Event Scenario/Euston's First Calligraphy

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New Year Hunt! Want to Catch a Tiger! Banner.png
R-1 Happi New Year Agein
R-2 The Legendary Tiger
R-3 Observation Diary of the Tiger 1
R-4 Observation Diary of the Tiger 2
R-5 The Missing Euston
R-6 The Legendary Spear, the Legendary Brush
R-7 The Demon's True Motives
R-8 Euston's First Calligraphy
R-9 Ties With the Tiger
R-10 The Tiger Revives
At the end of the battle, Euston finally cornered Demonic Spear Dildow. However, when she tried to finish it off, her spear was knocked off in the opposite direction.
Story Euston.png
"Oh no...!"
Demonic Spear Dildow
"Khaha, now I've won!"
Story Karakawa.png
Demonic Spear Dildow had its tip pointing at Euston's chest. Neither Karakawa nor Austerlitz are in position to help.
That situation was dire. Euston found herself right on the pedestal of the paintbrush spear, and she grabbed it without hesitation.
Demonic Spear Dildow
Euston should have been unable to pull out the paintbrush spear, yet it successfully landed in he hand. She turned around and thrusted it onto Demonic Spear Dildow.
Story Euston.png
Demonic Spear Dildow
Stabbed by the paintbrush spear, Demonic Spear Dildow disappeared, its expression visibly surprised.
It seems to have little function as a spear, so it is questionable whether it has been completely defeated, but it is clear that the threat has passed for the moment.
Story Euston.png
"That was a close call."
Story Karakawa.png
"Eu-chan, thank goodness you're okay..."
Story Austerlitz.png
"I had a scare there for a moment, but to be able to use a paintbrush spear so well, L'Austerlitz is a surprised Litz."
Story Karakawa.png
"By the way, we didn't pull it out earlier, but it's amazing you pulled it out, Eu-chan."
Story Euston.png
"I was so engrossed, that I don't even know how I even managed to pull it out..."
Story Austerlitz.png
"Mademoiselle Euston, are your pockets shining?"
Story Euston.png
"Ah, you're right. I don't remember putting anything shiny in there though."
Story Euston.png
"This is... the tiger amulet I bought at the shrine."
As Euston gazed at the amulet, the previously unfriendly tiger came up to her and rubbed its cheek.
Story Euston.png
"Perhaps it has recognised me...?"
Story Austerlitz.png
"With that amulet and the animal costume on the way, it was Euston who was more sincere about the tiger than anyone else. That's why you're was recognised, L'Austerlitz ponders."
Story Karakawa.png
"That's right♪ Eu-chan's worked the hardest of all."
Story Karakawa.png
"By the way Eu-chan, why don't you draw something since you're here?"
Story Austerlitz.png
"Just in case something like this happens, L'Austerlitz has prepared a huge sheet of paper. Please, use it as you like."
Story Euston.png
"T-Thank you, but I have no artistic talent though. I'm sure I'll end up with something terrible."
Story Karakawa.png
"It doesn't necessarily have to be a picture."
Story Euston.png
"You mean...?"
Story Karakawa.png
"In Nishiki, there is a culture called 'kakizome', where people write letters or draw pictures with a brush at the beginning of the new year. Many people put their hearts into it and spell out their aspirations for the year and other words they want to write."
Story Euston.png
"The letters I want to write?"
Story Austerlitz.png
"Your ambitions for the SSS, or your favourite words, or whatever comes to your mind you want to write. By the way, the word I want to write now is 'rod'."
I'm glad Austerlitz wasn't chosen by the paintbrush spear...
H O P E.jpg
"Understood. I know the word I want to write."
"Then, Karakawa and Austerlitz-chan have it pressed down, so you can write it as boldly as you like, Eu-chan!"
"I wouldn't mind if you accidentally swiped my body with your brush tip."
"Hmhmm, if you give me something with a long handle, I won't make a mistake."
"Well then, I'll write a wish for the future of the SSS!"
Euston swung the paintbrush spear and boldly lowered the tip of the brush onto the paper.
Then, she lively spelt out the four letters 'H O P E'.
"Sir Conductor, and everyone else! Please keep up the good work together!"
New Year Hunt! Want to Catch a Tiger! Banner.png
R-1 Happi New Year Agein
R-2 The Legendary Tiger
R-3 Observation Diary of the Tiger 1
R-4 Observation Diary of the Tiger 2
R-5 The Missing Euston
R-6 The Legendary Spear, the Legendary Brush
R-7 The Demon's True Motives
R-8 Euston's First Calligraphy
R-9 Ties With the Tiger
R-10 The Tiger Revives