Event Scenario/The End of the Traitor

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Abashiri Prison Banner.png
T-1 Prison Warden's Longest Day
T-2 Overflowing Mystery
T-3 Close Encounters of the Third Kind
T-4 In Search of the Truth
T-5 Triumphant Evil
T-6 Observations of a Prisoner
T-7 Prison Break
T-8 "Oshioki Prison" Extravaganza
T-9 The End of the Traitor
T-10 The Prison Called Life
In search of answers, we explored the mysterious ruins that existed in the underground cavern. After fighting off the countless demihumans who attacked us along the way - we arrived at an open space.
It was a strange, ancient temple-like space. Stone pillars with unfamiliar designs and a number of mysterious, faintly shining devices were lined up. At the far end of the room was an ominous throne that looked like it was made of human bones, where Volklingen stood there pompously.
Story Volklingen.png
"Hereeeee, my master... your favourite churros, yummy yummy... isn't it?♪"
To be precise, Volklingen is sitting on the lap of a giant demihuman who sat on a throne. She was apparently whispering in a sweet voice and feeding pastries we didn't even know where she got it from to the demihuman's mouth.
Story Roswell.png
"...Roswell doesn't seem to understand the situation very well."
While we all looked perplexed, Volklingen glared at us, clearly annoyed. She then ordered the demihumans who stood lined up around the throne to do as she said, like dogs doing tricks.
Story Volklingen.png
"What now, some idiots have entered here again? You all should beat them up and put collars on them, I'm too busy being lovey-dovey to my master...♪"
Story Volklingen.png
Story Volklingen.png
"Wha, what are you doing here? Hmhmm... Have you've been thrown into prison for your outrageous behaviour towards me!? Serves you right then, for mistreating me!"
No, I just happened to be on a tour of the prison and got caught up in this incident. What are you doing there, Volklingen?
Story Volklingen.png
"Eh, what - what am I? Uh, umm, umm...?"
Story Volklingen.png
(Shit! Why is Conductor here? I didn't know that! I have a very bad feeling about this, if it was just regular prisoners or something, I could just have the demihumans subdue them...?)
Story Volklingen.png
(But Conductor can strengthen his allies with his Iron Injections, and his team will be at their best if he takes the lead! These demihumans could easily get their asses kicked sideways...?)
Story Volklingen.png
(Just when everything was going my way too! I've even seduced the demihuman who controls the collars to make him do my bidding...?)
As Volklingen began to tremble with her face somehow losing colour. The giant demihuman she was using as a chair looked at Volklingen worriedly. It is apparently not intelligent enough to understand human language - but it seems to have taken an affectionate interest in Volklingen.
Story Monster.png
Giant Demihuman
With a shrill, fearsome cry, the giant demihuman gently lowered Volklingen to the ground - and glared at us while holding a club as big as a tree trunk.
Story Abashiri.png
"I don't know what it is... That demihuman, looks like it wants to kill us..."
Story Roswell.png
"Hmm. It'll be troublesome should that big body go rampant. We've consumed too much energy and other resources on the way here, and it seems likely that we won't be able to handle it."
Story Abashiri.png
"But what if you do that - that mysterious attack that vaporised the sliding doors earlier...?"
Story Roswell.png
"Our sincerest apologies, but that will be difficult. That was a last resort attack that cannot be repeatedly used in a short amount of time, it will takes about a month to recharge its energy for next use."
Story Monster.png
Giant Demihuman
Story Abashiri.png
"Darn it, I guess we'll just have to face it head-to-head...!"
Story Roswell.png
"Roswell too, seems to agree."
We are now engaged in a battle against a huge demihuman that charged us in large strides. This is a rather bad situation, as only myself and two other people are the only fighting force available at hand.
In addition, normal-sized demihumans attacked us with their weapons in hand repeatedly. They have blocked the doorway we had come through, and we were in a dire straits very quickly.
Story Volklingen.png
(Wh-wh-wh-what should I do? Conductor's team is going to die! Should I join them? Buuut then again - shithead Conductor is always so bossy towards me, and as an aristocrat, that pisses me off...)
Story Volklingen.png
(Yeah, why should I worry about him even? Even if it's true that Conductor, Conductor's the only one who's always nice to me.)
Story Volklingen.png
(Everyone else makes fun of me, calling me a shitty soldier and a shitty aristocrat...) Only Conductor trusted me and never gave up on me, no matter how much I scammed and misbehaved...)
Story Volklingen.png
(I even heard that he was also adamantly against us being put inside Oshioki Prison. I wonder if he protected us, or even loved us just a little bit...)
Story Volklingen.png
(No, but surely not. He's just be like everyone else in the end. One day he'll hate me for sure. And then he'll think will be okay to spit on me, to trashtalk me, to trample on me.)
Story Volklingen.png
(Then in that case... I'll betray him first before he betrays me and hurts me.)
Story Volklingen.png
(Ah yes. I'll just ask the demihuman to spare the lives of Conductor's team... Then we can put collars on them too, so that I can control them.)
Story Volklingen.png
(And if I can control the Conductor, I can take control of the entire SSS! I'll be the most powerful commander of the Allied Forces in the whole world! I was only treated as a loser's daughter like garbage all this time!)
Story Volklingen.png
(Gyahahaha, what a big promotion! You'll see me in Heaven, Papa...! I'll be happy this time!)
Story Monster.png
Giant Demihuman
Story Abashiri.png
"Roswell, take my Darling and get out of here, I'll use my artifact to keep the enemy occupied as long as I can...!"
Story Roswell.png
"Negative. Even if you tried beyond your limits, it is impossible to take on such a large number of enemies at the same time all by yourself. You will die without being able to do anything, this Roswell and us will be surrounded and crushed to death."
Story Abashiri.png
"Then what do you think we should do...?"
Story Roswell.png
"Roswell will also stay here and stall for time. She will risk her life to let Space Brother escape, and then - he will escape alone. It will increase his chances of survival, even if only by a little."
Don't make up your own strategies, you two. It's the Conductor's job to devise a plan, and I can't allow you two to throw your lives away like that.
Story Volklingen.png
(Aaargh, it's getting more and more hopeless... Why? Why is this happening? The demihumans are too agitated to even look at me, and they don't seem to even listen to me any more!)
Story Volklingen.png
(It's always like that! Everyone just ignores me! Everyone's all so happy and excited, why can't nobody think of MY feelings!?)
Story Volklingen.png
"....Huh? What the Hell, Conductor? Don't yell at me like that!"
Help us! From what I can see, you're not wearing a collar - you're not being controlled, are you? Then you can move of your own volition!
Story Volklingen.png
"Ye, yeee~s. That collar seems to have been created by that giant demihuman's power who is running amok there... It seems to be able to control whoever wore them and they can be manipulated in any way it wants."
Story Volklingen.png
"But I don't want to be controlled by such a big, stupid thing. I didn't even put up a fight, I just surrendered with a white flag, followed him and wagged my tail as best I could to get him to like me."
Story Volklingen.png
"Jeran and the rest defied the demihumans and got beaten up... They got collars put on them. I'm clever, so they guess it wasn't necessary to use collars to control me."
Well, good. Then help us, we'll be wiped out if we don't.
Story Volklingen.png
"Eh... What do I even gain from joining you all? There's no way this situation can be reversed even if I join you."
Story Volklingen.png
"Why don't you just give up and give in? Don't worry, the demihumans are stupid and weak - maybe if I act cute and ask them, they'll at least spare your lives?"
That's something really unlike you to say, Volklingen. I thought you were a tough woman who never gives up on your struggle to find happiness, even if it meant slurping on dirt.
You were a proud noble who would never submit to anyone from the bottom of your heart - That's what I believed and appreciated of you. But apparently I was wrong.
Story Volklingen.png
"Hey, that... Yeah, so what? Don't expect too much from me and then be disappointed! You know, you must have thought I was 'just another brat' anyway, didn't you?"
Story Abashiri.png
Story Roswell.png
"Ughhh... Apologies, it seems we've overclocked beyond our limits..."
Abashiri and Roswell were cornered by rampaging demihumans.
Abashiri got clubbed by the giant demihuman and rolled across the floor, while Roswell collpased on the spot, likely at the limit of her strength. At the same time, I was desperately providing covering fire with my pistol, but I have ran out of ammunition.
It's all over, then?
Story Volklingen.png
Volklingen's body trembled, she bit her lower lip and stood up. She then clenched her fists and --
Story Jeran.png
But before Volklingen could take any action, the situation changed independently of her. Jeran appears to have regained her senses and bursted into the scene, bodying the demihumans.
Story Jeran.png
"Fetchy! Ducky~! Everyone! Here to save you dah~! Jeran is a tiger and tigers are the strongest, so you're all safe now dah~!"
Behind her stood prisoners we have encountered along the way, Phnom Penh, Salem, and so on -- those whom we have removed their collars have also appeared. Have they escaped from the control of the collars and rushed to us when they noticed the commotion?
All of them are unarmed, as their weapons were still confiscated when they were incarcerated, but they are all members of the well-trained SSS - we can still rely on them. They are able to judge the situation and attack the demihumans before I even order them to do anything.
They are doing their best to help us. The demihumans are sent flying in the air one after another, and even the giant demihuman was surrounded as it roared angrily.
Abashiri Prison Banner.png
T-1 Prison Warden's Longest Day
T-2 Overflowing Mystery
T-3 Close Encounters of the Third Kind
T-4 In Search of the Truth
T-5 Triumphant Evil
T-6 Observations of a Prisoner
T-7 Prison Break
T-8 "Oshioki Prison" Extravaganza
T-9 The End of the Traitor
T-10 The Prison Called Life