Main Scenario/How to Save the World

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Chapter 18.png
18-1 The Return
18-2 A New Road
18-3 Through a Long Tunnel
18-4 The First Test
18-5 What You Lack
18-6 A Meaningful Battle
18-7 A Shaky Illusion
18-8 How to Save the World
18-9 Divine Child's Sacrifice
18-10 Country of Peace and Iridescent Clouds
18-EP Epilogue
A Railway Seeker suddenly appeared as we were about to head into the interior of the Giant Tree. From Mary's reaction, it seems to be of a slightly different nature to the ones we have faced before.
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
Story Mary.png
"I can't feel Ricardo's pain and suffering. Don't tell me this is another illusion of the Giant Tree...?"
Story Mary.png
"No, it's not."
Story Mary.png
"This is Ricardo's will. She sent a messenger because she had something to tell us."
Story Mary.png
"Isn't that right? Ricardo?"
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"Mary. Are you here?"
Story Vivienne.png
"It spoke!"
Story Putra.png
"Wasn't that the voice that spoke to us the other day inside the Terminal?"
Story Vivienne.png
"Yes! That's the voice that said 'Poison is Steel'!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"So the one who's talking to Mary now is Ricardo Trevithick... Conductor's mother."
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"Mary. Thank you for bringing my son here. The day has finally come for our Mist Train to pass through these gates."
Story Mary.png
"The train I built will run on the Giant Tree Railroad. I have dreamed of this day for so long."
Story Mary.png
"The truth is you and I were supposed to be on this Train. Even without the cooperation of the Knights, even without the understanding of the Alliance. Just the people who were on Ricardo's side. We could have had the Train running."
Story Mary.png
"But in the end that didn't happen. We noticed something strange happening to Iris Cloud before we could get the Mist Train going."
Story Mary.png
"And the train's furnace stopped responding to Ricardo's magic..."
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"The Mist we are trying to clear was meant to protect us from the Poison that is trying to destroy the world. We should have interrupted our Mist-clearing journey."
Story Mary.png
"Don't worry. I've explained that to everyone. Conductor came here on the Mist Train to see the truth with his own eyes. To find out what it is that needs to be cleared up."
Story Mary.png
"He is trying to face the Giant Tree with the eyes of truth, without being bound by tradition, convention, nationality, status or rank. That's your son, Ricardo. Just like you when you were young."
Story Mary.png
"We haven't seen each other in ages. Why don't you talk to your son for a bit? You haven't seen him for a while now."
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"Mary, the St. Iris Giant Tree will die soon. Kill me before it does."
Story Mary.png
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"I can no longer regain humanity. Prepare to kill me before he sets foot in the Keeper's Chamber. Tell my son that."
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"I have discovered the flow of the Poison that is polluting the Giant Tree will be kept in my body and soul in the Guardian's Chamber. In the meantime, kill me and take me out of the Giant Tree."
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"Make sure you bring my son. Without his strength, I cannot be stopped. Protect him at all costs."
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"I'm counting on you. Mary. Do your knightly duty."
Story Queensway.png
"It disappeared. Not even a word to Conductor..."
Story Putra.png
"Why? It was so difficult for them two to be together!"
Story Mary.png
"I understand now, it was an illusion magic Ricardo put up at the Gate. She can't see us and he can't hear us. She knew that one day I would come here through the Giant Tree Railroad. That recording was prepared a long time ago."
Story Yoshino.png
"Illusions that are triggered by sensing specific magical powers, this is a bit similar to Nishikese sorcery. It looks simple but it is actually a very difficult sorcery that requires a high level of skill."
Story Mary.png
"Ricardo loved Conductor. There is no way she could have come face to face with her son and not said something."
Story Mary.png
"Perhaps Ricardo doesn't even have the luxury of making any other illusions anymore. We can assume it's a very urgent situation..."
Story Yoshino.png
"This situation requires shasho, Mary can't do anything about it."
Story Yoshino.png
"Isn't that right? Assuming what Ricardo says is true"
Story Mary.png
Story Yoshino.png
"There's no point in Mary becoming a human pillar, but there is a way to save the Giant Tree instead."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Kill Ricardo. That's what it said."
Story Queensway.png
"Hold on just a minute. Lady Ricardo is Conductor's mother, remember!?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"... You're not still going to tell me there's another way? You kept looking for a way that wouldn't make Mary sacrifice herself. We've all come this far with the same feelings."
Story Queensway.png
Story Yakutsk.png
"I would save them all if I could. But we can't, and so many people sacrificed their lives for this moment. How many people do you think have lost their lives fighting the Phantom Mist in this world?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"It's all about saving the Iris Cloud. That's why we do what we can."
I want to say that Yakutsk is right, but there is no need to be so definitive at this stage.
Story Queensway.png
How do we know if we don't try? How do we know if we don't go? That's how we have been searching for new paths. So we won't know the truth until we get inside the Giant Tree and meet Ricardo,
If what Ricardo said earlier is true, I will end her life as she wished. Although it comes with the sad consequence of sacrificing a Divine Child, I think it's the best way to go at the moment.
The one who's trapped in the Giant Tree isn't an ordinary civilian, but a Divine Child who plunged into the Mist to save this world. Just like knights and soldiers, there are reasons for a Divine Child to be a Divine Child.
All in order to save this world. To protect it. Ricardo Trevithick must have long prepared to face the consequences of death. If it is for the good of this world, even ruin together is a good outcome.
Story Yoshino.png
"If what Ricardo said earlier was true, Ricardo's efforts must not be in vain.
Story Yoshino.png
"Ricardo has been fighting all her life, right? She went through many battles like Yoshino and the others, and she finally reached the Giant Tree."
Story Yakutsk.png
"And doing that without the Mist Train too."
Story Mary.png
"Many of our allies were sacrificed, some of them lost their lives to protect Ricardo."
Story Yoshino.png
"Even after that battle was over, Ricardo was alone in the Giant Tree the whole time, wasn't she?"
Story Mary.png
Story Mary.png
"For the sake of everyone that lives here in Iris Cloud, she continues to endure intense pain and that makes both her mind and body scream."
Story Mary.png
"Railway Seekers were born out of Ricardo's pain and suffering. By making them breathe out Poison, and by suffocating them, Ricardo's burden could be eased."
Story Vivienne.png
"So that's why Mary was calling in a lot of Railway Seekers previously."
Story Yakutsk.png
"You could always count on Mary to be around Railway Seekers. Mary was always there."
Story Yoshino.png
"If that logic holds, then what Ricardo said sounds right..."
Story Queensway.png
"What is that light?"
Story Paddington.png
"Soon the door to the Giant Tree will open. Those who proceed along the steel railway must pass through the door. The Guardian of the Giant Tree will wait for you in the Guardian's Chamber."
Story Vivienne.png
"Paddington's acting strange again."
Story Yoshino.png
"Paddington's strange because Islington said it might be because of the Giant Tree."
Story Paddington.png
"The Guardian of the Giant Tree has opened up the Station of Peace and Iridescent Clouds. But it won't last long because of the otherworldly Poison. Welcome to the Guardian's Chamber. Unleash the Guardian of the Giant Tree."
Story Putra.png
"Whoa! Paddington's flying!?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"She got straight onto the Train. Should we really leave her alone?"
Story Queensway.png
"Mary, is she controlled by Lady Ricardo too?"
Story Mary.png
"No, it's not Ricardo's work."
Story Queensway.png
"Then what's going on? Lady Paddington was like this in Flamarine, too. She was in that state of mind..."
Story Yoshino.png
"She wasn't levitating though at the time."
Story Paddington.png
"The magic train will now depart from the Giant Tree Railroad. To enter the Giant Tree of St. Iris."
Story Paddington.png
"Ascending energy fill rate to the Guardian's Chamber at 85%. Gate release rate at 90%. Confirming steel railway acceleration mode shift. Signal yellow. Green shortly."
Story Queensway.png
"The Mist Train and rails are glowing..."
Story Yoshino.png
"It looks like its going to start running any minute now. Shasho didn't inject any magic into it."
Story Queensway.png
"You don't mean to tell me that Paddington's injecting magic into the Phantom Mist core?"
No, that's impossible. Certainly the Mist Train's furnace is showing a reaction, but I sense a different kind of power than the magical power that is activated when the train is in operation.
That is not the magic power emitted by the Train itself. The big gate leading to the Giant Tree and the rail have been glowing red since a few minutes ago and is suppling a tremendous amount of magical power to the Train...
Story Paddington.png
"Gate 100%. Signal green. The magic train has been balanced by the power output and acceleration boost of the steel rail. All passengers must board immediately. Repeat. All passengers must board immediately."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Hey, this could be a problem if we don't get on board."
Story Vivienne.png
"Right. At this rate, Paddington's going to go off on her own."
Story Queensway.png
"We're already inside the Giant Tree. If we don't all go together, there's no point in coming this far. Let's follow Conductor's instructions and get on the train as soon as possible."
The train knights are hurriedly boarding the Mist Train, which is about to start moving after receiving a mysterious supply of magical power. The energy transmitted by the glowing red rails to the train's wheels is so tremendous, that it feels like the train is likely to fly forward as soon as it departs.
All hands, prepare for a rapid start and high speed travel. Once we pass through the Gate, we are already inside the Giant Tree. Maintain battle formation to anticipate sudden attacks.
Story Queensway.png
"Boarding complete. Everyone is in position. We are finally entering the Giant Tree. Let's be careful."
Story Yakutsk.png
"We'll keep an eye on Paddington as well. Vivienne, Putra. Keep an eye on her so she doesn't fly off on her own."
Story Putra.png
"Aye aye sir!"
Story Vivienne.png
"Should it ever comes to it, we'll just tie her up with a rope and twirl her around!"
Story Paddington.png
"Passengers all aboard confirmed. The magic train will now pass through the gates of Giant Tree of St. Iris."
The Special Steel Squad had travelled from country to country to clear the world of Mist.
--The Mist and steel have a close relationship.
--The way to save Iris Cloud lies inside the Giant Tree.
The Mist Train follows the steel railway route covered by the Sea of Fog, and finally came to the inside of the Giant Tree.
This is where Ricardo Trevithick is. She is the greatest Divine Child in the history of St. Iris, and the first woman in the history of humanity who designed the first vehicle to run on a railway.
Her sacrifices and responsibilities to keeps the world in harmony, is waiting for us somewhere inside this Giant Tree...
Chapter 18.png
18-1 The Return
18-2 A New Road
18-3 Through a Long Tunnel
18-4 The First Test
18-5 What You Lack
18-6 A Meaningful Battle
18-7 A Shaky Illusion
18-8 How to Save the World
18-9 Divine Child's Sacrifice
18-10 Country of Peace and Iridescent Clouds
18-EP Epilogue