Event Scenario/A Haunted House for a Haunted House

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Halloween Pumpkin's Rebellion Banner.png
R-1 A Spooky Story About a Pumpkin
R-2 Chest→Cliff←Chest
R-3 The Ghost Appeared!
R-4 Zero Sympathy
R-5 Passion for the Pursuit
R-6 End of the Ghost Town
R-7 I Know That Feel
R-8 The Heart That Keeps on Protecting
R-9 A Haunted House for a Haunted House
R-10 I Like This Position
The Jack-o'-Lantern that terrorised the town has also been defeated and the treats are recovered. The town will now be able to start Halloween safely.
Story Detroit.png
"Well, let's go back to the town and get the treats returned to the townspeople."
Story Dover.png
"I'm already huffing and puffing~~"
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"Wait you two, the Mist outside hasn't lifted yet. It looks like the source of the Phantom Mist is still there."
Story Detroit.png
"It's true... Damn."
Story Dover.png
"No way... Wasn't that pumpkin the source?"
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"Oh yeah, there's another one."
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"That Jack-o'-Lantern is red, right? And, as you probably saw before we came in here, that there was another red pumpkin at the top of this hideout.""
Story Detroit.png
"Oh, that reminds me, there was. I see, so that's the other source of the outbreak."
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"That's what I mean. So I think one of these days there's going to be another one here."
Story Dover.png
"So are we gonna go and strike it down now?"
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"Keheheh. If we do that and they escape, we'll be in trouble again. So let's set a trap here. I heard they like haunted houses, so we'll have them taste horror."
San Diego smiled nastily. Thus, under San Diego's direction, we hurriedly set about creating a trap to kill the other Jack-o'-Lantern.
Story Jack-o'-Lantern.png
"I didn't expect my other half to be killed. But little do they know, there were actually two of us, kaboo."
As soon as everyone was ready and in position, we heard the Jack-o'-Lantern's voice. As San Diego said, it was probably the other one that was sitting at the top of the hideout.
The traps were scattered around the treats and all that was left was to wait for San Diego's order.
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"Alright, let's get ready."
Story Detroit.png
"Ready when you are."
Story Dover.png
"Let's do it right this time."
Story Jack-o'-Lantern.png
"Now then, the treats are... still safe. Hmm? I don't recall having a cloth here, kaboo?"
Jack-o'-Lantern removed the cloth from the sweets. Right at that moment, a ghost made of cloth and tape popped out from underneath.
Story Jack-o'-Lantern.png
Surprised by the trick, Jack-o'-Lantern flipped his body to escape.
But there stands Detroit, holding a club that has been splattered with red paint to make it look bloody.
Story Detroit.png
"I'll show you... death and nightmare..."
Story Jack-o'-Lantern.png
Story Detroit.png
"How dare ya! Who are ya calling a gangsta!? This here's a monsta, see!!"
Jack-o'-Lantern ran past Detroit towards the doorway of the room.
But there stands Dover, wearing a jacket, appearing headless. The Jack-o'-Lantern then collided spectacularly with Dover, and fearfully checked what is in front of him...
Story Dover.png
"Muh head... return it..."
Story Jack-o'-Lantern.png
Story Dover.png
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"Keheheheheh! Right on target."
Story Detroit.png
"San Diego, ya just wanted him to call me a gangsta!"
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"Sorry, sorry. I didn't think he'd actually say what I expected it to say."
Story Dover.png
"You just wanted it to say that I don't have breasts either!"
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"That's another story."
Story Jack-o'-Lantern.png
"You're not going to scare Jack-o'-Lantern, the poster child for this haunted house, with horror traps...!"
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"Keheheh, you must have been scared and amazed. This is what a haunted house is all about."
I see... San Diego wanted to show it what a haunted house was like, rather than trap and capture him.
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"Now, this will all be over. I'll be sending the real ghosts back to the afterlife."
Halloween Pumpkin's Rebellion Banner.png
R-1 A Spooky Story About a Pumpkin
R-2 Chest→Cliff←Chest
R-3 The Ghost Appeared!
R-4 Zero Sympathy
R-5 Passion for the Pursuit
R-6 End of the Ghost Town
R-7 I Know That Feel
R-8 The Heart That Keeps on Protecting
R-9 A Haunted House for a Haunted House
R-10 I Like This Position