Event Scenario/Corrupted by Darkness

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Little Doctor and the Magical(Physical) Big Sis Banner.png
R-1 Emergency Sortie! Magical Big Sis!
R-2 Thrilling Escort Mission
R-3 Genius Kid and Big Sis
R-4 Magical Big Sis's Great Victory!
R-5 The Amiable Otaku
R-6 An Enjoyable Otherworldly Life
R-7 Defeat Them! The Evil Invaders!
R-8 Corrupted by Darkness
R-9 Magical Big Sis of Love and Miracles!
R-10 Girls Becoming Adults
Puerto Rico
Meanwhile, Puerto Rico was left alone in Iris Cloud, which has become a distant homeland for us, and she cried desperately.
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
(Ugh! What is going on no? Black stuff started gushing out of the new Gate device that Gloria was working on!)
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
(Everyone was swallowed up by it...!)
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
(I'm left alone! The head of the Underwater Temple can not be harmed in any way, so the people of the Sanctuary have placed me under the protection of an ancient magic!)
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
(I'm the one who's safe! But if I'm the only one left here who stupid and can't do anything no, there's nothing I can do no!)
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
(Mmm! Stupid, stupid, I am stupid...! I can't keep whining like this!)
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"I shouldn't give up, I should do everything I can now no! I'm sure the Conducky and everyone else would have done the same if they were still alive...!"
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"ATTENTION~! I want everyone to be quick with the rescue operations no! I will grant you any reward you wish for your hard work no!"
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
(The moment the black stuff overflowed, the secret laboratory was completely destroyed no. It caused a huge flood of sea water to rush in from all around-)
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
(Everything is at the bottom of the sea no! If we don't help them quickly, those who don't have Mermaid's Blood will suffocate no!)
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Ugh! I can't stand it any longer no! I'm going to jump into the sea and look for everyone of them no!"
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"What? No? Lady Rica told you to stop me if I start talking like that no?"
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"I don't know and I don't care no~! If I say I go, I will go no~! My position now is greater than the previous Speaker Lady Rica, so my wishes should take precedence over hers no!"
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"I'm sure Lady Rica will be very angry with me later! Or rather, I've already been scolded to the point of breaking her heart!"
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"She'll say something like 'Lady Rico. How many times do you have to destroy the Underwater Temple? Do you think that's good enough for you as the Speaker? Do you need a re-education course?' perhaps!"
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"I hate re-education to death, but my baby Aca's life is more important no!"
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Everyone~! I want you to wait for me no, I'm coming to save you nooooo~!
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
"...I have uncomfortable feeling like I heard an unpleasant voice somewhere no."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"What are you talking about? What are you saying?"
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
"Aaah... Now I know why you're so irritating no. You sound a lot like my big sister."
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
"What? You're so close to her that you now have a similar tone of voice no? Are you just trying to anger me no...?"
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
"Much displeasure no."
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Dr. Gloria
"I, I don't know what you're talking about! Miss Acapulco!"
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
"Wrong. I am not Acapulco now no."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Eh? Do you mean that you, Phnom Penh and Penang over there are imposters too...?"
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
"Wrong. I thought you were clever no. You don't understand very well, do you?"
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
"I am now fundamentally different from what I was before no. I have been reborn at the bottom of the ocean, in a dimensional space, touched by a Higher Being."
You're Now Finished No!.jpg
Darkness Acapulco
"I am what I am now, so - you can call me Darkness Acapulco no."
Dr. Gloria
"Darkness Acapulco...?"
I really don't get it, Acapulco, you've always been in a position to admonish people for such outlandish behaviour, which is a rarity in Flamarine.
Darkness Acapulco
Darkness Acapulco
"It's not fair, all of you! You always live your lives the way you want, and then you leave me to clean up all the mess...!"
Darkness Acapulco
Kuala Lum
Just as Acapulco shouted angrily, Kuala Lumpur was blown away while she was fighting both Penang Hill and Phnom Penh.
Dr. Gloria
"GYAH? ARE YOU ALRIGHT, KUALA LUM!? I'm sorry, I said I'd cover you-"
Kuala Lum
"Ah, you don't have to apologise~? You're not used to fighting, are you, little Doctor~?"
Kuala Lum
"But to be honest, I'd like you to get a hold of yourself and help me fight as soon as possible~? Phnom Penh and Penang's too strong and I don't think I can beat them both by myself!"
Phnom Penh & Penang Hill
Just as Kuala Lum uttered an unusually pessimistic remark, Phnom Penh waved her hand wildly and summoned another flood. Her massive flash flood hit and Kuala Lum was blown away.
Kuala Lum
Penang Hill
"What's wrong~ Miss Ku? Feeling shipwrecked? You're an honours student, yet you're struggling to face us♪"
Phnom Penh
"Uhuhuhu♪ I'm sure Kuala Lum wants to die quickly? She doesn't even resist! That's what it's all about, right?"
Phnom Penh
"Very well, Guess I'll have to kill you as you wish...♪"
The two strange-looking women rush in, unleashing their fists and spear thrusts at Kuala Lum, who seems to be struggling just to get through the torrent and being attacked by a swarm of Jyakus.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"She, she won't last any longer! I have to cover her...!"
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"-Do you really think I'm going to let you do that no?"
Acapulco waves her palm gracefully, like a baton conductor. Instantly, a large number of tentacles extended from the darkness coiled around her.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
Story Kuala LumSS2.png
Kuala Lum
"Ten, tentacles!? I knew they would appear~? I see that they usually restrain magical girls inside 'that kind' of books sold in Mr. Otaku's shop~!"
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"Heheheh. Now, I'm going to plunge all of you into the depths of darkness too no."
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"--Just like me."
Little Doctor and the Magical(Physical) Big Sis Banner.png
R-1 Emergency Sortie! Magical Big Sis!
R-2 Thrilling Escort Mission
R-3 Genius Kid and Big Sis
R-4 Magical Big Sis's Great Victory!
R-5 The Amiable Otaku
R-6 An Enjoyable Otherworldly Life
R-7 Defeat Them! The Evil Invaders!
R-8 Corrupted by Darkness
R-9 Magical Big Sis of Love and Miracles!
R-10 Girls Becoming Adults