Event Scenario/Overflowing Mystery

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Abashiri Prison Banner.png
T-1 Prison Warden's Longest Day
T-2 Overflowing Mystery
T-3 Close Encounters of the Third Kind
T-4 In Search of the Truth
T-5 Triumphant Evil
T-6 Observations of a Prisoner
T-7 Prison Break
T-8 "Oshioki Prison" Extravaganza
T-9 The End of the Traitor
T-10 The Prison Called Life
Story Abashiri.png
"Begone...! This is me and my darling's love nest...!"
Story Monster.png
While her statements are rather nonsensical, Abashiri has been exceptionally competent. She nimbly avoided attacks of the swarming demihumans and countered each of them one by one with her artifact in hand.
Story Abashiri.png
"Do not move...! Do not resist...! Be quiet...! Be obedient...!"
Story Abashiri.png
"This is my prison...!"
Abashiri's artifact, specialised in restraint and torture, incapacitated more and more of the rampaging demihumans. Enemies were bound hand and foot, then gagged and fell unconscious on the floor.
Story Abashiri.png
"Pant, pant..."
Oddly enough, I got to 'observe' Abashiri's skills as a warden working in a prison--
But even if she may be a top-notch prison warden, she is not a soldier who shows battle prowess on the frontlines. She is already struggling to deal with the inexhaustible flow of monsters and is already out of breath.
Story Abashiri.png
"I'm sorry, this isn't looking good... Pant, maybe I'm not getting enough exercise... But don't worry, I'll protect my Darling at all costs..."
Take it easy, Abashiri. Let's quickly get to safety and request for reinforcements who can handle the situation. There is absolutely no need to fight desperately and risk your life here.
If push comes to shove, we can even ask for help from the prisoners in Oshioki. All the prisoners here are members of the SSS, and they will probably be happy to help you if, say, you promise them a reduced sentence.
Story Abashiri.png
"Yes... If my most charming and precious Darling in the world asks, they will obey without hesitation... If my Darling even ordered me to 'die', I would bite my tongue on the spot too..."
I want to reassure you that I will never order you to do that. Rather, I would like you to refrain from making such statements again, you're creeping me out.
Story Abashiri.png
"Ufufu, that's hard to say... I think about my Darling every single day, so my love for you flows out of my mouth with every breath I take... Oh?"
Story Phnom Penh.png
Phnom Penh
Suddenly, a new figure poked out of the hole from the floor from which the demihumans had just emerged.
Story Abashiri.png
"That's... I'm pretty sure she's a prisoner who's imprisoned in Oshioki Prison..."
She's Phnom Penh, a member of the SSS. She has a bad habit of dragging other people into the water, so we had to put her inside Oshioki Prison.
Story Abashiri.png
"Yeah, well... I'm aware of it... But that child doesn't seem to show any remorse no matter how much we scold and punish her... I hear the guards are having a hard time with her, she's one of the more troublesome ones..."
Story Abashiri.png
"However. I wonder why that prisoner is walking normally in the corridor outside of the bars... I'm sure she's exercising in the courtyard this time of day, but has she escaped under the guards' noses...?"
Story Abashiri.png
"Did the alarm went off because of her...? But then what were those demihumans...?"
Story Phnom Penh.png
Phnom Penh
"--Hey, come drown with big sis together..."
Suddenly, Phnom Penh just disappeared. At the same time, I can hear eerie whispers from behind me.
Phnom Penh
"It feels so good to drown, you know? The lack of oxygen kills off your brain cells one by one - you'll lose the ability to understand difficult things, and you become a baby...♪"
Abashiri and I can feel our necks being grabbed and pulled down into the floor. It's Phnom Penh's doing, she had moved instantly behind us. She came straddling up me with a smile on her face and continues to talk funny.
Story Phnom Penh.png
Phnom Penh
"You're born as a baby, and you die as a baby! Hey, isn't it great? Drown with big sis together -- Blub blub, blub blub♪"
Unbelievably, Phnom Penh choked us both without hesitation. She usually only attempts to suffocate others for fun, but-- She's strangely more serious than ever, we're going to be strangled to death!
Abashiri Prison Banner.png
T-1 Prison Warden's Longest Day
T-2 Overflowing Mystery
T-3 Close Encounters of the Third Kind
T-4 In Search of the Truth
T-5 Triumphant Evil
T-6 Observations of a Prisoner
T-7 Prison Break
T-8 "Oshioki Prison" Extravaganza
T-9 The End of the Traitor
T-10 The Prison Called Life