Event Scenario/In Search of the Truth

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Abashiri Prison Banner.png
T-1 Prison Warden's Longest Day
T-2 Overflowing Mystery
T-3 Close Encounters of the Third Kind
T-4 In Search of the Truth
T-5 Triumphant Evil
T-6 Observations of a Prisoner
T-7 Prison Break
T-8 "Oshioki Prison" Extravaganza
T-9 The End of the Traitor
T-10 The Prison Called Life
We moved through Oshioki Prison, led by Roswell, who seemed like she knew what she's talking about. All this time, we was constantly attacked by strange prisoners and other things.
Story Monster.png
Story Jeran.png
"Gaaarh! Gaaarhhh! Gaaarhhhhh!"
Story Salem.png
"Eloim Essaim! Eloim Essaim~♪"
Story Roswell.png
"These collars, are..."
While we're half ignoring the prisoners attacking us... Roswell held up the strange collar she had ripped off from Phnom Penh earlier, and spoke as if she's speaking on behalf of someone else.
Story Roswell.png
"It appears to be a kind of brainwashing device. We can only assume that anyone who is fitted with this is put under the control of whoever is controlling the collar - without question."
Story Roswell.png
"This flesh vessel designated as Roswell was not even under Roswell's own control... We were able to remove the collar via remote controlling said vessel from the outside, but it would be difficult for anyone else."
Story Abashiri.png
"Hmmm, it's hard to understand what you're saying... But these collars certainly makes it easier to control prisoners, that's exactly the kind of item I'd like to see supplied in large quantities to Oshioki Prison..."
Story Roswell.png
"If you want them, you can actively target and strip them off. Organisms deprived of said collars seem to temporarily lose and then regain their consciousness... Thus you can also neutralise the rioting prisoners as well, extinguishing two feathered organisms with one sedimentary rock."
While exchanging information, we made our way through the prison corridors, which has automatic sliding doors here and there. These sliding doors make it difficult to escape from the prison, so going around them would take a considerable amount of time.
Story Abashiri.png
"Well, the sliding doors were originally set up with the main purpose of preventing escape... Even if we somehow manage to make contact with the outside, it's going to take a long time before reinforcements rush to our place..."
Story Abashiri.png
"Colleges and prisons are hard to get out of once you're in..."
Story Roswell.png
"Prisons are hard to get out and to get in, so this Roswell seems to think it's inappropriate to juxtapose the word 'prison' alongside the word 'college'. If anyone wanted to, one can simply get out of college by any number of means, including expulsion, is that not true?"
Story Abashiri.png
"Shut up, you... You're so picky with the details... What's the matter with you, you're irritating, why are you so close to my Darling all the time...?"
Story Abashiri.png
"How disgusting... He's my, my only Darling..."
Just touching her like this is the equivalent of Iron Injection, just so you know. Roswell is exhausted from breaking through rampaging prisoners and such to get to us - and this is a necessary recuperation procedure.
Story Abashiri.png
"No... Darling doesn't like me anyway... That's why you're flirting in front of me implying, 'The only one I love is this girl, so don't get too close to me,' or something like that --"
Story Roswell.png
"Hmm. We are not aware that the Space Brother loves Roswell. This all makes sense, then, about his daily behaviour towards Roswell."
Story Abashiri.png
"Huh? What do you mean by daily behaviour...? Darling, just what are you doing to this girl everyday...?"
Roswell and I basically only have normal correspondence. She's only just recently been in the SSS, and to be honest, I don't even really know what she's like.
Story Roswell.png
"Yes. And such 'normal correspondence' is what this Roswell seemed to be very grateful for. It appears Roswell also exhibited emotions - what we could describe as affection - for the Space Brother."
Story Abashiri.png
"Slimeball... I mean, Space... Bra, what? Why do you call my Darling such a strange name, is it a code for love that is only understood between the two of you...?"
Story Roswell.png
"Space Brother is a designation that means so much more than mere 'cosmic brethren'. Roswell seems to think that he is like her family member living in the same universe."
Story Jeran.png
Story Roswell.png
"...Apologies, this is not the time for idle chatter."
Story Abashiri.png
"Fair enough, I'd really like to question you in more detail... But right now, it's my urgent task as a warden to solve the anomalies that are happening in the prison..."
Story Abashiri.png
"But what should we do...? The prisoners are on the rampage because of these mysterious collars..."
Story Abashiri.png
"It's tedious and probably impossible to beat the prisoners one by one and strip them of their collars... We don't have enough manpower, and they're all of the SSS, so they're all unfortunately strong..."
Story Roswell.png
"Yes. The method is inefficient, and the success rate appears to be quite low."
Roswell, earlier you said that someone is using collars to keep the prisoners under control. That means, if we defeat that 'someone' --
Story Abashiri.png
"Maybe the control over the prisoners will be broken and they'll all come to their senses... That's a great solution, Darling... Oh, I'll fall in love with you all over again...♪"
The problem is that this 'someone' is currently unidentified. So who exactly is manipulating the prisoners now, for what purpose and why?
Story Abashiri.png
"Yes, it's a mystery... We don't even know where the demihumans who are 'mischievously' mixing with the prisoners came from... That's why I don't think they've invaded the prison from the outside, either..."
Story Roswell.png
"Hmm. The only way to get the truth is to gather evidence and make deductions. Roswell seems prepared to present any testimony that may be necessary for that purpose."
Story Salem.png
"Abracadabra, Abracadabra~♪"
Story Abashiri.png
"Before we do that, let's first subdue the rioters around us so that we can talk calmly..."
Story Abashiri.png
"Ufufufufu... I'm going to make you all regret for causing a ruckus in my prison--"
They're all just being controlled by collars, so let's not go too far... Abashiri?
Abashiri Prison Banner.png
T-1 Prison Warden's Longest Day
T-2 Overflowing Mystery
T-3 Close Encounters of the Third Kind
T-4 In Search of the Truth
T-5 Triumphant Evil
T-6 Observations of a Prisoner
T-7 Prison Break
T-8 "Oshioki Prison" Extravaganza
T-9 The End of the Traitor
T-10 The Prison Called Life