Character Scenario/Revived Putra

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Putra icon.pngPutra
Putra (Spearwoman of the Sea) icon.png Putra (Spearwoman of the Sea) Noticing Anomalies Important Appointment People Out at Sea
Putra (Beyond the Horizon) icon.png Putra (Beyond the Horizon) Request to the Queen of Laughter Princess Who Never Laughs Everyone's Happy if Nobody Gives Up
Putra (Energetic Diver Girl!) icon.png Putra (Energetic Diver Girl!) Time To Slay Monsters! Putra's Decision This Is How Family Should Be
Putra (A Party at the Bottom of the Ocean☆) icon.png Putra (A Party at the Bottom of the Ocean☆) Watered Putra Distressed Putra Revived Putra
File:Putra (Model? Diver Girl) icon.png Putra (Model? Diver Girl) Aqua Queensway Senior of Our Dreams... You Can't Fool Me, Miss Putra
Putra (Dressed Up For a Beach Date☆) icon.png Putra (Dressed Up For a Beach Date☆) Putra ~Private Putra~ Putra in Wonderland Putra's Tea Party
A deep valley opens up in front of us, blocking our way. The children must be delivered to the other side at any cost.
Because - the Phantom Mist is right behind us.
Story PutraSS2.png
"We don't have time to take a detour, and we can't jump over the cliff... Aaaargh, if I think too much, I'm going to get a migraine~!"
Story PutraSS2.png
"Conductor, can you take care of these kids for a minute? I'm going to check the bridge for now!"
Putra examined the area around the broken suspension bridge for a while, but soon returned.
Story PutraSS2.png
"--Maybe we can make it!"
Story PutraSS2.png
"I found a rusty iron drawbridge next to the suspension bridge. Maybe, but I think it was used to transport wood a long time ago. It's in a bad state because it's been neglected, but it's much sturdier than the suspension bridge."
Story PutraSS2.png
"Just now, I tried to turn the handle to lower the bridge, but the chain was rusted and wouldn't move. I tried to do it by brute force, but I couldn't do it by myself..."
Putra then looked at the children.
Story PutraSS2.png
"Alright, let's get these kids to help us. If we all work together, we can make it work, I'm sure."
Story PutraSS2.png
"Everyone~! Hoi, pay attention to big sis!"
When she called out, the children gathered around Putra.
Story PutraSS2.png
"We're finally entering the final stage of the tag game! This is where the item drop event occurs. The title is, 'Pull Together! Bridge Overtaking Gaaame'!"
Story PutraSS2.png
"The rules are very simple. Are you good at tug of war? If you can pull the chain together and bring that bridge down, you win! If you clear the stage, you get double the sweets♪ Yes, any challengers~?"
The children are overjoyed, jumping up and down and raising their hands.
Story PutraSS2.png
"Okay. Then let's all try it together! But first, look around at your friends for a moment."
Story PutraSS2.png
"There are some who are smaller than you, some who are weaker than you, and some who are tired of walking and have no energy. Right?"
Story PutraSS2.png
"When that happens, say to yourself, 'Okay, I'm going to do my best for them~'. And then, a miracle, you'll feel many times more energised than usual~ This is called 'teamwork'. It's a fun way to boost your power, so give it a try!"
'Yes', echoed cheerful replies. I was impressed that she managed to get the crowd going again, when Putra noticed me and winked.
Story PutraSS2.png
"Shall we, everyone~? LET'S, GO!"
Putra thrusted a steel rod into the base of the handle and applied her weight gingerly. At the same time, the children pulled with all their might on the chains attached to the bridge girders. I joined them at the front of the line.
Story PutraSS2.png
"One more time! LET'S, GO!"
Creak creak, creaking metal sounds. Good, there's a response. Almost there.
Story PutraSS2.png
"That's it! Let's go one more time. LET'S, GO!"
The moment we pulled the chain with all our might, there was a loud crash. I looked up and saw the steel bridge slowly falling down. A loud thud, the earth rumbled and a cloud of smoke rose up.
Story PutraSS2.png
"--Mission Accomplished~!"
When the white smoke cleared, there is a sturdy bridge over the valley. The children cheered.
Story PutraSS2.png
"We did it, Conductor!"
Putra ran up and leapt at me with great momentum. I caught her firmly and hugged her tightly. You did great for the kids, Putra.
Story PutraSS2.png
"...I'd love to have a reward right now, Conductor, but we've wasted too much time. We gotta hurry."
Yes, you're right. The Mist is closing in. But what do we do? If we continue to run, the kids can't run fast enough with us.
Story PutraSS2.png
"Let everyone escape down the road and I'll go back. Even if I can't destroy them, I can buy everyone some time."
Putra nominated the biggest girl among the children as leader of the group and the next biggest boy as deputy, and entrusted the smaller children to them. The faces of the two children who had survived the mission looked more dependable than when they left, if not a little heartened.
Story PutraSS2.png
"I'm going to deliver the sweets to your homes~! Be careful not to fall down~!"
-Thank you, big sis!
The children waved their hands continuously at us as they went back.
We scuttled back the way we came, to intercept the oncoming Mist.
Story PutraSS2.png
"Conductor, you know what? About you helping me with a problem I had earlier."
Story PutraSS2.png
"None of that matters! Can you just pretend you didn't hear it? It's not like me to have problems you know?"
Story PutraSS2.png
"Because... somehow, I think I already know the answer. In my own way."
Story PutraSS2.png
"What if Vivienne falls into the same slump as me? What if Queensway happened to be sick?"
Story PutraSS2.png
"I'd laugh that off and move many times more than the two of us and take out the enemy. Because that's what 'teamwork' is all about... Right?"
Story PutraSS2.png
"So I'm going to stop thinking about unnecessary things. We're all the same. Everyone already knows I'm not perfect."
I thought of the faces of the children who were complementing each other and pulling the chain as fast as they could, and I promptly replied yes.
Don't worry, Putra, you will break out of your slump soon. You were so distressed because you care about your friends. I think this time was a necessary step for you, Putra.
Story PutraSS2.png
"Waaaah, this all make me sound like I'm a lot bigger than I expected~!?"
Story PutraSS2.png
"Well, it doesn't matter. I'm just going to have to ramp it up a lot for that."
Looking up at the Phantom Mist that was hovering in front of her, Putra straightened her back and slowly raised her right hand.
Story PutraSS2.png
"Putra, the lone genius who had fallen into a slump, had once been out of the line of fire, and has now come back to life like a phoenix♪ ...Just kidding."
Laughing, she spun her spear around in a half circle and leapt onto the Mist head on.
Putra icon.pngPutra
Putra (Spearwoman of the Sea) icon.png Putra (Spearwoman of the Sea) Noticing Anomalies Important Appointment People Out at Sea
Putra (Beyond the Horizon) icon.png Putra (Beyond the Horizon) Request to the Queen of Laughter Princess Who Never Laughs Everyone's Happy if Nobody Gives Up
Putra (Energetic Diver Girl!) icon.png Putra (Energetic Diver Girl!) Time To Slay Monsters! Putra's Decision This Is How Family Should Be
Putra (A Party at the Bottom of the Ocean☆) icon.png Putra (A Party at the Bottom of the Ocean☆) Watered Putra Distressed Putra Revived Putra
File:Putra (Model? Diver Girl) icon.png Putra (Model? Diver Girl) Aqua Queensway Senior of Our Dreams... You Can't Fool Me, Miss Putra
Putra (Dressed Up For a Beach Date☆) icon.png Putra (Dressed Up For a Beach Date☆) Putra ~Private Putra~ Putra in Wonderland Putra's Tea Party