Event Scenario/I Know That Feel

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Halloween Pumpkin's Rebellion Banner.png
R-1 A Spooky Story About a Pumpkin
R-2 Chest→Cliff←Chest
R-3 The Ghost Appeared!
R-4 Zero Sympathy
R-5 Passion for the Pursuit
R-6 End of the Ghost Town
R-7 I Know That Feel
R-8 The Heart That Keeps on Protecting
R-9 A Haunted House for a Haunted House
R-10 I Like This Position
San Diego and her team finally caught up with the pumpkin monster, Jack-o'-Lantern. However, the enemy was much more persistent than expected, and escaped after a brief scuffle.
This time, we couldn't let them escape, so we immediately followed it and rode into the hideout, but it was much bigger than we had expected.
Story Dover.png
"Ah, another dead end."
Story Detroit.png
"It's a good thing there aren't that many Mist Monsters, though. This is going to be a pain in the ass."
Story Dover.png
"But we're definitely making progress. Just a bit more, bit more♪"
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"Hey, Dover."
San Diego's words cause Detroit to turn around in surprise. San Diego only ever spoke to her and Conductor--
A rule that had never been broken before was broken. Detroit is understandably surprised.
Story Dover.png
"Hmm, what's is it?"
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"You know, earlier when I was telling you my story, you said, 'I don't think it's just a personal thing'. That means you cared about your hometown, right?"
Story Dover.png
"Yes! I love my village!"
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"But... back when you were eating the galette, you also said that you 'longed for the city', didn't you? You love your hometown so much, but you wanted to leave it?"
Story Dover.png
"Oh, about that. I'm a bit embarrassed because it's also my failure story..."
Story Dover.png
"However, since you told me about the old days, San Diego, I'll tell you about mine."
Story Dover.png
"It's not a big deal at all, though. I've always wanted to be a mature woman. Ya see, over there I'm uh, what should I say as... quite petite, you know?"
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"Well... you're right. Oh, no, this is not meant to be a dig at..."
Story Dover.png
"You know what I mean. You don't have to be so upset about it, it's all right."
Story Dover.png
"And then I saw all these grown-up women in magazines who were all big and beautiful and cool in different ways, so I had no doubt that if I went out and refined myself in the city like them, I would grow up and become a woman."
Story Dover.png
"So I thought that the reason I didn't grow up was because I couldn't go out to the city, and I even said terrible things like, 'It's your fault I'm like this, mother!'"
Dover smiled apologetically, perhaps remembering those days.
Story Dover.png
"A little while later, I took the entrance exam for the Knight Academy in St. Iris. But I failed it... and only then did I realised for the first time, that I was only selfish and thinking of myself."
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"Yes. So at the moment, you're only thinking about the city."
Story Dover.png
"Yes, that's right. I'm really, really ashamed of myself..."
Story Dover.png
"So, you know, I went back to the village after I failed my exams, and everyone was so nice to me. I had been thinkin' bout leavin' the village all the time. I've already felt so much remorse. I've been helped by my parents and the people in the village, and I thought, the heck am I doin'?"
Story Dover.png
"So I decided that this time I would do my best for my parents and the village. And this time it worked out well. And this is how I was able to join the SSS."
Story Dover.png
"So now I want to go to the city so that I can be in the SSS and clear the Mist. I think it's a way to repay my parents and everyone in the village."
Story Detroit.png
"You're doing great growing up, Dover."
Story Dover.png
"Heh heh, I know, right? And don't treat me like a kid!!"
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"I see, you care about your parents and your hometown because it's important to you... I understand how you feel."
If more people knew how hard it was for those living in the suburbs and cared about them, it would probably make life a little easier.
Yes, at their core, San Diego and Dover are kindred spirits.
Story Dover.png
"Good, you understand! This big sister is happy!"
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"What's with the big sister, you little... Don't you dare hug me!"
Story Dover.png
"Don't be shy, Big sister will give you a BIG hug~"
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"Help me Detroit, stop laughing and get her off me!"
Story Detroit.png
"Nah, I think San Diego deserves to be teased with once in a while, don't you?"
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"You backstabbing bastard...! I'm going to settle this with my own hands~!"
Story Dover.png
"Ah, you got away!"
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"I forbid you to be so sticky with me! Come on, let's move on--"
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"Hm...? Looks like this is the far end of the building."
While they were talking, they seemed to have reached the innermost room of the hideout. As we cautiously looked around inside, and saw Jack-o'-lantern hurriedly stuffing a pile of sweets into its bag as much as it could.
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"Where are you going to run off to?"
Story Jack-o'-Lantern.png
"Hey...! You guys have already caught up with me, kaboo."
Story Detroit.png
"We've taken care of all the Mist Monsters along the way. Now it's just you, got it?"
Story Jack-o'-Lantern.png
Story Dover.png
"Hey, why are you attackin' people in the town and robbing them of their treats?"
Story Jack-o'-Lantern.png
"That's obvious! Halloween treats are for kids, kaboo!"
Story Jack-o'-Lantern.png
"The town's festivities these days are boring and outdated! That's why I'm going to turn this place into a real haunted house and give the children, who are used to shoddy costumes, the real Halloween experience, kaboo!"
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"I see, so the treats are a reward for the kids who make it through the haunted house."
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"But what's the point if you take sweets from the town and let it fall into a scary situation?"
Story Detroit.png
"I'm sure the Phantom Mist reacted to a guy who wanted to build a haunted house for his kids before he died. That's how we end up with a guy whose thoughts and actions are so twisted."
Story Dover.png
"So this Jack-o'-Lantern is a victim in a way, too..."
Story Jack-o'-Lantern.png
"So, now that you're here, you have to pay an admission fee. Three adults and one little kid, and cough it up pronto kaboo!"
The amount of money that the Jack-o'-Lantern demanded was so large that you would think it was a bill for a high-end restaurant.
Story Detroit.png
"We're getting ripped off!"
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"I was a fool to feel sorry for him, even a little bit."
Story Dover.png
"I'm not the little kid here, am I?"
Story Jack-o'-Lantern.png
"I knew you can't be reasoned with. Then I'll just get rid of anyone who gets in my way kaboo!"
The Jack-o'-Lantern released its power in fury.
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"Well, I'm glad he's a jerk. I can take him down with no worries."
Story San Diego.png
San Diego
"Detroit, Dover. Let's bring Halloween back to this town."
Detroit & Dover
"YEAH (MHM)!!"
Detroit and Dover responded fiercely to San Diego's call.
Halloween Pumpkin's Rebellion Banner.png
R-1 A Spooky Story About a Pumpkin
R-2 Chest→Cliff←Chest
R-3 The Ghost Appeared!
R-4 Zero Sympathy
R-5 Passion for the Pursuit
R-6 End of the Ghost Town
R-7 I Know That Feel
R-8 The Heart That Keeps on Protecting
R-9 A Haunted House for a Haunted House
R-10 I Like This Position