Main Scenario/Teacher Finchley

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Chapter 1.png
1-1 Demon Instructor of St. Iris
1-2 Field Training
1-3 The Train of Dreams
1-4 Train Knight Basics
1-5 Ominous Mist
1-6 The Steel Seeker
1-7 Intuition of a Fierce Battle
1-8 What the Eye Cannot See
1-9 That Which Deceives
1-10 Teacher Finchley
The Special Steel Squad was asked to investigate an ancient mechanical part, as we have seen, they were special parts that generated Phantom Mist.
The assemblage of mechanical parts, which had turned into a giant monster, reverted to rusty junk after its activity was brought to a halt. As no flow of magic power could be felt, it was judged that there was no further danger and we decided to take it back to the garrison.
Story Yakutsk.png
"So it was a more dangerous find than we imagined. I never thought that a piece of junk could fuse and combine into such a huge Mist Monster."
Story Yoshino.png
"But we're safe now. The Mist has cleared up. With this, the Mist Train can leave safely."
Story Putra.png
'The SSS, once again, is in the lead! Let's share the joy of victory together~!"
Story Yoshino.png
"Joy of victory together!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Woah! Hey Yoshino! Don't suddenly hug me!"
Story Yoshino.png
"This is how much you need a hug. Yoshino is a Kougyoukei after all."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Oh, jeez, oil! Ya have oil all over your hands from handling those parts!"
Story Yoshino.png
"Oooh, maybe we'll all fuse together?"
Story Finchley.png
"Conductor, can I have a word?"
Story Finchley.png
"... for saving my life earlier."
It was us who were saved by you. I'm sure everyone else who's getting excited over there thinks so, too. Finchley did a really good job.
Story Finchley.png
"Please don't. There may be some praise to be given, but... That last part, that was all Conductor's."
Story Finchley.png
"I've caused you all a lot of trouble. I've failed as an instructor."
"The Order of St. Iris has a teacher who always come back alive, no matter what dangerous place they send her."
Story Finchley.png
"What's that?"
It is rumoured that there is this one teacher among the upper echelons of the Allied Forces, where it is said that when a new student or squire goes out for field training, there is no better person than her to lead the way.
'Does that teacher hit the enemy with thick textbooks?' Soldiers from another country would joke about that, but the knights of St. Iris will reply with a straight face.
'She doesn't carry textbooks, because she herself is a textbook.'
--her name is Finchley.
Story Finchley.png
Story Finchley.png
"I'm not a teacher. I'm just a knight, or an instructor... who's strict enough to be a demon."
Finchley's voice was trembling. She bit her lip and tried hard to hold back her rising emotions.
Finchley had been training for years before the Mist Train was completed. Finchley is a zeroth generation student, so to speak, who had been training as a candidate for the SSS for years before the completion of the Mist Train. Thoughts must be racing on her mind.
But seeing the look on Finchley's face now. I sensed that there was some other reason for the trembling in her voice.
Story Finchley.png
"There's more to what I said earlier. About the mistake I made when I was a candidate for the SSS."
The story that your unit was on the verge of total annihilation because of your actions, Finchley?
Story Finchley.png
"Aye, that's right."
Story Finchley.png
"I left the Special Steel Squad right after that incident. Of my own volition, I didn't want to be here anymore."
Story Finchley.png
"I wanted to get some real combat experience as soon as possible. I thought it would make me stronger. I really thought it would help my dead comrades."
Story Finchley.png
"I couldn't wait for a Train that I didn't know when it would be finished. As a knight of the Order, I chose to fight on the front line."
Story Finchley.png
"I was lucky I didn't die. Maybe that's why I got so much credit for my exploits on the expeditionary missions. I got an offer of the position as an instructor. They want me to train combatants at the Knight Academy."
But that was also an order to stand back. Did you not try to refuse in order to remain at the front lines?
Story Finchley.png
"No. I jumped at it without hesitation."
Story Finchley.png
"This is something I haven't really talked to people about... I wanted to be a school teacher. Not in a knighthood school, not in a military school, but in a normal school, teaching academics.'
That's new to me. Most of the pupils didn't know about this.
Story Finchley.png
"It's not every day that I get the chance to tell my students. But I'm not trying to hide it from them."
Story Finchley.png
"So I don't have to worry about you girls asking me. You all should stop sneaking in the back and come forth."
Story Queensway.png
"So sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop..."
Story Yakutsk.png
"I came to check on yer injuries. Then I heard ya two talking..."
Story Yoshino.png
"We totally lost track of when to leave."
Story Finchley.png
"It doesn't matter. I wouldn't be talking in a place like this if I didn't want people to hear what I say."
Story Putra.png
"But isn't it hard for you, Finchley? Doesn't it remind you of anything you don't like?"
Story Vivienne.png
Story Finchley.png
"I'm fine. Listen... I want to talk to all of you."
Once all the members of the SSS were present, Finchley spoke about her own sad past, which not many people know about.
Story Finchley.png
"I was unable to see through the illusions that the Phantom Mist presented. I caused the death of all my students."
Story Queensway.png
"So that was the 'second time'..."
Story Finchley.png
"Aye. The first time was when I dragged my senior colleague down as a cadet; the second time was when I failed to protect all my students as an instructor."
Story Finchley.png
"I was really giddy in glee when I first became an instructor. I was happy to be called 'Teacher Finchley'. I forgot everything I'd seen on the front line and I was enjoying school life, thinking I was a real teacher."
Story Finchley.png
"One of my pupils was a railway enthusiast. She found some unusual parts by the tracks and started running. I didn't try to stop her."
Story Finchley.png
"The girl picked up the part and looked back at me. The moment she mouthed the words 'Miss Finchley'... she exploded."
Story Putra.png
"Oh no..."
Story Finchley.png
"It was an ancient mechanical part that exploded in response to magic. I didn't know such a thing existed either. Right after that explosion... there was a very thick Mist over the area around us.'
Story Finchley.png
"Phantom Mist. It was like hell on earth. The students panicked, they were lured by the illusions, and then... disappeared beyond the Mist."
Story Finchley.png
"I resigned as a 'teacher' after that. What a knight needs is to survive in the Mist. I told myself that and concentrated on raising strong knights."
Story Yakutsk.png
"So that's how ya got the nickname 'Demon Instructor'."
Story Putra.png
Story Yakutsk.png
" honor of the brave knights who stood against the Phantom Mist."
Story Yakutsk.png
"As a soldier of the Eisengrad. As a Train Knight belonging to the Allied Forces."
Story Putra.png
Yakutsk straightened her posture and saluted Finchley.
Queensway and Putra copied her,
Vivian and Yoshino followed suit.
Story Finchley.png
"I should have told you all this in the first place. I've learned a lesson from this, to be very careful in making decisions on the battlefield."
Story Finchley.png
"But you all got through that crisis on your own. Ya'll are the real 'SSS'. You've got better people than I had in my lifetime."
...That's the wrong way to put it. As an instructor, you should be a little more careful in your choice of words.
Story Queensway.png
Story Putra.png
"What's the matter with you all of a sudden...?"
Finchley is a member of the SSS. She rides the Mist Train around the world and saves a lot of people.
I'll say it again. Finchley is officially a member of the Special Steel Squad. The fact that we are all safe now is a result of all of us working together to overcome this.
Story Yakutsk.png
"Conductor is right. You're a member of the SSS. You're one of us."
Story Vivienne.png
"Yes, that's why Instructor Finchley is on the Train."
Story Putra.png
"Yeah yeah! Today is the anniversary of the first time we worked together... ♪"
Story Yoshino.png
"Yoshino is going to make Finchley Kyoukan a kimono too."
Story Finchley.png
"You all..."
Story Queensway.png
"It's because of Instructor Finchley's help that we were able to clear this Mist. We are all alive like this because we all pulled together."
Story Queensway.png
"Thank you very much, Instructor Finchley. And, I thank you for your continued support."
Story Finchley.png
Story Paddington.png
"Miss Finchley, The Mist Train is about to start."
Story Paddington.png
"Welcome back. Welcome to the SSS."
Story Finchley.png
Story Finchley.png
"Right. I'm a Train Knight."
Story Finchley.png
"Nice to meet you too, please to be of your acquaitance."
Story Yoshino.png
'Oooh, Finchley Kyoukan is so cute when she smiles...'
Story Putra.png
"Yes, yes, yeeees! I want to see Finchley's pretty face, too!"
Story Yoshino.png
"She's not smiling anymore."
Story Putra.png
"What? "Eh?! Instructor Finchley, please smile again for me!"
Story Queensway.png
"Why don't you try and make her laugh then, Miss Putra?"
Story Finchley.png
"What? You're trying to imitate tangled kelp again?"
Story Vivienne.png
"Pfftpht! Please... no... heh... it's seaweed, not kelp..."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Ya'll do well in comedy too."
Together with their new partner Finchley, the SSS defeated a powerful enemy.
The bond between them as friends is definitely stronger than when they first met.
And so the investigation into the ancient machine parts has come to an end, however, there are still many problems to be solved.
Story Finchley.png
"SSS, or... We could really lift the Mist."
Story Finchley.png
"...Sir, I'll do my best for everyone."
Story Queensway.png
"Instructor Finchley, we're about to leave."
Story Finchley.png
"Yeah... I'm on my way."
Chapter 2.png
2-1 Morning in the Girls' Dormitory
2-2 Iron Injection
2-3 Discomfort
2-4 World Incident
2-5 Footprints
2-6 Masked Swordswoman
2-7 Resistance
2-8 Path of the Steel
2-9 Queensway's Resolve
2-10 Search for the Truth