Event Scenario/The Heart That Keeps on Protecting

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Halloween Pumpkin's Rebellion Banner.png
R-1 A Spooky Story About a Pumpkin
R-2 Chest→Cliff←Chest
R-3 The Ghost Appeared!
R-4 Zero Sympathy
R-5 Passion for the Pursuit
R-6 End of the Ghost Town
R-7 I Know That Feel
R-8 The Heart That Keeps on Protecting
R-9 A Haunted House for a Haunted House
R-10 I Like This Position
San Diego's attack dealt a fatal blow to Jack-o'-Lantern this time.
Story Jack-o'-Lantern.png
"My, my haunted house dreams...!"
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"You did everything wrong. I'm not going to let you make that dream come true."
Story Jack-o'-Lantern.png
"What is wrong with you kaboo!?"
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"Everything is wrong. Haunted houses are meant to startle and scare. It's against the rules to harm people."
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"And yet, you have harmed the town and the people. What is there to enjoy about a haunted house that is built on hurting people?"
Story Jack-o'-Lantern.png
"Shut up! You don't know what you're talking about kaboo!"
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"I do. After all, I've turned an entire town into a haunted house."
Story Jack-o'-Lantern.png
"An entire town...!?"
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"Yeah. So I'm pretty confident I can talk about Halloween and haunted houses a lot better than you can."
Jack-o'-Lantern looks astonished at San Diego's confession - and then, with a disappointed wistful lament on his face, disappears.
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"I'm not going to let anyone beat me in the love of haunted houses."
Story Detroit.png
"Welp, it's finally done. It took a lot longer this time."
Story Dover.png
"Yay! I got me treats back~!"
Detroit took a breath of relief after putting away her weapon, and Dover raises her hands in joy.
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"I guess we'll make it in time for Halloween somehow."
Yeah. The most important thing in that you all have protected this town well, San Diego.
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"Conductor, do you know about my mom's story?"
Your mother was a Knight of the Order of St. Iris, San Diego. I heard she... perished in a battle against the Phantom Mist.
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"Yes. My mom fought and died as a knight of the Order to protect people."
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"I've always been proud of her. But at the same time, I thought, why didn't you run away? Because if you died, everything would be over."
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"But, now that I'm here, protecting the town, I thought, if I run away, everything would be ruined. I realized that I was desperate."
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"I'm sure my mom felt the same way. Now I understand why she didn't run away."
San Diego, your strong heart to protect others must have come from your mother.
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"Really? I don't think I'm as strong as my mom because I'm only now starting to learn."
What do you mean, didn't you stayed alone in an empty town to protect your father after your mother disappeared?
You sacrificed yourself, San Diego, to protect your father, you cannot abandon your home, which still holds memories of your late mother, even after the town became a ghost town.
Your never wanted to give up in the face of a father whose heart was breaking more and more. Yes, you always had the heart to protect someone.
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"I see... I certainly, tried to protect my dad. I never gave up on him no matter what, I tried my best to make him smile again..."
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"But, in the end, I couldn't protect my dad."
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
San Diego looked over at Detroit and Dover fussing in front of a pile of recovered treats.
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"Protecting all this is worth trying, I'm sure."
Story Dover.png
"Just a little bit! Just give me a little bit of them candy!"
Story Detroit.png
"Of course not. We have give back all these for the townspeople."
Story Dover.png
"I told you that the sweets I gave it are in here too! Be a good girl and listen to your big sister, Detroit!"
Story Detroit.png
"Oho, you've got some interesting things to say, Dover."
Story Dover.png
"Hey, stop lifting me so high up! Put me down! Don't treat me like a chiiiiiild~~!!
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"Gosh, those brats are so loud, those two."
San Diego's expression was very gentle and calm as she stared at the two fussing each other, contrary to her harsh words.
Halloween Pumpkin's Rebellion Banner.png
R-1 A Spooky Story About a Pumpkin
R-2 Chest→Cliff←Chest
R-3 The Ghost Appeared!
R-4 Zero Sympathy
R-5 Passion for the Pursuit
R-6 End of the Ghost Town
R-7 I Know That Feel
R-8 The Heart That Keeps on Protecting
R-9 A Haunted House for a Haunted House
R-10 I Like This Position