Main Scenario/Masked Swordswoman

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Chapter 2.png
2-1 Morning in the Girls' Dormitory
2-2 Iron Injection
2-3 Discomfort
2-4 World Incident
2-5 Footprints
2-6 Masked Swordswoman
2-7 Resistance
2-8 Path of the Steel
2-9 Queensway's Resolve
2-10 Search for the Truth
Story Railway Seeker.png
Steel Seeker
"Cree... Creeeakk..."
Story Queenrose.png
Masked Swordswoman
"So you've ran out of Mist then? I sure wish you'd push yourself a bit harder."
Story Queensway.png
"Who is that woman...?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Definitely doesn't seem like anyone from the military judging by her clothes."
Story Vivienne.png
"A bounty hunter or a mercenary then?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"I doubt that too. If it's money she's after, she sure wouldn't be trying to talk to a Steel Seeker. I mean, if she were a bounty hunter out for big fish like that, she'd be famous all over the world by now."
Story Queenrose.png
Masked Swordswoman
"It's convenient for us, too, that you've started to appear at a distance away from the Giant Tree. If you go on a rampage, it would have slowed down the Allied Forces."
Story Queenrose.png
Masked Swordswoman
"But don't you think you might be going a bit overboard? You're spewing Mist everywhere you go and I'm trying my best to keep up with you. I'm not saying that you have to stay by the Giant Tree, but please try and also consider the rest of us that have to manage you."
Story Railway Seeker.png
Steel Seeker
"diVIne Child of mISt cLEaRinG... muST dIe..."
Story Queenrose.png
Masked Swordswoman
"Still that same old drivel, huh? When you keep saying the same thing over and over again like this, I don't recognise you as someone I can have a conversation with."
Story Queenrose.png
Masked Swordswoman
"Welp, I guess if we can't talk, I'll kill you without hesitation..."
Story Yakutsk.png
"She just drew her sword. No way, she's gonna take it on alone?"
Story Queensway.png
"Huh, that sword, where have I've seen it before..."
Steel Seeker
"diVINe ChilD oF mist CLEaRiNG, MuST dIe! DIViNE CHIlD OF MIsT ClEaRIng, mUsT KIlL!"
Story Finchley.png
"What power... So is this the real power of the Steel Seekers..."
Story Yakutsk.png
"No, it can't be. It's got to be pretty weak."
Story Queensway.png
"Mist! There's Phantom Mist outbreak! Could it be coming from this Steel Seeker?"
Story Finchley.png
"Conductor, what shall we do? Are we going to retreat and risk being noticed?"
No, I think we won't be doing that. We should see what that masked woman does instead of foolishly giving ourselves away.
There is one thing I've learned watching this. And that is this masked woman is far stronger than we had ever imagined. If she happens to be an ally, it'll be a silver lining of a dark cloud.
Story Yoshino.png
"If it's the opposite, it'll be a super dark lining of a dark cloud."
Story Putra.png
"Shouldn't we run away from her, because she could be our enemy? If we sneak away so she doesn't find out..."
About that... She already knows our presence. If she wanted to attack us, she would've done so already.
"I don't know why, but that masked woman seems to be only interested in the Steel Seeker in front of her at the moment."
Story Railway Seeker.png
Steel Seeker
Story Queenrose.png
Masked Swordswoman
"Good, spit more. Spit enough Mist and Poison to cover this forest."
Story Queenrose.png
Masked Swordswoman
"This puts my heart at ease. You're just another part of the Phantom Mist. One of the Poisons that will spread all over Iris Cloud."
Story Railway Seeker.png
Steel Seeker
Story Railway Seeker.png
Steel Seeker
Story Queenrose.png
Masked Swordswoman
"Don't think. Don't think about anything..."
Story Queensway.png
"She moves so fast that I couldn't see a thing..."
Story Yoshino.png
"She's so strong. She killed a Steel Seeker by herself."
Story Vivienne.png
"But I feel like she didn't use her sword to do it. Sure, she slashed at it, but I felt a strong magical reaction in that moment. Similar to the one Conductor let off that one time..."
Story Queenrose.png
Masked Swordswoman
"Well, now that this is settled, I can't just let you all walk away pretending I didn't notice you though."
Story Queenrose.png
Masked Swordswoman
"The troops of the Allied Forces hiding in the bushes there. I'd like to have a few questions for you. If you're up to talk, would you come on out?"
The masked swordswoman turned around to us as she said it. An odd magic could be felt coming from her drawn blade, dulling the senese of everyone present.
Chapter 2.png
2-1 Morning in the Girls' Dormitory
2-2 Iron Injection
2-3 Discomfort
2-4 World Incident
2-5 Footprints
2-6 Masked Swordswoman
2-7 Resistance
2-8 Path of the Steel
2-9 Queensway's Resolve
2-10 Search for the Truth