Event Scenario/Genius Kid and Big Sis

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Little Doctor and the Magical(Physical) Big Sis Banner.png
R-1 Emergency Sortie! Magical Big Sis!
R-2 Thrilling Escort Mission
R-3 Genius Kid and Big Sis
R-4 Magical Big Sis's Great Victory!
R-5 The Amiable Otaku
R-6 An Enjoyable Otherworldly Life
R-7 Defeat Them! The Evil Invaders!
R-8 Corrupted by Darkness
R-9 Magical Big Sis of Love and Miracles!
R-10 Girls Becoming Adults
Story Acapulco.png
"Big sister~?"
Story Acapulco.png
"I'm sorry I left you in charge of the scene, no. I was picking up Conductor's team no."
We were guided by Acapulco through numerous corridors and waterways to a modern research facility. This is where the said 'experiment' is being conducted, apparently.
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Ah, Conducky! Everyone else too! Welcome to the secret research facilityyy~♪"
The person who greeted us with a benevolent smile is Puerto Rico, the Speaker of the Summit, which is held regularly at the Underwater Temple. She is the Queen of Flamarine, a great person to say the least.
Story Kuala Lum.png
Kuala Lum
"Thank you for inviting us~ Puerto Rico♪"
Story Kuala Lum.png
Kuala Lum
"Here are some tea leaves and treats for you, alright~? Do enjoy them with everyone in the Underwater Temple if you like please~♪"
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"I'm so happy! You are very sweet, Kuala Lum!"
Story Penang Hill.png
Penang Hill
"Oh, guess we shoulda bring some souvenirs too huh?"
"It's okay! You're all here on duty, right? As long as you do your job properly, we have nothing else to ask for no♪"
Puerto Rico smiled and accepted the box full of treats, showing no majesty, for better or for worse. She looks like a very ordinary lady.
Story Penang Hill.png
Penang Hill
"Well, the good thing about Her Majesty Puerto Rico is that she is easy to get along with in that way."
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Hehehe, you all don't have to greet 'Your Majesty' no~ I'm just a normal girl of the same age as everyone else no, who just happens to be the speaker no."
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"I would be happier if you could get along with me as an equal friend no. Come on, come on, shake my hand, Phnom Penh~♪"
Story Phnom Penh.png
Phnom Penh
"Ummm~? Kinda don't fancy people who have Mermaid Blood, because they can't drown together with me?"
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Mhm. We can breathe underwater, you see."
Story Acapulco.png
"That was originally a state secret too, but it's been spread around a lot in the SSS no."
Story Acapulco.png
"But please don't tell anyone about the content of this experiment, if you can no. Anything you see or hear here must be forgotten immediately after the mission is over no."
Story Phnom Penh.png
Phnom Penh
"Is it really so strict? Are you really doing such dangerous experiments? So exciting♪"
Story Acapulco.png
"Danger is danger, and in some cases it's experiments that could shake the very foundations of our world no. That's why we're going to keep the information strictly controlled, just in case no."
Story Acapulco.png
"However, it would also be unfair not to explain the situation at all no. At the very least, I would like to give you all the bare minimum of information."
Story Acapulco.png
"Big sis, what about Dr. Gloria? I want her to explain it to us no... because, to be honest, even I find this experiment too advanced and gibberish."
Story Penang Hill.png
Penang Hill
"Really? Even though you are a famous child prodigy in our country?"
Story Acapulco.png
"...I'm ashamed, but Dr. Gloria is on a whole other order of magnitude no."
I mean, is Dr. Gloria involved? I had heard that after she officially joined the SSS, she worked mainly as a researcher, but-
Story Acapulco.png
"Yes. She travels around to research facilities in different countries and has achieved a lot of results by cooperating with them when called upon no. The spaceship that was put to practical use the other day wouldn't have been completed without her no."
Oh, that explains why the spaceship exploded.
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Umm, where's Gloria by the- ah, there she is no!"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
The much-talked-about Dr. Gloria was pacing around a bit with a tool in her hand. A huge, unidentifiable machine sat close to her.
Story Phnom Penh.png
Phnom Penh
"What is that? What device is that? A device that will sink the world into the sea?"
Story Acapulco.png
"It's not that kind of a thing no... It's just a device that could cause more harm than good, so be careful with it, no."
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Lil' Gloria~! I'm sorry to interrupt your work, but may I have a word no? Your 'Big Brother' has come to see you~♪"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Eh, Big Brother?"
Dr. Gloria reacted spontaneously and turned around with a quick smile. Then she rushed towards us in a straight line.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Big Brother Big Brother Big Brother~☆"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Missed you so much! Gosh, I thought that if I became a member of the SSS, I would be able to make out with my brother every day-"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Um, huh? Who are these people? Who are they?"
Story Phnom Penh.png
Phnom Penh
"Grawr~! Gonna eat yooou~☆"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Kya~! That's not an answer and I don't want to be eaten! No!"
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Now now, you can't scare her no."
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"It's alright, lil' Gloria, it's alright♪ These people are from the SSS, who are here to protect us no~?"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"R-Really? Are you lying? Can we trust them?"
Story Acapulco.png
"...Sorry for making so much ruckus no, Dr. Gloria."
Dr. Acapulco blurted out, looking somewhat amused as the very terrified Doctor hugged Puerto Rico.
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Nyuhuhuh, it's fine! It's more fun when things are lively!"
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Good girl! And a very serious worker! I can't believe that such a clever girl was an enemy of the SSS no♪"
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Nuh-uh. For me, since the moment I met her, Gloria has always been the sweetest and best girl of all no♪"
Story Acapulco.png
"Hmm... Rather, I got her involved in the Gillmen rebellion in the Underwater Temple and she had a really rough time. No, more like I left her for dead after I used her a lot."
Story Acapulco.png
"She is much better girl than I am, because she doesn't seem at all carefree."
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"What? Gillmen? Oh, you mean the time when Lady Puerto Rico made me eat some kind of egregiously-coloured sweets? Did Doctor do anything at that time?"
Story Acapulco.png
"It's okay if you don't remember no."
Story Kuala Lum.png
Kuala Lum
"Oh my my~♪ Acapulco, you've been pretty moody for some time now-"
Story Kuala Lum.png
Kuala Lum
"Maybe she's lonely because she feels like Doctor took her favourite big sister away from her~♪"
Story Penang Hill.png
Penang Hill
"Ah~ maybe she's like that. My lil' Al also looks at me dejectingly when I'm chatting with my customers."
Story Penang Hill.png
Penang Hill
"Alright, alright♪ we'll be your big sister instead of her, so let's fix your mood, alright? K?"
Story Phnom Penh.png
Phnom Penh
"Mhm♪ all's fine, all's fine, cheer up, cheer up...♪"
Story Acapulco.png
"No, wrong no! I'm a grown-up who can take care of my own emotions no! I'm not lonely at all no~!"
Story Puerto Rico.png
Puerto Rico
"Baby Aca! Was that true no!? You're jealous of her because I only pampered Gloria...☆"
Story Acapulco.png
"That's why it's not like that no! I'm not like that no! Uuughh~!?"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"...! Everyone, quiet down a bit! There's something wrong with the device!"
Story Acapulco.png
"Wh-what do you mean no?"
Story Dr. Gloria.png
Dr. Gloria
"Another monster? No, something more terrifying, something...!?"
The moment Dr. Gloria turned pale and screamed, the device shook violently - and a huge amount of black, dark magical power gushed out from inside it.
Little Doctor and the Magical(Physical) Big Sis Banner.png
R-1 Emergency Sortie! Magical Big Sis!
R-2 Thrilling Escort Mission
R-3 Genius Kid and Big Sis
R-4 Magical Big Sis's Great Victory!
R-5 The Amiable Otaku
R-6 An Enjoyable Otherworldly Life
R-7 Defeat Them! The Evil Invaders!
R-8 Corrupted by Darkness
R-9 Magical Big Sis of Love and Miracles!
R-10 Girls Becoming Adults