Event Scenario/Trap House Explosive Opening

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Welcome to the Booby Trap House Banner.png
R-1 Karamachi's Troubles
R-2 Karamachi's Mansion
R-3 Before the Merchant
R-4 Trap House Explosive Opening
R-5 Trap House Revolt
R-6 Identity of the Thief
R-7 Trap Crusher
R-8 Karamachi's Precious Things
R-9 The Rat's Dwelling
R-10 All is But Grist to the Mill, Fish to the Net
The Karamachi trio began to create not only sirens, but also various traps.
And after spending every waking moment building them, the result was--
Story Karamachi.png
It's done~!
Wait a minute, it looks different in width and height than before, surely the mansion isn't getting bigger...?
Story Karamachi.png
"It's the result of reviewin' everythin' and makin' modification after modification."
How much remodelling did it take to make it this big? There's even a mound and a tower, and it looks like an illegal building...
Story Yoshino.png
"Shashou, you'll see what we mean. Then Karamachi, please explain."
Story Karamachi.png
"Here's a brief explanation. The boards that had been hammered into the porch and kitchen door have been removed, so that it looks as if it can be entered from anywhere."
Story Karamachi.png
"But that is already a big trap, for example, the entrance is a dummy. The moment you enter, it's designed with a hole in it that's too big to cross. But if you try to go around the other side...".
Story Yakutsk.png
"Don't make any rash moves, Conductor. The garden is now a minefield, and no one can breach it without my guidance. This is what I call Eisengrad technology."
Yakutsk crosses her arms proudly. This is already beyond the realm of common security.
Story Yoshino.png
"This makes it almost impossible to break in yeah. The correct entrance is the kitchen door - but of course the house is full of traps!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"That's roughly how it would be if we were serious. I can just see the crying face of that thief."
Story Karamachi.png
"This is the culmination of the knowledge and skills of the three of us."
You've created a very dangerous trap house. But we'll catch the thief now.
Story Karamachi.png
"No, not yet."
Story Yoshino.png
"Mhm. The last piece is still missing."
Story Karamachi.png
"Last time we thought we were perfect, we lost. That's why we set a stronger trap this time. Even so, they might still be able to read our moves."
Story Karamachi.png
"That's why we've decided to have an unpredicatable individual make the final trap."
Unpredictable individual? Who on earth could it be?
Story Yoshino.png
"Please, sensei-"
Story Paddington.png
"Anywhere you like! Hello, it's me!"
Story Karamachi.png
"Paddington-han, nice to meet you."
Story Paddington.png
"Yes! I'll take care of everything! I'm going to set up an amazing trap that will amaze the thief!"
Makes sense, Paddington is often a miracle worker. I could say this is a good choice.
Story Yakutsk.png
"Then I want Paddington to set a trap in front of the kitchen door, which is the only way in. Follow me through the minefield."
Story Paddington.png
"Got it, I'll follow Miss Yakutsk closely!"
Yakutsk and Paddington carefully made their way through the minefield garden and around the corner of the house.
Story Yakutsk.png
"We're halfway through the minefield."
Story Paddington.png
"Hawa~ I'm looking forward to my reward, local bento! Sea urchin, crab, salmon roe, what should I ask them to buy~?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Hey Paddington, focus on your feet! If you don't step on the same spot as me, you're going to explode!"
Story Paddington.png
"It's all right~ I didn't see you just now, but I can usually tell where Miss Yakutsk has walked!"
Story Paddington.png
"Look, it's right here♪"
Story Yoshino.png
"Oooooh- she stepped exactly on a landmine."
Story Karamachi.png
"Are those two all right...?"
Good choice of people, no doubt...
Welcome to the Booby Trap House Banner.png
R-1 Karamachi's Troubles
R-2 Karamachi's Mansion
R-3 Before the Merchant
R-4 Trap House Explosive Opening
R-5 Trap House Revolt
R-6 Identity of the Thief
R-7 Trap Crusher
R-8 Karamachi's Precious Things
R-9 The Rat's Dwelling
R-10 All is But Grist to the Mill, Fish to the Net