Main Scenario/The Green Ore

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Chapter 26.png
26-1 Welcome to Mt. Ooe
26-2 Anomaly on Mt. Ooe
26-3 Guardians of Mt. Ooe
26-4 The Prankster Girl
26-5 See Through the Sorcery
26-6 Straw Doll Illusion
26-7 The Green Ore
26-8 A Difficult Topic
26-9 The Green Cave
26-10 The Secret of Strength
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Now, let's cut to the chase and stop joking about the Okitsune Daimyoujin already."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"We have much to talk about, you know it doesn't end here, right?"
Story Queensway.png
"About the mystery ore, right? Miss Ooenomiya told us."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Yes. It's a green stone that has become common in Shimoamazu-no-Iwato over the past few days. Ever since the discovery of those stones, there has been a change in the magic flow of the whole mountain."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"...that's, what my Haha says."
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
Story Queensway.png
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Danger. Green stone, can be taken near Haha's Chamber. Where the ward is weak. Phantom Mist is there. Dangerous."
Story Queensway.png
"Are there no wards warding the Haha's Chamber when there is Phantom Mist?"
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Not necessarily. The power of the ward has been weakened on purpose. Haha doesn't want her sorcery skills to be dulled."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"'Haha's Chamber' refers to the training block further in from here. It is protected by my Haha's sorcery, so there is no need to worry about the Mist leaking out...
Story Miyako.png
"Other places besides Shimoamazu-no-Iwato are starting to have strange incidents. That's likely the where the problem is. Maybe we will find a green stone."
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Correct, Miyako, clever, just like Yoshino."
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Shi-chan, hole!"
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Don't just say 'hole' out of the blue with such a cute voice. Please explain it to everyone."
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
Story Shimoamazu.png
"My Haha thinks that Mt. Ooe might have been connected to the otherworlds. She thinks that there is an interstellar Chasm or 'hole' somewhere in Iwato, through which things from the otherworlds may have flowed in."
Story Yoshino.png
"Yoshino also thinks the same as Haha Amazu. And thinks that this otherworld is the Metro."
Story Miyako.png
"I see. If something like a Metro Hole appeared in Mt. Ooe, then it's possible?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Yoshino heard that this green ore only appear at night. Not visible during the daytime, but at night it glows and has a strong magical power."
Story Yakutsk.png
"We have to investigate the stone in person before we can start. Let's wait here until sundown, and at night we'll all go looking for the green ore.
Story Queensway.png
"Yes, that's right. Let's leave the rest to the people of Mt. Ooe and concentrate on investigating this Iwato."
Story Queensway.png
"Miss Shimoamazu, can we get your dear mother's cooperation? If possible, we would like Shimoamazu the First accompany us. ......"
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Cannot. Haha stays outside for sorcery."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"She says she shouldn't go with you. She said it would be better to stay back in case something happens in Haha's Chamber."
Story Yoshino.png
"Yoshino thinks that's a good idea. Haha Amazu is amazing, she can cast arts that Yoshino can't even imagine in my head."
Story Yoshino.png
"Nee, Haha Amazu~♪"
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Synchro♪ Yoshino and I are good friends♪"
Story Putra.png
"Fair enough, they have something in common, huh?"
Story Vivienne.png
"Oui. Especially in the cute animal part."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"I'm glad that you like my Haha, but if possible, please rely on me, Yoshino and Miyako for this job. I don't want you to put too much pressure on Haha."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"You may not know this, but at this very moment, my Haha is suppressing the magic that is about to overflow from inside the Iwato. She is doing it all by herself. It's a feat that neither Yoshino nor I could ever hope to replicate."
Story Vivienne.png
"Just for curiousity's sake, what would this Iwato be like without your mother?"
Story Shimoamazu.png
"It would be a dangerous place of evil and magic. They say it's been like this ever since the 'green ore' was found. If my Haha's arts are ever undone, we may never get out of here alive."
Story Putra.png
"I didn't realise it was so dangerous. To be honest, I kind of thought it wasn't as big a deal as it sounded."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"Haha controls the magic of Iwato, so it's hard for people to sense anything wrong with it. But, it's incredibly dangerous."
Story Yoshino.png
"It's in bad shape, but thanks to Haha Amazu we're holding it together, and while she's doing something about it, Yoshino and friend's job is to look deeper into Iwato and find the Chasm."
Story Yoshino.png
"Right? Haha Amazu?"
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Correct. Haha, loosen the ward. This makes it easier for Phantom Mist to occur. Where there is a lot of Phantom Mist, there will also be a lot of green stones."
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Guideline. Stones that exhale Mist. Green stones spit Mist. Chasm, is near them."
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
Story Putra.png
"Who? Me?"
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Putra's haha, woman of mines. Do you recognise this stone?"
Shimoamazu the First took a fist-sized stone out of her sleeve and placed it on the table.
It's a large stone. It is too dark to see the details clearly, but there are areas that reflect when hit by light, so one can tell that it is an ore containing some kind of mineral.
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"This is a green stone after Mist is expelled. At night, this stone glowed strongly. Big Phantom Mist was generated. Haha killed it. Then it became a plain stone like this."
Story Putra.png
"Sorry, I'll borrow it for a minute, Yoshino, give me the light over here."
Story Yoshino.png
"Fokkusu Faiya-".
Story Putra.png
"Too close. It's hot, too hot. Little further away."
Story Yoshino.png
"Will be quiet and just shine the light on your hands."
Story Putra.png
Story Putra.png
"...I'm surprised. I never thought I'd find this type of stone in Nishiki."
Story Vivienne.png
"Putra, do you recognise this stone?"
Story Putra.png
"Rather than asking if I recognise it, I have this stone right here. This is a stone that can only be mined in the Banská Mines of Flamarine."
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Bingo. Knew this stone came from somewhere else, not here."
Story Putra.png
"This stone is found very deep in Banská. It's in the lower levels, where only specialised survey teams can enter."
Story Putra.png
"But this is strange. It's true that this stone can glow in response to magic, but this stone does not emit Mist. It's just a gemstone. It's neither a mist stone nor some special ore."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"It could have been altered by Iwato's magic, or it could have reacted to my Haha's power. There are so many possibilities."
Story Queensway.png
"There must be some kind of Gate somewhere. If we could close that, the anomalies might stop."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"A Gate to the Flamarine ores. The Mt. Ooe garrison can't handle this. It's a good thing we asked the SSS to help us."
Story Shimoamazu.png
"I apologize for once, Haha, but a man will have to access inside Haha's Chamber. It's against the rules, but it's an emergency, so he'll have to close his eyes. Without Conductor, the SSS would not be able to commit their true potential."
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Sure thing. I've cleaned it up, no problem."
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Conductor, take care of my girl. Long life!"
Story Yoshino.png
"Ooooh- Haha's blessing."
Story Yakutsk.png
"She just gave her permission for us to go deep inside Iwato. She made it sound like she was giving her daughter away in marriage."
Story Shimoamazu I.png
Shimoamazu I
"Haha is okay with that!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"It's not okay!"
Story Miyako.png
"Yoshino-chan, welcome back."
Story Yoshino.png
"Yes, back home, Miyako."
Chapter 26.png
26-1 Welcome to Mt. Ooe
26-2 Anomaly on Mt. Ooe
26-3 Guardians of Mt. Ooe
26-4 The Prankster Girl
26-5 See Through the Sorcery
26-6 Straw Doll Illusion
26-7 The Green Ore
26-8 A Difficult Topic
26-9 The Green Cave
26-10 The Secret of Strength