Main Scenario/World Incident

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Chapter 2.png
2-1 Morning in the Girls' Dormitory
2-2 Iron Injection
2-3 Discomfort
2-4 World Incident
2-5 Footprints
2-6 Masked Swordswoman
2-7 Resistance
2-8 Path of the Steel
2-9 Queensway's Resolve
2-10 Search for the Truth
Story Queensway.png
"So, Phantom Mist of unknown origin has been appearing in every country simultaneously?"
Story Paddington.png
"Yes. The written statement I received yesterday said so. Nishiki, Eisengrad, Verforet, Flamarine, mysterious Phantom Mist has been spotted all over Iris Cloud."
Story Paddington.png
"They said it occurred very near to capital cities, just like we did. Thick Mist appear even inside barrier-protected regions."
Story Putra.png
"Are they all okay!? What's the damage report!? Is anyone hurt!?"
Story Paddington.png
"Thankfully, there are no reports of any damage."
Story Putra.png
"Thank goodness..."
Story Yakutsk.png
"But it just doesn't make any sense. Were all of the quick response teams just coincidentally near every Phantom Mist?"
"No, they weren't. They sent their troops out after confirming the Mist had appeared. But supposedly by the time they had arrived the Mist had cleared. There were no reports of Mist Monsters either."
Story Vivienne.png
"So the Mist cleared without the source being removed? Despite being thick Phantom Mist that usually puts everyone on high alert?"
Story Queensway.png
"We were pretty quick to arrive ourselves. All thanks to the Mist Train..."
Story Yakutsk.png
"So you mean it would've disappeared on its own if we didn't rush in? Even though everything looks bad?"
Story Queensway.png
"I don't necessarily think so. If we had left it there, would've been dozens of Mist Monsters pouring into nearby towns."
Story Putra.png
"You're right. That Mist was spreading like crazy."
We can't overlook this just because there are no casualties. There was a Steel Seeker in the Phantom Mist that appeared at St. Iris; we can say that much actually happened. And all of our lives were in danger then."
Story Paddington.png
"That's what the SSS is here for! Investigating the area and bringing back physical evidence if possible."
Story Paddington.png
"But I don't know if a localized search will help us resolve this incident. I would suggest additional investigation of suspicious areas if necessary."
I agree with that plan. However, we will retreat immediately should we encounter more Phantom Mist like last time. Safety first. Let's keep our eyes open for anything out of the ordinary.
Story Yakutsk.png
"Roger that. Don't think you're just here to gain experience, Queensway."
Story Queensway.png
"O-Of course not! I'm here to protect Sir Conductor."
"Everyone, do you mind? I found something intriguing over here."
Story Queensway.png
"Something intriguing?"
Story Finchley.png
"Yes, footprints. And what's more, they're fresh. Probably... left by someone that entered the forest just before us."
Story Yoshino.png
"Yoshino found them, found them while scrounging around on the ground, looking for any clues."
Story Vivienne.png
"Could it be from another squad? Like the knights from St. Iris?"
Story Queensway.png
"Highly unlikely they'd send another detachment without informing us. At the very least it's not anyone belonging to the Allied Forces or the Order of St. Iris."
Story Queensway.png
"Let's track these footprints then. They might lead us to something."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Now you're all fired up outta nowhere. Guess you have an idea of what's going on..."
Chapter 2.png
2-1 Morning in the Girls' Dormitory
2-2 Iron Injection
2-3 Discomfort
2-4 World Incident
2-5 Footprints
2-6 Masked Swordswoman
2-7 Resistance
2-8 Path of the Steel
2-9 Queensway's Resolve
2-10 Search for the Truth