obliterated the northern St. Iris villages.
Is that ray about to absorb our power and be released again?
Story Youko.png
"It probably will when it is sufficiently filled with power. Even if we leave it alone, the power will eventually build up, but it will be much earlier than planned."
Story Yoshino.png
"There are many Train Knights in the Steel Tree now. Especially strong people are gathered there, so it should be able to build up its power quickly."
Story Youko.png
"Exactly. You are very clever little one. It would be very troublesome if a sorceress like you learns clairvoyance."
Story Yoshino.png
"If possible, would like to devise a way to stop the absorption of magic power, but so far haven't able to come up with anything yet."
Story Youko.png
"Ufufu, good luck with that, the Mistism cultists are working on this and that to make the Mist Core more active. If you don't hurry, something terrible will be launched soon."
Story Queensway.png
"The Mistism cult must think that the Mist Core in the Steel Tree is a weapon."
Story Versailles.png
"They even consider this their castle. Of course they consider that Mist Core to be their property."
Story Yoshino.png
"They had very specific plans, such as a kingdom, the throne, and that they wanted to marry Shashou."
Story Islington.png
"Youko, I'm going to ask you this. If the Mist Core from the Steel Tree becomes a weapon of mass destruction, what's in it for the Mistism bastards?"
Story Youko.png
"I wouldn't know about that, because the Mistism cultists have nothing to do with us."
Story Islington.png
"What's in it for you then? You don't just want to see us suffer, do you?"
Story Youko.png
"Some of my colleagues have such twisted proclivities, but not me. Our priority is our cause. To do that, we will eliminate anything that gets in our way, even if it's by force. That is all."
Story Islington.png
"It looks like you're not in perfect shape. Do you think you and this little guy Alma can beat us?"
Story Youko.png
"It is not our objective to beat you. If we thought there was a problem, we wouldn't have bothered to do this."
Story Youko.png
"However, I will tell you this. I am not afraid of death. The same goes for Alma here. Right, Alma?"
Story Alma.png
"Yes Lady Youko. I will do anything dangerous for the sake of world peace. Uhehehehe."
Story Islington.png
"Peace? For the sake of world peace?"
Story Youko.png
"Correct. Just like you. We are fighting for a cause. World peace is what we are defending. It is a mission worth risking our lives for."
The "world" Youko and her partner are referring to is not Iris Cloud. Our homeworld. They probably mean the otherworld as we see it.
If the safety of your world can be ensured, you are willing to allow Iris Cloud to be flooded with Poison.
Story Youko.png
"It's as you say. I was sure that one day, when I told you about this, you would give me an answer like that.
Story Youko.png
"How can you say such a thing without seeing our world?"
Story Youko.png
"...... Ah, that's right. We are in the Steel Tree. Let me take you to our world."
Story Miyako.png
"It's transference magic! Get away from Youko now!"
Story Youko.png
"Useless. You won't make it in time, I'll send the Mist Train and everything else flying."
Miyako notices something is wrong and tries to counter-sorcery, but Youko's art refuses to respond to any of them.
The gate on the severed track widens, and at the same time the space inside the Steel Tree is distorted. We and the Mist Train are sucked into the dimensional chasm...
Chapter 42.png
42-1 Sister's Change
42-2 Another Route
42-3 Reason for the Change
42-4 Begin Operation!
42-5 What Came Out of the Gate
42-6 Alma
42-7 For Peace
42-8 Youko's World
42-9 The Mist Core of the Steel Tree
42-10 Victory for All
42-EP Epilogue