Main Scenario/Reason for the Change

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Chapter 42.png
42-1 Sister's Change
42-2 Another Route
42-3 Reason for the Change
42-4 Begin Operation!
42-5 What Came Out of the Gate
42-6 Alma
42-7 For Peace
42-8 Youko's World
42-9 The Mist Core of the Steel Tree
42-10 Victory for All
42-EP Epilogue
Investigations carried out prior to our entry into the interior of the Steel Tree revealed that there are two entry routes into the area where we are.
One route is the huge Gate that stretches out in front of us. This is the regular route, which is probably a remnant of the former Giant Tree Railway. We expect to be able to enter the interior of the steel tree by Mist Train.
The other route is a rift that Ooenomiya and her team found. It is not in the roots but in the middle of the trunk, so we have to climb up to it, but it is not very high up.
We decided to send an elite infantry unit from this route as well, as we have confirmed that it is safe inside. Among the members of the unit is Farringdon.
In our opinion, Farringdon should have stayed at the base or returned to the station to ensure her safety, but Farringdon was insistent on this matter, saying that she would be there too.
After discussions, the commanders of each unit has agreed to allow Farringdon to go in, on the condition that she would follow the decision of Yuuzen, the escorting officer.
Story Farringdon.png
"Islington, I guess this is where we say goodbye for once."
Story Islington.png
"Mhm. We'll both come back alive."
Story Farringdon.png
"Of course. Me, Islington, Paddington, all of us Elrond sisters will go home. And tell our father and mother,"
Story Farringdon.png
"that we have won."
Story Islington.png
"Can we talk about marriage afterwards?"
Story Farringdon.png
"Yeah, that's fine. I respect you and Lord Conductor's feelings."
Story Farringdon.png
"But Islington, Lord Conductor and I..."
Story Islington.png
" We'll talk about it when this fight is over. That's what we'll do for now."
Story Islington.png
"Please... I want to concentrate on my mission, as a Divine Child, as a member of the SSS."
Story Farringdon.png
"Understood... I'm sorry for giving you a hard time."
Story Islington.png
"It's not a big deal. It's not hard... I think."
Story Paddington.png
"Sis Islington, she looks very happy..."
Story Mary.png
"It must be a long time since they've had a real conversation like that, Islington and Farringdon have clashed so many times. Whenever she opens her mouths, all she did was complain about Farringdon."
Story Paddington.png
"I'm glad they made up, I haven't seen big sis Islington make that face in front of big sis Farringdon since we were kids."
Story Mary.png
"I'm not sure if I'd call that making up though?"
Story Paddington.png
"Is there something wrong? As the youngest sister, even from my point of view, my sisters seem to get along very well."
Story Mary.png
"I don't know. To me it seems like Farringdon is trying to curry favour with her sister. I feel like she's trying to make Islington happy."
Story Paddington.png
"Miss Mary, that's part of one's communication skills."
Story Paddington.png
"Change your words to reflect the other person's feelings, or leave out what you really want to say. That's the art of adult conversation."
Story Paddington.png
"...that's what Miss Yoshino said, although I've never seen Yoshino put it into practice."
Story Mary.png
"Said by people who they have the most trouble with that sort of thing..."
Story Paddington.png
"'They'? Who do you mean by 'they', there's more than one Miss Yoshino?"
Story Mary.png
"Paddington, let me ask you a question. Does Farringdon, the eldest daughter of House Elrond, bends her opinions so easily?"
Story Paddington.png
"No. I think that sis Farringdon is a very stubborn person, she never changes her mind until the end, similar to sis Kingston and sis Islington."
Story Paddington.png
"Ah! So that's why those three fight a lot! They don't always get along because they don't back down."
Story Mary.png
"I think so too. That's why I think it's a bit strange."
Story Mary.png
"I don't think a Divine Child who is going ahead with her marriage to Conductor and telling her sisters to have an heir is going to change her mind in the Royal Castle."
Story Paddington.png
"Indeed, it's not like big sis Farringdon to say that..."
Story Mary.png
"It's been a long time since the Giant Tree looked like this. And yet Farringdon has not acted in any particular way until now. She's hardly even been involved in this operation, you know? She didn't even show up at the Allied Forces briefing."
Story Mary.png
"So why has she suddenly started acting now? Not taking Conductor back to the castle, not pulling the troops out. If anything, we'are allocating more forces than planned to this attack on the Steel Tree."
Story Versailles.png
"Isn't it because they found something important?"
Story Paddington.png
"Miss Versailles."
Story Versailles.png
"I'm here to pick up Mademoiselle Paddington. Please get on board now. Miyako is a bit upset."
Story Paddington.png
"Hawawa, that's terrible! Miss Mary, I'm leaving now. Good luck commanding the infantry unit!"
Story Mary.png
"Yeah, I'll do well."
Story Versailles.png
"Désolé, Mademoiselle Mary. I'm sorry to interrupt you two..."
Story Mary.png
"It's fine. Something 'important'?"
Story Versailles.png
"Non, nothing in particular. It's just something I thought of."
Story Versailles.png
"I don't think it's that unusual for a aristocrat or Divine Child in the Royal Castle to act out of the ordinary, as was the case with Knight Commander Euston's sister."
Story Mary.png
"Euston's sister?"
Story Versailles.png
"Knight Commander Euston's sister started investigating 'thunder' and 'ruins' in M. Verforet, even though she was promised a comfortable life in the Royal Castle."
Story Versailles.png
"When exploring the Ruins of Thunder, Knight Commander Euston said that her sister was investigating transference magic. But why did an aristocrat in the Royal Castle suddenly start investigating transference magic? The reason for this remains a mystery to this day. She said she has no idea at all."
Story Mary.png
"Even if she stays cooped up in the Royal Castle, she can still find 'something'. So that's how it is."
Story Versailles.png
"Oui. Perhaps Dame Farringdon had a reason for having to come here."
Story Mary.png
"Even if she had a reason, she could just leave the job to Islington or have her squire check what's outside."
Story Versailles.png
"Did you or Dame Ricardo do that?"
Story Mary.png
Story Mary.png
"You're quite clever. Euston told me that you're 'a rare type of Shana who can't use her brains very well', but that's not true."
Story Versailles.png
"I'm exactly what Knight Commander Euston said. I am not good at thinking with my head like Miyako and Yoshino."
Story Versailles.png
"It's just that the Divine Children in this realm is too capable of fighting. I've always been concerned about that. I thought their job is not to just listen to omens and pray."
Story Mary.png
"Maybe Farringdon 'saw' something. And it's probably something we don't know about."
Story Queensway.png
"Miss Versailles, what's going on? We're about to leave."
Story Versailles.png
"Désolé. I came to pick up Mademoiselle Paddington and I..."
Story Queensway.png
"What were you and Mary talking about?"
Story Versailles.png
"Uhm, that's..."
Story Mary.png
"It was about Divine Children in our world. She said she was surprised because they are all so strong."
Story Queensway.png
"That's true. Metro's Divine Children can barely use their powers, so anyone there would be surprised to see Lady Farringdon and Lady Islington's powers."
Story Mary.png
Story Mary.png
"Versailles, take care of Queensway."
Story Versailles.png
Story Mary.png
"I can't fight with you this time, it's your job to protect the Divine Children, as a knight of St. Iris, make sure you protect Conductor and the others, keep an eye on Islington and Paddington too."
Story Versailles.png
"Affirmative. Leave it to me."
Story Mary.png
"Queensway, you too."
Story Mary.png
"You are neither an apprentice nor inexperienced. Rather, you are now in a position where you have to lead others. Make sure that you're not just thinking about the enemy in front of you, but about the world as a whole."
Story Queensway.png
"Yes, I will work with Miss Versailles and the rest to protect the world, be it Iris Cloud, be it Iris Metro..."
Story Mary.png
"The world is not just those two worlds. There are probably other worlds we don't know about. Think about that too. Keep that in mind."
Story Queensway.png
Story Queensway.png
"I understand... What one sees is not everything. What one sees is not the truth either. That's how I'm going to approach it."
Story Mary.png
"That's fine. You will do your knightly duty."
Story Queensway.png
"Mary, please be careful."
Chapter 42.png
42-1 Sister's Change
42-2 Another Route
42-3 Reason for the Change
42-4 Begin Operation!
42-5 What Came Out of the Gate
42-6 Alma
42-7 For Peace
42-8 Youko's World
42-9 The Mist Core of the Steel Tree
42-10 Victory for All
42-EP Epilogue