Event Scenario/Magical Big Sis of Love and Miracles!

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Little Doctor and the Magical(Physical) Big Sis Banner.png
R-1 Emergency Sortie! Magical Big Sis!
R-2 Thrilling Escort Mission
R-3 Genius Kid and Big Sis
R-4 Magical Big Sis's Great Victory!
R-5 The Amiable Otaku
R-6 An Enjoyable Otherworldly Life
R-7 Defeat Them! The Evil Invaders!
R-8 Corrupted by Darkness
R-9 Magical Big Sis of Love and Miracles!
R-10 Girls Becoming Adults
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"--and now, all hope is gone no."
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"Give up and give in to my domination no."
Darkness Acapulco stomped arrogantly and looked down at us as we're entrapped by swarms of tentacles.
Story Phnom PenhSS2.png
Phnom Penh
"Hmhmhm, it's all over, isn't it?"
Story Penang HillSS2.png
Penang Hill
"Nah, simply just the beginning of an era of despair right?"
Phnom Penh's and the rest are still villainously sneering at us, their face and behaviour still strange. I'd wanted to retort, if even a little.
Story Kuala Lum.png
Kuala Lum
Kuala Lum fought almost alone so far, had ran out of her strength, and she slumped over near lifelessly, slack-jawed. She seems to have used up all of her physical strength and fainted.
There is no longer any way to fight back, in fact, only despair left.
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"Do you finally understand no?"
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"Yes, you have all lost no."
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"Ahahahahah! We've won no!"
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"Where are you looking, big sis? Look, I'm stronger than your favourite Dr. Gloria! I'm better than her! Ahahahaha☆"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
Dr. Gloria lamented, her whole body also bound by tentacles.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Why, why are you doing this to me? Miss Acapulco?"
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"I told you, I am no longer Acapulco no! I am Darkness Acapulco no! You listen to me no!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
Dr. Gloria squealed in pain as the tentacles tightened, while Darkness Acapulco snapped back and looked at her irritably.
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"Well, whatever no. I don't give a damn about you no. You are insignificant to me, the great and the wise little sister of my big sis no."
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"You can't do anything anyway no. Because you are an idiot. Because you are stupid. Because you're just incompetent, pampered only because you're cute."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"...I'm sorry."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Did Doctor, hurt your feelings?"
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"I told you already! I don't care about you no!"
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"More than that. I still have things to do no."
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"In this strange otherworld, magical power is very valuable. If I can use it effectively, I can easily conquer the world."
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"In other words, you, who can 'produce' an abundance of magical power and an almost unlimited amount of 'Iron', are an important resource that I should definitely acquire - Conductor sir♪"
Like a monster, Darkness Acapulco reaches out her hand towards me. Then, with an uncharacteristically lewd expression, she licked my cheek.
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"Aaah, so delicious no... Yes, this is what I wanted no."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"I'm not doing terrible things. Instead, I'm going to make him happy...♪"
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"No. You have no right to complain no, Dr Gloria."
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"You took my big sis from me, I'm taking 'big brother' from you no! That's what I call a fair deal no!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
(...No! I can't just cry like this!)
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
(Crying won't help anyone. Doctor knows that.)
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
(I was lost and alone in a strange and incomprehensible world... But I was able to survive because of the important people I met and the hard work I've put in - because of my intellect.)
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
(God has happened to bless me this supposedly brilliant brain!)
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"Hmph, so you've shut up no. Don't you have the energy to make any more noise no?"
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"That can't be helped no. I'm sucking your magic out of these tentacles as a useful resource."
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"And, magic is life force. If it is taken away, one will lose the will to resist."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
(...Right! Doctor is from this world, so I have no magic power, and the tentacles didn't take anything away from me! Only Doctor remains healthy and can move in this situation!)
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
(And Miss Acapulco doesn't even know this! She's a smart and sensible girl, that's precisely why she doesn't consider such an impossible possibility!)
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
(But. Doctor is powerless and can't fight like the rest of the squad. Even if Doctor can move freely, there's nothing I can do about it.)
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
(If everyone's attention could be diverted from Doctor, at least for a moment...!)
Story Penang HillSS2.png
Penang Hill
"Hey, let us have a taste of Papa too...♪"
Story Phnom PenhSS2.png
Phnom Penh
"Yeah, no fair if only Acapulco gets all the spoils! It's called seniority, us ladies have the right to eat the Conductor first, right?"
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"No, you cannot no! I'm going to eat him no! You all are always too selfish no, you Flamarinians!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
(Cha-chance! My Big Brother's natural charm(?), has caught everyone's attention!)
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
(As expected of my dear Big Brother! Good, I'll take this opportunity to...!)
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"--Did you think I didn't notice?"
Darkness Acapulco instantly turned around and strangled Dr. Gloria as she somehow managed to get her toy-like invention out.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"You really are stupid, aren't you? We are Train Knights of the SSS, professional combatants no. An amateur like you--"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"You- yhou are...!"
Dr. Gloria struggled to press something she was holding in her palm with her fingertips. This otherworldly machine she called, I believe, was a smartphone.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Comphared to Docthor, you're an amacheur in thish otherworld...!"
An electronic sound is heard, then something that seems to be radio waves was transmitted. It is an unpredictable phenomenon, tantamount to magic, unknown to us.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"Wha? What is it, a spell? No, this is--"
Steel-coloured tentacle-like things intertwined the confused Darkness Acapulco's entire body, as if to get back at her for everything she's done. The next moment, her entire body was scorched by purple electricity.
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"BZZTBZZTBZZT~! 100000 volts of electricity~! You have no idea what a self-defence stun gun is!"
Story Darkness Acapulco.png
Darkness Acapulco
"Agh, ugh, agh, guhaggah..."
Darkness Acapulco convulsed from the electrical shocks, as if she has been struck by lightning. At the same time, the tentacles she seems to be manipulating also relaxed feebly.
Story Penang HillSS2.png
Penang Hill
Story Phnom PenhSS2.png
Phnom Penh
Moreover, Phnom Penh and Penang Hill looked visibly stunned in confusion. Either they too had been electrocuted, or--.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Miss Kuala Lum! You must be good friends with them, call out to the Phnom Penh and Penang!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Maybe that will bring them back to their senses! Maybe Phnom Penh and Penang are just being brainwashed by Acapulco!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"The proof is that they've stopped moving as soon as the tentacles stopped moving as well! That's proof no!"
I guess so, Acapulco possesses Mermaid Blood in her veins and can talk to and manipulate sea creatures.
Extending that ability, she may have been able to manipulate Flamarinian people too, who are "sea creatures" if that logic's really stretched.
Story Kuala Lum.png
Kuala Lum
"Oh my my~♪"
Shears from the Doggan Gang★Collection sever the tentacles that restrained Kuala Lum. She managed to regain consciousness while also becoming free, and she smiled satisfyingly.
Story Kuala Lum.png
Kuala Lum
"I knew it~ I thought it was strange~ not only Penang Hill, but also Phnom Penh, she didn't act like Phnom Penh at all...".
Story Kuala Lum.png
Kuala Lum
"Phnom Penh lost her hometown and family to a flood. There was no way she would make a flood~"
Kuala Lum hugged Phnom Penh nearby her, her face seemingly sorry for not being able to understand her.
Story Kuala Lum.png
Kuala Lum
"I'm sorry~. I didn't believe you. I didn't realise."
Story Kuala Lum.png
Kuala Lum
"You are my friend... I apologise and please forgive me."
Story Phnom PenhSS2.png
Phnom Penh
"...Kuala Lum, dear".
Story Kuala Lum.png
Kuala Lum
"Mhm♪ Yes, yes, it's fine now~ We'll defeat all the bad guys and put an end to all this sadness-"
Story Kuala Lum.png
Kuala Lum
"I'm going to create a world where no one has to cry anymore."
Story Kuala Lum.png
Kuala Lum
"No. Let us create such a world together - together, Phnom Penh, Penang Hill-"
Story Kuala Lum.png
Kuala Lum
"We joined the SSS because we wanted such a world, didn't we?"
Little Doctor and the Magical(Physical) Big Sis Banner.png
R-1 Emergency Sortie! Magical Big Sis!
R-2 Thrilling Escort Mission
R-3 Genius Kid and Big Sis
R-4 Magical Big Sis's Great Victory!
R-5 The Amiable Otaku
R-6 An Enjoyable Otherworldly Life
R-7 Defeat Them! The Evil Invaders!
R-8 Corrupted by Darkness
R-9 Magical Big Sis of Love and Miracles!
R-10 Girls Becoming Adults