Main Scenario/Ominous Mist

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Chapter 1.png
1-1 Demon Instructor of St. Iris
1-2 Field Training
1-3 The Train of Dreams
1-4 Train Knight Basics
1-5 Ominous Mist
1-6 The Steel Seeker
1-7 Intuition of a Fierce Battle
1-8 What the Eye Cannot See
1-9 That Which Deceives
1-10 Teacher Finchley
Story Vivienne.png
"It's getting thick. It's not that thick of a Mist, but ......"
Story Queensway.png
"There must be a source of Phantom Mist somewhere. Though, we must not get too distracted looking for parts."
Story Yakutsk.png
"I was thinking, isn't it possible that this Mist has something to do with the ancient mechanical parts? They're not mere parts, are they?"
Story Finchley.png
"Mhmm, good intuition as always."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Heh, I've done my fair share of that."
Story Finchley.png
"As Yakutsk had stated, some of the ancient mechanical parts scattered around the world are special ones that generate Phantom Mist."
But such cases must be quite rare. At the very least, they are unlikely to be found near the magic barriers.
Ancient mechanical parts that can generate Phantom Mist are not threats manageable by such a small unit like ours. Such a task should have been undertaken by the Knights of the Order instead...
Story Yakutsk.png
"So, ya want to say that it's unusual? What's the point of saying that now? This is a direct order."
That's pretty harsh, but... you are right on the money. I guess I'm getting a little skeptical too.
Story Finchley.png
"But orders aren't everything. Relying only on the information you see will not save your fellow men's life."
Story Finchley.png
"And this is what makes us the SSS. We are neither the Knights of St. Iris, nor are we the Eisengrad Army. Don't forget that the Conductor is in command."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Y-Yes, I know that!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"You're right, I went a little overboard. In fact, I'm stuck on it myself..."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Let's be on the lookout for anything that might happen."
Story Finchley.png
"Yeah, I'm counting on you, Yakutsk."
I appreciated the follow-up just now. And thankful that only Finchley can hear us.
Finchley is an excellent Train knight. She is a highly skilled fighter, of course, but what she excels at most is her ability to command her troops. She is highly respected for her concern for her fellow knights and her keen eye for the smallest detail.
Finchley is famous as "the Demon Instructor" at the Knight Academy. The units under her command have an unusually high survival rate from dangerous areas.
The number of battlefields they have been through is on a different level. They are skilled at breaking through enemy encirclements and breaking away from the front lines. Finchley is often assigned to particularly dangerous missions because people trust that she will make it back with her fellows alive.
Story Finchley.png
"Oh, by the way, I heard there was Phantom Mist near the garrison."
Story Queensway.png
"Yes, and we encountered a pretty strong monster too. If it weren't for Conductor, we would have been wiped out on our first day of formation."
Story Finchley.png
"A strong monster?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Not just strong. It's a Mist Monster that looks just like a human being."
Story Finchley.png
Story Queensway.png
"Do you know anything about it, Instructor Finchley?"
Story Finchley.png
"By any chance, did that Mist Monster speak?"
Story Queensway.png
"Yes. "Yes, but only one word."
Story Finchley.png
"Oh, dear God. In that case it was..."
Story Finchley.png
"Conductor, I'm sorry you had to come all the way down here, but I think we should abort this mission. We should return to the Mist Train now."
Story Putra.png
"What? "What? We've come all this way?"
Story Queensway.png
"You sure we can abandon our mission so easily? Ancient machine parts and the like are at..."
Story Finchley.png
"It doesn't matter. Nothing in this world is more important than our lives."
Story Queensway.png
"Instructor Finchley..."
Story Finchley.png
"Just report that we have detected threats. If they still order us to go, then we should regroup troops."
Do you have any idea what that talking Mist Monster is? I asked Finchley.
Story Finchley.png
"Yes, I do."
Story Finchley.png
"I know you have the final say, but I'm going to need you to order everyone to stand down. I'll tell you why. Trust me."
Of course I trust Finchley. I was just about to make the same suggestion.
This recon mission... stinks somewhere. I have a feeling that something is closing in on us that upper management doesn't know about.
Let's retreat. I'm going to check with upper management and see what they think of the Mist Monster in our last encounter.
This Mist is... very unpleasant.
Story Finchley.png
"Everybody, get back to the Train as soon as possible."
Story Queensway.png
"Yes, sir!"
Chapter 1.png
1-1 Demon Instructor of St. Iris
1-2 Field Training
1-3 The Train of Dreams
1-4 Train Knight Basics
1-5 Ominous Mist
1-6 The Steel Seeker
1-7 Intuition of a Fierce Battle
1-8 What the Eye Cannot See
1-9 That Which Deceives
1-10 Teacher Finchley