Event Scenario/The Legendary Spear, the Legendary Brush

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New Year Hunt! Want to Catch a Tiger! Banner.png
R-1 Happi New Year Agein
R-2 The Legendary Tiger
R-3 Observation Diary of the Tiger 1
R-4 Observation Diary of the Tiger 2
R-5 The Missing Euston
R-6 The Legendary Spear, the Legendary Brush
R-7 The Demon's True Motives
R-8 Euston's First Calligraphy
R-9 Ties With the Tiger
R-10 The Tiger Revives
At a shrine where we went for our Hatsumode New Year's visit, a screen with a legendary tiger on it was on display, but suddenly the tiger on the screen materialised and ran away.
Euston and the team decided to search for the tiger. However, the tiger was difficult to find, and Euston disappeared.
Will we be able to find Euston safely--?
Story Euston.png
"No one will find me if I come this far, won't they?"
Story Euston.png
"I've come here without telling anyone, but I don't want this operation to be seen too much, so I don't have much choice."
Story Euston.png
"And since everyone's taking a break, it shouldn't be a problem if I leave them for a bit now..."
Story Euston.png
"Hmhmm, I had a flash of inspiration when I saw a stuffed tiger in the souvenir shop. If I dress up as a tiger, I bet the tiger that run away will think I'm one of them and come over to me."
Story Euston.png
"Now, the last thing I need to do is to put the head on...".
"Ah, there you are, Euston-chan!!"
Story Euston.png
"Ngah, Miss Karakawa, how did you know it was me?"
Story Euston.png
"Yikes, you're all coming towards me...!"
Story Austerlitz.png
"We're looking for you, Mademoiselle Euston. I was worried when you suddenly disappeared."
"Grr... Graaagh"
Story Karakawa.png
"What's with your impersonation of Jeran-chan, Euston-chan?"
Story Euston.png
(No, I'm not! I'm a tiger now!)
"Grrgh, Grrgh!"
Story Karakawa.png
"Oh, you mean you can't take off your costume? If so, let me help you."
Story Euston.png
(W-Wrong-- GRRRRAGH!)
...Euston. Alright already, just take it off for now.
Story Euston.png
Story Euston.png
"Ah, what an odd coincidence for us all."
It's no coincidence. Just that we've been looking hard for you.
Story Euston.png
"But... How did you know it was me?"
Story Karakawa.png
"Euston-chan, behind you behind you."
Story Euston.png
"Ah! The spear I carried on my back..."
Euston realised her mistake and nodded. Anyway, explain what you were doing.
Story Euston.png
"I understand. I am a knight of M. St. Iris. I will neither run nor hide."
Story Euston.png
"So why did I do this? I got the idea when I saw a stuffed tiger for sale. I thought that this must make the tiger think that I am one of them and it'll come closer to me."
Story Karakawa.png
"I see! So you volunteered to play the role of the stuffed animal. As expected of Euston-chan."
Story Karakawa.png
"But there don't seem to be any tigers around here. Shouldn't you take it off for now?"
Story Euston.png
"No, but I've just put it on..."
Story Karakawa.png
"It's hard to move with it on you know? Karakawa will help you."
Story Austerlitz.png
"It's hot inside the animal costume. And I'm certain Euston is naked. And that's why she can't take it off now, Mademoiselle Karakawa."
Story Karakawa.png
"I-I didn't realise that. I'm so sorry, Euston-chan. I didn't realise that..."
Story Euston.png
"No, wait up! I don't care how hot I am inside my costume, I would still never wear it naked!"
Euston reluctantly took off her costume after a misunderstanding with the other two, she looked regrettable because of that.
Story Euston.png
"Sigh... I thought I could find the tiger with this."
Story Karakawa.png
"Hey everyone, how about instead of looking for the tiger, we look for the spear? Because, you see, as the tiger is heading for the spear, the threat is looking for the spear too."
Story Euston.png
"That's certainly true. But I don't think it's that easy to find the spear in that tiger's legends. What shall we do, shall we go back to the teahouse and ask around?"
Story Austerlitz.png
Story Austerlitz.png
"Perhaps, I was terribly mistaken."
Story Karakawa.png
"What was your mistake, Austerlitz-chan?"
Story Austerlitz.png
"Actually, the legend of the tiger on the folding screen that I knew was 'The Legend of the Tiger and the Paintbrush'. But you were looking for 'The Legend of the Tiger and the Spear'. So I thought the literature I had read was wrong."
Story Austerlitz.png
"However, what if both the spear and the paintbrush are correct?"
Story Euston.png
"Is it valid to say that both are correct?"
Story Austerlitz.png
"Yes. Only if what is called a spear is also a paintbrush. Or a paintbrush spear, or something like that."
Story Euston.png
"Surely then legends that are different can be the same thing."
Story Karakawa.png
"But even if we know that the spear is also a paintbrush, does that give us any hints?"
Story Austerlitz.png
"More of an answer than a hint, L'Austerlitz thinks. Because the location of where the legend of the paintbrush is, is still around to this day, as it was sold extensively in the teahouse earlier."
Story Euston.png
"Meaning the legendary spear is within this area and the tiger is heading there!"
Story Austerlitz.png
"I think it's very likely. And I have just confirmed this on the information board outside the teahouse. It looks like there is a shrine dedicated to the paintbrush at the top of this mountain."
Story Karakawa.png
"That's great, Austerlitz-chan! We had no clue at all, but you've instantly identified the place where the tiger is likely to be!"
Story Austerlitz.png
"It was thanks to Karakawa-san and the amazake. It was thanks to this that I was able to enter Sage Time."
Story Karakawa.png
"I-I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm glad I could help!"
Story Euston.png
"Well then, everyone, let's hurry to the shrine at the top of the mountain!"
Story Karakawa.png
"Pant, pant.... I've finally made it here~"
Story Euston.png
"It was quite a stone staircase. Look, we can see the sea of clouds below."
After climbing the very long stone steps, we arrived at the top of the mountain, which, because it was above the clouds, gave the impression of a solemn atmosphere, as if we were separated from the outside world.
Story Karakawa.png
"Ah! Everyone, the tiger's there!"
Karakawa pointed to a bush, and the tiger from the screen emerged. Now there is no doubt that this shrine is related to the legend of the tiger on the folding screen.
If the tiger appeared here to protect the spear, as was originally said, it means that the threat is also close at hand, however -
Story Euston.png
"Everyone, please be careful. Some sort of threat has appeared."
Story Austerlitz.png
"That figure, the long-armed weapon. It is the very demon of Verforench lore, the Demon Spear Dildow."
The demon emitted some form of miasma and turned hostile towards us.
Demonic Spear Dildow
"Get out of my way, humans."
Story Euston.png
"It is you who are in our way. I will not allow you to ruin the celebratory mood of the New Year."
Story Euston.png
"Now everyone, let's fight off this demon!"
New Year Hunt! Want to Catch a Tiger! Banner.png
R-1 Happi New Year Agein
R-2 The Legendary Tiger
R-3 Observation Diary of the Tiger 1
R-4 Observation Diary of the Tiger 2
R-5 The Missing Euston
R-6 The Legendary Spear, the Legendary Brush
R-7 The Demon's True Motives
R-8 Euston's First Calligraphy
R-9 Ties With the Tiger
R-10 The Tiger Revives