Main Scenario/Path of the Steel

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Chapter 2.png
2-1 Morning in the Girls' Dormitory
2-2 Iron Injection
2-3 Discomfort
2-4 World Incident
2-5 Footprints
2-6 Masked Swordswoman
2-7 Resistance
2-8 Path of the Steel
2-9 Queensway's Resolve
2-10 Search for the Truth
We were to head to the spring that Queenrose, the masked woman, had mentioned, after a short rest at this location. We could have followed her, but Queensway was acting strangely, so I decided to check on her.
Story Queensway.png
"Sir Conductor, do you have a minute? I want to talk, just the two of us..."
Of course. I was just about to say something to you. It seems like everyone else is trying to give you your space. They're keeping watch of the area for us.
Story Queensway.png
"They thought I was pathetic, I'm sure. I couldn't hide how upset I was."
Story Queensway.png
"Having Queenrose show up on my back wasn't a shock to me at all. We knew beforehand that she was incredibly skilled."
Story Queensway.png
"I was more upset, that I couldn't answer her question immediately."
Story Queensway.png
"To protect Sir Conductor; to protect peace in this world. This is what I truly believe and I have no doubts about it. So why, why couldn't I answer her immediately?"
It must be, that you probably have several other reasons.
Story Queensway.png
"Other reasons?"
Yes. While fighting to protect the world is one reason, but you must have other reasons why you are riding the train, Queensway.
Maybe your answer might differ depending on the context. As a knight, a Train Knight? As Queensway yourself? When Queenrose asked you earlier, perhaps your first answer was of your personal reasons.
You like the railways. You've always dreamed of the outside world and come from a renowned family of knights. That's what I thought, but am I wrong?
Story Queensway.png
"You're right, Sir Conductor. I've always been so curious about the railways that go far past the Mist."
Story Queensway.png
"...But, that's not the reason why I fight."
Then, what do you fight for? What do you want to achieve, other than to protect Divine Children and clearing the Mist from this world? If those are your only convictions, Queensway, then you should not be ashamed to say it.
Story Queensway.png
Story Queensway.png
"I want to thank the person I owe my life to. I want to find her and show her my gratitude."
Story Queensway.png
"She was a handmaiden that was hired as my tutor. She was forced to leave the mansion because of me and has disappeared since."
Story Queensway.png
"My family is from a long line of knights. My parents taught me that my mission was to become a knight and protect the Divine Children. To live alongside the Divine Children in the royal castle."
Story Queensway.png
"But, she told me this. 'You must choose your own path.'"
Story Queensway.png
"This world is vast and there's so much that I don't know. Do I ignore that and just swing my sword around like my parents told me? A sword is supposed to take a person's life, too."
From the way she said it, did the handmaiden think that you were just doing as you were told by your parents? That you're not walking the path that you chose, Queensway?
Story Queensway.png
"Yes, exactly right. She knew me better than I knew myself. I hadn't even, realised this until she told me."
Story Queensway.png
"She... Rosa had noticed. My sword hesitated. My eyes weren't set on the castle, but rather on the railways, and."
Story Queensway.png
"Somewhere deep down I suppresed how I felt. I forced myself to never hope for more, to never dream of traveling the world or being anything other than a knight."
Story Queensway.png
"But... I was wrong. I... I wanted to see with my own eyes, the path Rosa took."
Queensway took a deep breath and quietly closed her eyes. Is she facing her past, or is she thinking back to Rosa, her handmaiden?
Story Queensway.png
"I don't know what Rosa was doing before she came to live with us in the mansion. I don't even know what part of the country she is from. But I am sure of one thing."
Story Queensway.png
"Rosa, knows about what's inside the Mist. She knows what lies beyond the railway."
Story Queensway.png
"She also taught me that one little bit of happiness can make up for a lot of sorrow, and the opposite is just as true."
Story Queensway.png
"The stories that she would tell me weren't just fairytales. I believed them. In Iris Cloud, in the railways, in the Phantom Mist... The stories she would tell of the outside world has some truth in them."
Did you want to make sure those things were true with your very own eyes?
Story Queensway.png
"Yes. I wanted to travel the world and visit all the different countries. I wanted to protect everyone in the world, not just St. Iris. Just stuck inside a castle fulfilling my daily duties is not enough to follow Rosa's footsteps."
Story Queensway.png
"That's what I told my parents. It was the first time I gave them my opinion."
Story Queensway.png
"But I misjudged the time to tell them. My parents were enraged and they fired Rosa. Stop putting funny ideas in Queensway's head, they told her."
Story Queensway.png
"She has no family. She had nowhere to go. I have been trying to track her down ever since. But I haven't come up with any leads..."
But you're determined to find her. That's how you feel, Queensway?
Story Queensway.png
"Yes, of course. I'm going to find her and thank her for everything she's done. I want to use my powers for her if necessary. Because I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for Rosa."
Well, then that must be the reason why you fight. One of many reasons. If that is why you wield your sword, there is nothing to hesitate about.
Story Queensway.png
"Sir Conductor..."
You chose this path for yourself, Queensway. No matter what anyone else tells you, nothing will change the reason why you chose this path. You shouldn't forget that reason either, for Rosa's sake as well.
Story Queensway.png
"You're right. I didn't choose this because someone ordered me to. I did it because I wanted to."
Story Queensway.png
"Thank you. I was right to talk to you, Sir Conductor."
Story Queensway.png
"Oh, and... can I ask you a favor?"
A favor? Sure, I don't mind...
Story Queensway.png
"I'm going to draw my sword now. Could you hold my hands as I hold my sword? Rosa used to do it for me before training. She told me that if I did this, it would help draw out my compassion and mercy."
Story Queensway.png
"I feel like I can take it all in now. I feel like I can take you in, Sir Conductor."
Queensway drew her sword and held it up to her chest. I did what she asked and clasped both of my hands around her sword hand.
Story Queensway.png
"I can feel it...I can feel Sir Conductor's power..."
Story Queensway.png
"I don't feel lost or worried any longer. I am going to give it my all and do what I have to do."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Queensway, we're heading out soon."
"Ah, right! Sorry to make you all stand guard like that."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Bozhe, hurry up and have Conductor call for a brief meeting."
Story Vivienne.png
"Come now, it's fine. We got to see what's going on around here, and we got our break♪"
Story Putra.png
"And Yoshino caught a snake♪"
Story Yoshino.png
"Path of the snake, Hebi Metal!"
Hebi(ヘビ), snake.
Story Queensway.png
"Woaah! It's way bigger than I thought! So what are you going to do with that thing you caught!?"
Story Vivienne.png
"Eheheh, we just wanted to see the look on your face, Queensway."
Story Queensway.png
"What face! D-don't bring it any closer to me now!"
Story Yoshino.png
"Oooh- Queensway's perked up a bit. Glad you took up the chousen."
chousen(挑戦), challenge.
Story Yoshino.png
"By the way, the way to catch them is comes straight from Vivienne♪"
Story Vivienne.png
"Seems like the SSS is full of girls that don't mind snakes and frogs surprisingly. Queensway's a city girl, so I was hoping you'll give us a good reaction."
Story Yakutsk.png
"I'll tell you this now, I'm not that into them, okay? And I'm not pretending. If you do the same thing to me, you'll wish you weren't born."
Story Queensway.png
"Come on, we're in the middle of a mission and you're doing this? We better head to the spring now or Queenrose will leave before we get there."
Story Putra.png
"Oh, there's that too! We gotta go take down that super strong Mist Monster!"
Story Yoshino.png
Story Queensway.png
"I, I chose this path because I wanted to..."
Chapter 2.png
2-1 Morning in the Girls' Dormitory
2-2 Iron Injection
2-3 Discomfort
2-4 World Incident
2-5 Footprints
2-6 Masked Swordswoman
2-7 Resistance
2-8 Path of the Steel
2-9 Queensway's Resolve
2-10 Search for the Truth