Main Scenario/What Came Out of the Gate

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Chapter 42.png
42-1 Sister's Change
42-2 Another Route
42-3 Reason for the Change
42-4 Begin Operation!
42-5 What Came Out of the Gate
42-6 Alma
42-7 For Peace
42-8 Youko's World
42-9 The Mist Core of the Steel Tree
42-10 Victory for All
42-EP Epilogue
Story Versailles.png
"Mademoiselle Queensway and her team have disembarked. We'll continue to keep a lookout ahead..."
Story Miyako.png
Story Versailles.png
Story Miyako.png
"Someone is watching us..."
Story Versailles.png
"...... Can you tell from which direction?"
Story Miyako.png
"I don't know. I sense vision everywhere. Maybe they are using 'eyes'. But we're dealing with one person. There are faint reactions of magic."
Story Versailles.png
"It's probably whoever who created this Gate, maybe they're wary of you're warding sorcery, Miyako, and is watching us."
Story Alma.png
Story Versailles.png
Story Alma.png
"Uhehehehe, you didn't avoid it and just took it directly. Ye're, quite strong~"
Story Miyako.png
"Versailles, are you okay? Aren't you bleeding?"
Story Versailles.png
"I'm fine... It's just a graze."
Story Versailles.png
(She deliberately missed my vital point... I couldn't have stopped her if she really wanted me gone.)
Story Alma.png
"Aren't y'all from Iris Metro? The Poison doesn't affect y'all as much down there as it does over here, does it? Why are you working with those dumbos?"
Story Versailles.png
"I'm under no obligation to answer that question."
Story Alma.png
"Uhehehehe, under no obligation, because? You're a terrible negotiator~ Are ye an idiot by any chance? You're a shana."
Story Versailles.png
"What do you mean?"
Story Miyako.png
"If you're saying you won't answer a question unless you're obliged to, then that means I don't have to answer your questions either. Isn't it okay to play around with you a little more?"
Story Miyako.png
"I think that's what she's saying..."
Story Versailles.png
"I-I see..."
Story Alma.png
"A shana swordswoman and a brooding sorcerer. With two little girls in charge of the lead, I wonder if the SSS is short-staffed too."
Story Miyako.png
"I don't know where you are from, but if you can only analyse things to that extent, you shouldn't be acting alone. Also, you are just as short-staffed."
Story Alma.png
"What!? Are you trying to say that I'm short!?"
Story Miyako.png
"No, nobody said that."
Story Alma.png
Story Miyako.png
Story Alma.png
(This sorceress over here is pretty dangerous, Lady Youko said to watch out for Yuuzen, but this little twerp seems to have some nasty tricks up her sleeve too.)
Story Queensway.png
"Miss Versailles! Are you alright!?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Who is that girl? Youko's ally?"
Story Miyako.png
"We don't know yet, but she attacked us. For the moment, I think we can consider her an enemy."
Story Versailles.png
"Be careful. This person is strong. She moves faster than I do."
Story Queensway.png
"No way, she's faster than Miss Versailles..."
Story Alma.png
"Huh? Did I move that fast? I attacked you just to scare you off a bit."
Story Alma.png
"Well whatever! Now that we're all here, let's have a little chat!"
Story Islington.png
"Enough nonsense, you little brat. Why are you proceeding on your own? We're the one's doing that."
Story Alma.png
"Who are you, old hag?"
Story Islington.png
"You're so dead..."
Story Queensway.png
"Eh? What did you say?"
Story Islington.png
"Queensway, give me your sword. I'm going to chop this brat up."
Story Queensway.png
"No, but then my weapon will..."
Story Yoshino.png
"Sei sei sei. Everyone calm down. Are you trying to dye our story time with blood?"
Yoshino is right. Islington, you need to calm down. She was just trying to provoke us. If she really wanted to attack, she would have done it by now.
Story Alma.png
"Uhehe, how impressive, sir captain. Thank you for understanding what I'm talking about~"
Who are you? Are you Youko's ally? Or someone associated with the Mistism cult? The fact that you're inside the Steel Tree doesn't mean you're not related to us. What is your purpose here?
Story Alma.png
"I am Alma, an ally of justice from what you call the 'other world'."
Story Putra.png
"If that's true, then you're not on the side of justice."
Story Vivienne.png
"You said Alma. Are you Youko's ally? Or are you Canaria's ally? Either one is fine, but if you don't mind, can you tell me about these two?"
Story Alma.png
"Uhehehehe, nice joke, twerp. You make it sound like Lady Youko and Canaria are enemies."
Story Vivienne.png
"'Lady' Youko eh? You sound like one of Youko's allies."
Story Putra.png
"Coming from Vivienne, that was a pretty good mind play."
Story Vivienne.png
"'Coming from Vivienne' should be omitted."
Story Alma.png
(That elf has some pretty good powers, too... She's got the makings of a good lure.)
Story Alma.png
(That airhead beastkin and the little girl with the white hair are pretty good too. Just like Lady Youko said, the Train Knights' powers are related to the Giant Tree's power...)
Story Miyako.png
"The Giant Tree's power?"
Story Alma.png
"What are you...? What do you think you're doing?"
Story Miyako.png
"If you're a friend of Youko's, we'll know what happened. But don't worry. It's not that big of a deal."
Story Miyako.png
"Everyone, please be careful. This Alma person is up to something. She seems to have something to do with our Train Knight's power."
Story Alma.png
(Clairvoyance... Or similar sorceries. She didn't know all of it, but some of my thoughts are leaking out. I never faced this before, she's tricky even without Yuuzen).
Story Alma.png
"But oh well... I don't have that much to hide from you goons now."
Story Alma.png
"As y'all have thought, I work as Lady Youko's subordinate. I'm a member of the Resistance? I think? I was supposed to be working for that kind of organisation."
Story Alma.png
"I'll tell you this, don't put me in the same class as that bum like Canaria. I am Lady Youko's right-hand man."
A new assassin was waiting for us. She was a member of the Resistance extremist faction who claimed to be Youko's subordinate...
Chapter 42.png
42-1 Sister's Change
42-2 Another Route
42-3 Reason for the Change
42-4 Begin Operation!
42-5 What Came Out of the Gate
42-6 Alma
42-7 For Peace
42-8 Youko's World
42-9 The Mist Core of the Steel Tree
42-10 Victory for All
42-EP Epilogue