Character Scenario/Distressed Putra

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Putra icon.pngPutra
Putra (Spearwoman of the Sea) icon.png Putra (Spearwoman of the Sea) Noticing Anomalies Important Appointment People Out at Sea
Putra (Beyond the Horizon) icon.png Putra (Beyond the Horizon) Request to the Queen of Laughter Princess Who Never Laughs Everyone's Happy if Nobody Gives Up
Putra (Energetic Diver Girl!) icon.png Putra (Energetic Diver Girl!) Time To Slay Monsters! Putra's Decision This Is How Family Should Be
Putra (Undersea Party☆) icon.png Putra (A Party at the Bottom of the Ocean☆) Watered Putra Distressed Putra Revived Putra
File:Putra (Model? Diver Girl) icon.png Putra (Model? Diver Girl) Aqua Queensway Senior of Our Dreams... You Can't Fool Me, Miss Putra
Putra (Dressed Up For a Beach Date☆) icon.png Putra (Dressed Up For a Beach Date☆) Putra ~Private Putra~ Putra in Wonderland Putra's Tea Party
Putra consulted me while staring at a stream in the middle of the mountain. Putra is always joking around, but this time she is unusually serious.
Story PutraSS2.png
"Lately, I feel like I'm dragging everyone down in battle..."
Putra chimed in.
Story PutraSS2.png
"I thought I'm moving as usual, but I feel like I'm one step behind everyone else."
Story PutraSS2.png
"Yesterday's battle was really awful. I couldn't do anything because everyone had to wait for me. I've never been like this before."
Story PutraSS2.png
"I can't think of any reason for it. I'm training harder than usual and I got all A's in my medical exams."
Story PutraSS2.png
"If this is going to continue in the future... I wonder, if I can keep fighting with everyone else anymore?"
-I see. I understand what you're saying.
What you're in at the moment, Putra, is probably a typical 'slump'.
Story PutraSS2.png
"Slump... you say?"
Actually, I have some ideas. Not so long ago, you had some formation lessons at the Knight Academy, yes? I recall it was a training exercise where everyone was given a role and had to think about how they would move in combat.
Story PutraSS2.png
"Yes, there was, there was. I was the only one who's absolutely clueless that I just stare at everything at the end."
That's probably why you're uncomfortable. Because that involved using your head, which you don't normally use at all. I've heard of cases where there are so-called genius-type warriors who move their bodies before they think, and if they try instead to think before they move, everything goes wrong.
Story PutraSS2.png
"Um... wait. Didn't you just say something that's plain rude? As if you're implying I usually don't use my head at all or something."
Listen, Putra, I know you're a fellow human being, and you don't want to cause trouble. But for now, you should take it easy and have your friends cover you. I'm sure that your discomfort will soon be resolved.
We're only a team when we can cover each other when we're not in good shape, right? You shouldn't think too much about it.
Story PutraSS2.png
"But, I'm...".
Putra suddenly breaks off. She stopped moving and started starting somewhere.
Story PutraSS2.png
"Conductor. There's something wrong with this wind... I have a very bad feeling about it."
Story PutraSS2.png
"Ha... No way!"
Putra jumped onto a large rock and started to climb. I rushed after her.
Story PutraSS2.png
"I knew it! Look, Conductor. A Phantom Mist is approaching us. It's slowly rising on the wind!"
--What did you say?
As I climbed up on the rock and looking down below, I could visually confirm that the Mist was coming towards us, slowly but surely, just as Putra said it would.
Children playing in the shallows of the stream seem completely unaware of the approaching Phantom Mist.
Story PutraSS2.png
"If this continues, those children will be swallowed by the Mist too."
Story PutraSS2.png
"There are roughly ten of them. I can protect at most two ~ three of them while fighting... That's a bit too many."
Story PutraSS2.png
"Then... there's only one way to go."
Putra pointed straight towards the summit.
Story PutraSS2.png
"If we can't go down, we have to climb up. We have to take everyone over the mountain. Let's go, Conductor!"
Two rows of children zipped along the mountain path. Putra was at the head of the line and I was walking at the tail end, keeping a watchful eye behind.
Story PutraSS2.png
"Hi, is everyone good children? Walk side-by-side with big sis here and pay attention!"
Putra called out to the children as she walked backwards.
Story PutraSS2.png
"Are you enjoying the tag~? The It could be closing in on you even as we do this, you know? Let's walk hard so It doesn't catch up with us♪"
It was Putra who suggested setting the children in a game of tag so as not to scare them more than necessary.
This would be the right answer. If we had told them that Phantom Mist was approaching, there would definitely have been a panic.
Story PutraSS2.png
"By the way, do you all like sweets?"
'We like~!' and several cute voices raised.
Story PutraSS2.png
"Right! Big sis likes it too-♪ If you can escape successfully and make it over the mountain, I'll give winners some tasty presents. Let's all do our best!"
Putra got the children excited. She's like a school teacher.
While walking at the end of the line, I casually look behind me. There still seems to be plenty of distance between us and the Phantom Mist. The journey is going well. If we keep up this pace, we should be able to get away safely.
It was at that moment when I was relieved. Putra, who was walking at the front, slowed down and stopped. The children also manage to stop, almost crashing into the child in front of them.
Story PutraSS2.png
"...No way."
Story PutraSS2.png
"The bridge is... broken. We can't go on with this."
Putra muttered in dismay.
Ahead of us, was a valley so deep that one can only see the bottom if you look long enough.
And the suspension bridge that should have connected this side of the river to the other side had collapsed...
Putra icon.pngPutra
Putra (Spearwoman of the Sea) icon.png Putra (Spearwoman of the Sea) Noticing Anomalies Important Appointment People Out at Sea
Putra (Beyond the Horizon) icon.png Putra (Beyond the Horizon) Request to the Queen of Laughter Princess Who Never Laughs Everyone's Happy if Nobody Gives Up
Putra (Energetic Diver Girl!) icon.png Putra (Energetic Diver Girl!) Time To Slay Monsters! Putra's Decision This Is How Family Should Be
Putra (Undersea Party☆) icon.png Putra (A Party at the Bottom of the Ocean☆) Watered Putra Distressed Putra Revived Putra
File:Putra (Model? Diver Girl) icon.png Putra (Model? Diver Girl) Aqua Queensway Senior of Our Dreams... You Can't Fool Me, Miss Putra
Putra (Dressed Up For a Beach Date☆) icon.png Putra (Dressed Up For a Beach Date☆) Putra ~Private Putra~ Putra in Wonderland Putra's Tea Party