Main Scenario/A Meaningful Battle

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Chapter 18.png
18-1 The Return
18-2 A New Road
18-3 Through a Long Tunnel
18-4 The First Test
18-5 What You Lack
18-6 A Meaningful Battle
18-7 A Shaky Illusion
18-8 How to Save the World
18-9 Divine Child's Sacrifice
18-10 Country of Peace and Iridescent Clouds
18-EP Epilogue
Story Yakutsk.png
"A blizzard's brewing. Looks like I won't be able to keep going..."
Story Bestyakh.png
"Keep moving! There's people who need our help! We must rescue our heroes!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Is that... Bestyakh?"
Story Bestyakh.png
"Risk your lives for a 'meaningful battle'! The prestige of the Eisengrad Northern Army is at stake in this operation. Bestyakh Company will make sure that it succeeds!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"The atmosphere's different here. Are the Eisengradian troops on duty?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"You've only just returned to your original unit and you're already a company commander? I thought you're still a non-commissioned officer, Bestyakh."
Story Yakutsk.png
"But it looks like you're in the middle of some important mission. You said there's 'people who needed help', so I guess it's a rescue mission for people in distress. I'd like to help too, as an Eisengradian soldier."
Story Yakutsk.png
Story Bestyakh.png
"Dearest sister..."
Story Bestyakh.png
'All troops! Salute to Captain Yakutsk!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Not when there is an emergency. What are you doing here in the middle of a snowfield? Explain the situation."
Story Bestyakh.png
"A unit went missing while conducting field training on this snowfield. A large scale White Wind was observed in the area, so we dispatched immediately to rescue them."
Story Yakutsk.png
"A large scale White Wind!? Then abort the rescue mission. We're sending a large number of men to their deaths in the face of the White Wind!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"I don't think the modern Northern Army would come up with such a plan, let alone in the past... You cannot be serious, Bestyakh. Please tell me you did not carry out this rescue operation by your own initiative, did you?"
Story Bestyakh.png
"I only went on a reconnaissance mission with my own troops. As for any problems that may have arisen in doing so, that is left to the discretion of the commanding officer leading the squad."
Story Bestyakh.png
"Do you know the term 'improvisation and adaptability', sister?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Yes, I know. But that's a term used when you have a good commander with good men who are capable of completing the mission."
Story Yakutsk.png
"I know you're good at what you do, I know you've worked hard and become strong,"
Story Yakutsk.png
"But your soldiers here are not exactly top-notch. To take on the White Wind, we need an elite force like the Spetsgruppa Alfa. You should be well aware of that, don't you?"
Story Bestyakh.png
"Yes, I do. All the soldiers here are aspiring to join the ranks of Spetsgruppa Alfa. They may be inexperienced, but they are ready to lay down their lives at any time."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Don't be stupid! When and where did Instructor Khabarovsk or Captain Volochayevka ever said 'prepare to lay down your lives'!? Are you going to let these young, greenhorn nuggets die like dogs!"
Story Bestyakh.png
"Instructor Khabarovsk and Captain Volochayevka are the best military sister soldiers Eisengrad has to offer. As identical twins, we too have aspired to be those two since we were children."
Story Yakutsk.png
Story Bestyakh.png
"Khabarovsk, the perfect superhuman, and Volochayevka, who cares for her subordinates. Which of those two do you think is the more talented, my dear sister?"
Story Bestyakh.png
"It cannot be argued that those two are the best military sisters in the Eisengrad. But who is more talented, the older sister or the younger sister?Have you ever thought about this before?"
Story Bestyakh.png
"If we consider just their achievements in the Northern Army. The older sister, Instructor Khabarovsk, is considered the better soldier. But there are those who hold the view that the younger sister, Captain Volochayevka, is superior in fights against monsters."
Story Yakutsk.png
"When it comes to combat skills, it's difficult to judge the superiority of the two, especially when their combat levels are out of this world. Unless they commit to a one-on-one death battle, we will never know."
Story Yakutsk.png
"But when it comes to the ability to command troops. I think Khabarovsk is better than her. Instructor Khabarovsk was looking for ways to fight efficiently and effectively in any situation, that's why she was able to accomplish many missions that were difficult to accomplish."
Story Bestyakh.png
"I knew it, you show favouritism towards older sisters."
Story Yakutsk.png
"That's not the case. I am not taking sides with either of the sisters. I'm just saying that in an objective point of view if I were to evaluate them as soldiers."
Story Yakutsk.png
"While we're at it, Bestyakh, this battle that you want to do, it's a reckless manoeuvre to anyone that knows about it."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Engaging the White Wind with a single company of foot soldiers? Not even a child playing soldier would dare utter that."
Story Yakutsk.png
"You said earlier that you were going to rescue a hero, correct? Who are you trying to save? How many lives are you trying to save, putting dozens of lives at risk in return?"
Story Bestyakh.png
"We are! Captain Volochayevka was assisting in the training of new recruits in the Northern Forest, and we are going to rescue her! She is the treasure of the Eisengrad North Army! We must not let her die!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"This is the... Northern Forest?"
Story Bestyakh.png
"We will now begin the search for Captain Volochayevka! Do not be cowed by the White Wind! Follow me!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"What is wrong with you..."
Story Yakutsk.png
"CAPTAIN VOLOCHAYEVKA IS ALREADY DEAD! She died to protect me! From the White Wind that broke out during training here in this North Forest!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"I did not tell Bestyakh about the details of that incident. I didn't want to Bestyakh to be hurt, I didn't want her... to be disappointed in me."
Story Yakutsk.png
"I wanted to confess to Bestyakh about this the first time I see her again, but I couldn't. If Bestyakh finds out, she might blame me. She might be disappointed in me. That's what I thought."
Story Yakutsk.png
"But this person standing in front of me, you're not Bestyakh. This forest is not the North Forest either."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Bestyakh has no authority of command. She is not so feeble that he cannot accept the death of Captain Volochayevka. She would not let valued comrades and subordinates accompany her on a reckless mission. If she had to do it, she would do it alone."
Story Yakutsk.png
Story Yakutsk.png
"Who are you? If you're a soldier, tell me your rank and your unit."
Story Bestyakh.png
"Bestyakh. Lieutenant of the Eisengrad Northern Army."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Lieutenant? You disappeared while you were still a junior officer, and you've promoted to a lieutenant already? That's a bit of a stretch, no?"
Story Yakutsk.png
Story Yakutsk.png
"Lieutenant Bestyakh. I order you to return to base. Return with your troops to the nearest garrison immediately."
Story Bestyakh.png
"And what if I say no?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"You have no authority to disobey. This is a Captain's order. You must obey."
Story Bestyakh.png
"...Sister, are you leaving Captain Volochayevka to die?"
Story Bestyakh.png
"This is terrible. You deprive me not only of my place, but also of my benefactor."
Story Yakutsk.png
"If you're going to roleplay Bestyakh, put on a better act. My real sister wouldn't say such stupid things on the battlefield."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Begone from this place now! You don't even know what 'a meaningful battle' or 'a worthy victory' is. You can't even follow your superiors' orders. You've smeared the name of the Eisengrad Army."
"Like unyielding ice and steel, you combine calm thinking with strong will. You are welcomed into the station of Eternal Snow and Steel."
Chapter 18.png
18-1 The Return
18-2 A New Road
18-3 Through a Long Tunnel
18-4 The First Test
18-5 What You Lack
18-6 A Meaningful Battle
18-7 A Shaky Illusion
18-8 How to Save the World
18-9 Divine Child's Sacrifice
18-10 Country of Peace and Iridescent Clouds
18-EP Epilogue