Event Scenario/The Missing Euston

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New Year Hunt! Want to Catch a Tiger! Banner.png
R-1 Happi New Year Agein
R-2 The Legendary Tiger
R-3 Observation Diary of the Tiger 1
R-4 Observation Diary of the Tiger 2
R-5 The Missing Euston
R-6 The Legendary Spear, the Legendary Brush
R-7 The Demon's True Motives
R-8 Euston's First Calligraphy
R-9 Ties With the Tiger
R-10 The Tiger Revives
We spent a lot of time trying to identify the tigers that were mating, but in the end they were not the tiger on the screen. Not surprising, though, as the painted tiger would not be capable of reproduction.
But we were really sorry for what we had done to the tigers, so we left them some food as an apology for disturbing them.
We went on apologetically, but we still couldn't find any traces of the tiger.
Story Euston.png
"Hey, Sir Conductor. Once we found the tiger, we wouldn't only just return it back, would we?"
Yes, that's right. If we don't also get rid of its spear's threats, the tiger might run away again.
Story Karakawa.png
"It's an unavoidable objective if we want to reach a complete conclusion, isn't it?"
Story Euston.png
"But what exactly is the threat approaching the spear?"
Story Karakawa.png
"The ayakashi and bakemono in this area have been exterminated by everyone in Mount Ooe before, so it should be peaceful..."
Story Euston.png
"Could it be the work of the Phantom Mist?"
Story Karakawa.png
"We've also eliminated most of the sources of strong Phantom Mist, so it's hard to imagine anything occurring that could be called a threat..."
Story Austerlitz.png
"You two are talking about 'someone or something is after the spear', then?"
Story Austerlitz.png
"I don't think it's that, but..."
Story Euston.png
"Miss Austerlitz, do you have any idea what the threat is?"
Story Austerlitz.png
"In Veforench lore, there is a story of a rogue who collects weapons of great renown."
Story Austerlitz.png
"He was particularly fond of long-handled weapons, and would appear at every great battle and rob the spears and other weapons of victors."
Story Euston.png
"A war highwayman? How treacherous. That is unforgivable."
Story Karakawa.png
"But isn't the person a human? Then wouldn't travelling from Verforet to Nishiki be quite tough, if not impossible?"
Story Austerlitz.png
"It is true that the person was once human, apparently. But he was so driven by the delusional greed of collecting weapons that he became consumed by a Phantom Mist and became a demon."
Story Euston.png
"If he was taken in by the Phantom Mist and became a non-person, it means that he can come across the country."
Story Austerlitz.png
"Of course we can only speculate. But it is easier to deal with the possibility if you think it is possible. That's what l'Austerlitz thinks."
Story Euston.png
"A demon looking for a spear... After hearing such a story, we definitely have to protect both the spear and the tiger."
Story Karakawa.png
"But if we can't find the tiger, we can't do anything about it..."
Everyone, thank you all for taking on this daunting task so early in the New Year. Of course the search for the tiger is important, but you girls have been on this mission for a long time. You should get some rest in that teahouse.
Likely a tourist spot, there were a number of teahouses and souvenir shops in front of the road. I'll treat everyone to tea and dango.
Story Karakawa.png
"Really, Conductor-sama!?"
Story Austerlitz.png
"Appreciated. In fact, Austerlitz, is now a post-Sage Time Litz after spending much energy on it. I'd really like to get something energising into my body here."
Story Euston.png
"We mustn't be in a hurry. Thank you, Sir Conductor, for the rest order."
Story Karakawa.png
"Wow, there are lots of souvenirs. They even have stuffed tigers and bears~♪"
Story Euston.png
"T-They are so cute...!
Story Austerlitz.png
"There are also a lot of big paintbrushes for sale. Is it possible that this place is famous for paintbrushes?"
The three of them head towards the teahouse, talking happily. Yeah, I want everyone to have a smile on their faces for the New Year.
I went through the teahouse out of good will as well, thinking that they should be a little excited.
Story Karakawa.png
"The amazake here is not too sweet, but it's rich and very tasty~♪"
Karakawa grinned, holding a dango and amazake in each hand.
Story Austerlitz.png
"This is my first time trying Nishikese amazake, and I had no idea it's such a wonderful drink. Above all, it's cloudy white and irresistible."
Story Austerlitz.png
"And best of all, it's Seigneur Conductor who offered it to me... 'How's the taste? Swallow down every drop', being told this humiliatingly, as l'Austerlitz is forced to drink down the cloudy liquid."
I figured you were definitely going to say something disgusting when I served you amazake, but it was so much more worse than I expected. Give me back my good intentions.
Story Austerlitz.png
"Just kidding, Seigneur Conductor. I appreciate it very much."
Austerlitz took a good swig of the sweet alcohol and bowed politely.
And, just as we are exchanging banter--
Story Karakawa.png
Karakawa suddenly stood up and tripped, her head covered with the amazake she was holding in her hand.
Story Karakawa.png
"Fweeeeeh, I'm so sticky~!"
Story Austerlitz.png
"Ka-ka-Karakawa, your beautiful face has been covered by cloudy white liquid..."
Story Austerlitz.png
"HAAAAAAAANH, dirty dirty Litz!!"
Hold it, we're going to get kicked out of the shop, stop shouting so lewdly!?
Story Austerlitz.png
"Haaah, haaah... That said, it would be crazy not to get excited in a situation like this."
Story Austerlitz.png
"Are you alright, Mademoiselle Karakawa? You should go to the back and wash up at the pool. You can use my towel if you like."
Story Karakawa.png
"Th-thank you, Austerlitz-chan."
Story Karakawa.png
"Wait no, this is no time to wash my face, Euston-chan is not here!"
Story Austerlitz.png
"Eh...? Huh, you're right. When did she leave?"
When I asked the owner, he said that Euston had just walked out on her own.
Story Karakawa.png
"Euston-chan, where did she go?"
Story Austerlitz.png
"Perhaps Mademoiselle Euston also found out how to play with amazake? So she sneaked off to somewhere where nobody can see her..."
Only you yourself would play such an outrageous game, Austerlitz.
Story Austerlitz.png
"Jokes aside, she may have seen the tiger. It looked like it was going to run away while we were calling out to it, so Euston went after it alone, perhaps."
That's possible. Euston must have a very good reason for going without telling everyone, considering she's a knight and a woman of discipline.
Story Karakawa.png
"Then let's go after her now!"
Story Austerlitz.png
"According to the owner, it looks like Mademoiselle Euston headed that way."
After paying the bill quickly, we ran in the direction where Austerlitz said and--
Story Karakawa.png
"Please wait a minute!"
What's the matter Karakawa, what happened this time!?
Story Karakawa.png
"My face is really sticky with amazake, let me wash it after all~~"
Karakawa's about to cry, Austerlitz saw this and got aroused again, and Euston's gone.
We're off to a tremendously rough start at the beginning of the New Year...!
New Year Hunt! Want to Catch a Tiger! Banner.png
R-1 Happi New Year Agein
R-2 The Legendary Tiger
R-3 Observation Diary of the Tiger 1
R-4 Observation Diary of the Tiger 2
R-5 The Missing Euston
R-6 The Legendary Spear, the Legendary Brush
R-7 The Demon's True Motives
R-8 Euston's First Calligraphy
R-9 Ties With the Tiger
R-10 The Tiger Revives