Event Scenario/The Legendary Tiger

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New Year Hunt! Want to Catch a Tiger! Banner.png
R-1 Happi New Year Agein
R-2 The Legendary Tiger
R-3 Observation Diary of the Tiger 1
R-4 Observation Diary of the Tiger 2
R-5 The Missing Euston
R-6 The Legendary Spear, the Legendary Brush
R-7 The Demon's True Motives
R-8 Euston's First Calligraphy
R-9 Ties With the Tiger
R-10 The Tiger Revives
Story Euston.png
"Everyone of you Train Knights are up to expectations after all, you're quick to get the information that the tiger has escaped."
Euston muttered as she recalled the events at the shrine while walking through the Nishiki forest.
Story Karakawa.png
"To think Euston-chan came to report right after me, Karakawa, that was a bit funny."
In fact, I'm now trying to go with Euston and Karakawa together to bring back the escaped tiger.
She was asked to do so by the shrine officials, but also because Euston had been looking forward to the folding screen folklore performance, and thus she went on the trip by herself.
Story Euston.png
"I really love tigers. You see, I even went so far as to buy a good luck charm."
It was a 'tiger amulet' sold at the shrine. There were several different kinds, but Euston was probably the only one who bought the most expensive one. It was so expensive that most customers did not even consider it.
But for Euston, it will be a good memory for Iris Cloud.
Story Euston.png
"Yes yes, as for the missing tiger in the screen, I heard that Miss Jeran will take its place instead."
Story Karakawa.png
"Surely Jeran-chan is a great embodiment of the tiger's strength♪"
To avoid disappointing the visitors, Yoshino became the producer, Miyako is the MC, and Jeran is playing the tiger, standing in front of the screen.
I'm really curious about that myself...
Story Euston.png
"However, I wonder why did the tiger suddenly materialise and leave?"
Story Karakawa.png
"Probably it's because something happened to the tale of the legendary spear that's mentioned together with the tiger."
Story Euston.png
"Legendary spear...?"
Story Karakawa.png
"According to legends, the tiger on that screen is said to have defended the spear left by its Lord with its life. The pose it was depicted in is also said to be an expression of 'you cannot proceed any further'."
Story Euston.png
"I see, so it was a brave tiger."
Story Euston.png
"But if such a tiger has materialised and gone out, then whatever is happening to the spear must be a serious threat."
Story Karakawa.png
"Euston-chan you're right. There must be an evil entity that is after the legendary spear."
Story Euston.png
"We must be very careful then. Geez, what a terrible start to the New Year, isn't it?"
Story Karakawa.png
"But Euston-chan, I'm sure you'd like to have a look at the legendary spear♪"
Story Euston.png
"H-How did you know, Miss Karakawa?"
Story Karakawa.png
"Because right after we started talking about the spear, Euston-chan's eyes have been shining so brightly. As a spear user yourself, you must be curious about it."
Story Karakawa.png
"Karakawa is a spear user myself, so is actually curious about the legendary spear."
Story Euston.png
"Yes, of course, I'm curious about it! What kind of spear is it...?"
Story Euston.png
"I've also heard that your spear, Miss Karakawa's, is also a famous spear."
Story Karakawa.png
"Yes. The Hinomoto is considered one of the three most famous spears in the world."
Story Karakawa.png
"As long as the spear's under my possession, my position as one of the Ooe Big Four is quite secure, but... it's difficult. Kept failing with it."
Story Euston.png
"Ever since I've joined the SSS, I've heard about Karakawa you and your team's successes. You can be proud of yourselves."
Story Karakawa.png
"That sticks my chest out proudly... Having Knight Commander Euston-chan saying that to me, it might give myself a bit of confidence."
Story Euston.png
"Yes, yes, you're right."
Story Austerlitz.png
"According to the books, living a confident life has a positive effect on the rest of your life. So, le Austerlitz thinks it's a good thing to be proud of one's chest."
Story Austerlitz.png
"Also, it simply makes a beautiful body look more beautiful, so Austerlitz can be a happy Litz if she can also show off her chest outwards, posture-wise."
Story Karakawa.png
"Austerlitz-chan, you're here!"
Story Austerlitz.png
"Yes, I am. I too am also interested, so I have followed you all. I've read about the legend of the tiger of the folding screen in books, and maybe I can be of some help."
This is a powerful assistant. Austerlitz has showcased her brains on missions so far by spotting enemy weaknesses and finding loopholes in labyrinths. She has been a great help in our search for the tiger.
Austerlitz, I didn't know you were interested in spears.
Story Austerlitz.png
"Legendary spear? Legendary brush...?"
Hmm? What's up, Austerlitz?
Story Austerlitz.png
"No, nothing. Was your question about whether I'm interested in spears, or whether I'm interested in something hard and long that what woman wouldn't be, Seigneur Conductor?"
Austerlitz used her right hand to show as if she's holding something. I can see that much, but from how her left hand cupped underneath, it doesn't look like she's describing a spear.
Story Austerlitz.png
"By the way, both Euston and Karakawa are spearwomen. The combination of a spear and a beautiful woman is the strongest. How many times do I have to have a Sage Time with two such people...?"
Story Euston.png
"My, so Miss Austerlitz is a sage? I'll be relying on you then♪"
Story Karakawa.png
"Sage time sounds like something really great. Wondering if there will be a lot of great strategies. It's suddenly very exciting."
Story Austerlitz.png
"It's great that there are two spears here. One behind, one in front..."
Story Austerlitz.png
"No, I can take care of up to three myself."
Story Euston.png
"Three? I see, so up to three spearmen can be utilized for the mission."
Story Austerlitz.png
"It's not much of a mission. If it were me, I would simply step forth myself."
Story Karakawa.png
"Quite surprising you are so dedicated to the search for the tiger, Austerlitz-chan."
It sounds like Austerlitz and Euston are talking about completely different things.
I'm sure Austerlitz's 'beautiful woman with a spear' is one of her endless fantasies, and it's fortunate that both Euston and Karakawa didn't suspect that.
And so, with Austerlitz as a new member of the team, we were off to find the tiger.
New Year Hunt! Want to Catch a Tiger! Banner.png
R-1 Happi New Year Agein
R-2 The Legendary Tiger
R-3 Observation Diary of the Tiger 1
R-4 Observation Diary of the Tiger 2
R-5 The Missing Euston
R-6 The Legendary Spear, the Legendary Brush
R-7 The Demon's True Motives
R-8 Euston's First Calligraphy
R-9 Ties With the Tiger
R-10 The Tiger Revives