Event Scenario/Karamachi's Precious Things

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Welcome to the Booby Trap House Banner.png
R-1 Karamachi's Troubles
R-2 Karamachi's Mansion
R-3 Before the Merchant
R-4 Trap House Explosive Opening
R-5 Trap House Revolt
R-6 Identity of the Thief
R-7 Trap Crusher
R-8 Karamachi's Precious Things
R-9 The Rat's Dwelling
R-10 All is But Grist to the Mill, Fish to the Net
Karamachi's group finally caught up with the giant rat on the rooftops, which had outfoxed them many times with its inherent intelligence.
However, despite how hard they chased it down, the giant rat showed no signs of giving up and put up even more of a desperate fight.
Story Yoshino.png
"Hang in there, everyone. Yoshino thinks Rat-san will get tired soon, and that's when we'll have the chance to capture it."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Even so, it is still moving quickly. I don't think we'll get anywhere if we keep going like this."
Story Yoshino.png
"But if we kill it, we won't know where the merchandise it has stolen are. We'll capture, mark and release it. Then, we will be able to find out where they are."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Sure, but it's moving around so much, if we fight any more it'll tear the compound to shreds."
Story Yoshino.png
"No matter how much the house is damaged, Yoshino will be responsible for fixing it."
Story Yoshino.png
"So just a little bit more, just a little bit more. Karamachi always goes through a lot of trouble to stock up on merchandise..."
Story Yakutsk.png
Story Yoshino.png
"When Yoshino is in need of parts for a machine, Karamachi will wander off and stock up, saying she found it by chance or something."
Story Yoshino.png
"There are a lot of parts that are no longer on the market. And yet, Karamachi finds them for me. Yoshino's sure she goes to a lot of trouble."
Story Yoshino.png
"Karamachi's products are the fruit of her efforts and hard work. Yoshino doesn't want her to give up."
Story Karamachi.png
Story Yoshino.png
"Karamachi, don't give up."
Story Karamachi.png
"Even if you say so, Yakutsk-han is right, we won't get anywhere if we keep on like this."
Story Yoshino.png
"We'll get them. All the merchandise will be returned. Yoshino will not give up hope."
Story Karamachi.png
"It's okay, Yoshino-han. I'll just have to restock the merchandise again."
Story Karamachi.png
"It's true, some of the stuff are no longer procurable, but that doesn't mean I have to close shop. I just have to make a fresh start and do my best again."
Story Karamachi.png
"But I can't give up on this house full of traps that we've built together. I'm very attached to each and every trap. I don't want them destroyed so easily."
Story Yoshino.png
Story Karamachi.png
"Yoshino-han, everyone, thank you very much. This house itself is already a treasure to me."
Story Karamachi.png
"That's why that rat is no longer of any use TO US!"
Karamachi pressed a switch on her hand, the roof opened up and out came a cannon.
Story Yakutsk.png
"What's that thing coming out of there!?"
Story Karamachi.png
"It doesn't fire cannonballs. This is an 'air cannon' that shoots out compressed air and can blow rats far away!"
Story Yoshino.png
"...Got it. Yoshino will support Karamachi's decision."
Story Yoshino.png
"Yakky-tan, let's pin it down so it doesn't run out of range."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Leave it to me! Now is the time for me to show you my brilliant whip-wielding skills!"
Great Thief Rat Kid
The rat may not have known what a cannon looked like, but it definitely knew that something bad was going to happen to itself. But even if it wanted to get out of the line of fire, Yoshino and Yakutsk would not allow it.
Story Karamachi.png
"Prepare yourself, you thievin' rat. With this - IT'S OVER!"
Great Thief Rat Kid
Karamachi's air cannon shot out with a boom, and blew the giant rat instantly away.
Story Yoshino.png
"Ooooh- it flew clean away."
Story Yakutsk.png
"We've won this time."
Story Karamachi.png
"Yaaaah, it's all over now. Thank you all for your help this time."
Story Yoshino.png
"Yoshino will help you with the next restock. Don't hesitate to ask."
Story Karamachi.png
"Also, Yoshino-han, don't worry about me like that. I'll stock as many products as I can from now on, so there's really no need to worry.
Karamachi then stood on the edge of the roof and laughed, her hair fluttering in the wind.
Story Karamachi.png
"I've made many mistakes in my life. I've made mistakes in my work, and I've betrayed the people who cared for me. And yet, everyone has always given me a helpin' hand."
Story Karamachi.png
"That's why I didn't want to make any more mistakes. What is the most important thing to me? What should I protect?"
Story Karamachi.png
"I am very happy because we have protected what is most important to us this time, you know? Look, don't I have a nice smile on my face?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Yes. Karamachi, good smile."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Then it's a great victory."
Story Karamachi.png
"That's what I mean. Well, let's all go downstairs. Let's have a small victory party."
Karamachi, Yoshino and Yakutsk returned to the house, laughing as they each recount how hard they have worked this time.
Karamachi's most precious things shine through in such banter.
Welcome to the Booby Trap House Banner.png
R-1 Karamachi's Troubles
R-2 Karamachi's Mansion
R-3 Before the Merchant
R-4 Trap House Explosive Opening
R-5 Trap House Revolt
R-6 Identity of the Thief
R-7 Trap Crusher
R-8 Karamachi's Precious Things
R-9 The Rat's Dwelling
R-10 All is But Grist to the Mill, Fish to the Net