Main Scenario/Country of Peace and Iridescent Clouds

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Chapter 18.png
18-1 The Return
18-2 A New Road
18-3 Through a Long Tunnel
18-4 The First Test
18-5 What You Lack
18-6 A Meaningful Battle
18-7 A Shaky Illusion
18-8 How to Save the World
18-9 Divine Child's Sacrifice
18-10 Country of Peace and Iridescent Clouds
18-EP Epilogue
"God damn it, Ricardo, you've got a lot of nerve to demand people to be sharp and then be late yourself. You're certainly living up to your inherited title of 'The Divine Child of Trust.'"
"...Not really I guess, inheriting isn't quite accurate. No other Divine Child has a lifestyle as mischievous and unpredictable as her."
"Eh, I suppose I'm the same way when I put it like that."
Ricardo's Recollection.jpg
"Mary! I'm sorry I'm late."
"You're really late... Umm, who's the girl next to you?"
'Heheh, it's a surprise from me♪ She's our new friend...♪"
"Who's our new friend...?"
"Let me introduce you - Yuuzen, the Nishikese sorceress!"
"I'm Yuuzen. Nice to meetcha."
"Mary Rosegarden."
"Mary Rosegarden? Why is the Knight Commander of the Order of St. Iris here..."
"I left the Order for, reasons. Just pretend that I disappeared into the Mist."
'Hey, hey, Mary, listen! This girl is a descendant of the living doll master Yuuzen the First!"
"The living doll master Yuuzen the FIrst... nope, doesn't ring a bell. I'm sorry, but I don't know much about Nishiki. I'd appreciate it if you could tell me a few things along the way."
"I don't have much to tell ya. Even among Nishiki folks, only a few doll enthusiasts know the name. If I tell them I'm a descendant of Yuuzen, they'll think I'm an impostor, there's no evidence to back it up..."
"What are you talking about? Neither Ricardo nor I consider you a fraud."
"Yep. I invited you because you are a good sorceress. I need your help with that power of yours."
"And you don't have to hide the magic of the dolls in your basket. Both me and Ricardo have long since found out."
"No, no. These children are really just regular dolls. They just have a bit of a pitiful curse on them, but they won't harm anyone."
"I know what they are. If I can't even see through that much, I can't be a Knight Commander."
'Likewise! If I can't see through that, I can't be a Divine Child of Trust~♪"
"Do ya both trust me...?"
"Of course I do. I believe in you."
"Even if you are a fraud, I'm touched when you went back into the Phantom Mist to rescue even just one doll."
"Did that happen?"
"She helped to evacuate the inhabitants in Nishiki, and then there was a girl who said she had left her doll at home. Yuuzen went back alone to get the doll."
"The girl who owned the doll will cherish it for the rest of her life, and she will never forget the face of the benefactor who saved her family."
"I'm not fighting to ingratiate myself, I don't care what anyone thinks of me."
"Mhm, I knew you were the right girl♪"
"What did ya mean by that?"
"I want people in my group who are willing to risk his or her life to achieve a goal, not for reward or honour. When we are dealing with the Phantom Mist, we cannot afford to have any doubts.
"What we do from now on will probably not be appreciated by anyone. As long as we have made the decision not to move the Mist Train, neither the Alliance nor the Knights will be on our side."
"Yet we still want to save this world. We want to save this wonderful world of Iris Cloud. I want to make it possible for people to come and go freely. To do this, we must learn about the Giant Tree."
"Not only will we risk our lives, it could also tarnish our family name. They might even point the finger at us as the bad guys."
"But I still want a friend who is willing to fight for peace, that's why I chose you, Yuuzen.
"What exactly do ya want me to do?"
"Find a way to get closer to the Giant Tree! To do that, we'll travel around the world and gather as much information as we can!"
"Sounds fun, doesn't it?♪"
"Bleh, of course it won't be fun..."
"But it does sound interesting..."
"Ain't that right!?"
"It will be a tough journey, but I think it will be worthwhile. I'm sure there are things we need to do before we can get the Mist Train going."
"Hopefully we can work it out without using the Mist Train, but the higher ups are dying to use that new weapon of yours."
"It's not a weapon, it's a Train of Dreams..."
"One day they'll call it that. Your son will connect our thoughts."
"Ya've got a kid!!??"
"Yes she does. She put the poor boy danger more than once because she carries him around everywhere."
'That's how I educate my boy! You're still a young child, Mary, you won't understand right now."
"Ya're going to leave your family to do a dangerous job, is that it? What will happen to the child if ya expire?"
"It's out of your hands. He will go his own way. Don't underestimate my son."
"Even without his mother, that boy will not waver. One day, he will be a hero who saves Iris Cloud and will be a good man who the whole world will look up to."
"Ricardo, time is up."
"Yes... we have to go now."
"...Hey Mary?"
"Thank you. I am grateful to you, for believing in me."
After a fierce battle, the Special Steel Squad defeated Ricardo, who was Poisoned and turned into a Monster. Ricardo's body, which had acted as a receptacle for the poison in place of the Giant Tree, was detached from the Giant Tree. We managed to prevent the Poison from flowing into St. Iris.
Mary also fought well. When the other Train Knights saw Ricardo weakening, their resolve wavered with a sense of guilt. Mary was the only one who continued to wield her sword without hesitation,
even after Ricardo had completely stopped moving, Mary did not sheathe her sword.
She was still in combat stance anticipating for attacks, serving as our shield, even after Ricardo was freed from the Giant Tree and collapsed on the tracks, she never left Ricardo's side.
This is the difference in experience. This is the serious fighting style of someone who has seen a lot of Hell.
Perhaps both Mary and Ricardo had even both turned their swords on their own allies and dealt the finishing blow to them. It would not be surprising to have cases where a friend kills another.
This is the battle against the Phantom Mist. This is the battle with the Giant Tree. This is the battle of those who have continued to face head-on the source of what had tormented, hurt and plagued the people of Iris Cloud.
Story Mary.png
After defeating Ricardo, the Guardian's Chamber showed Mary and her friends as youngsters. During this time, Mary remained in a fighting stance and did not take her eyes off Ricardo for a single moment.
Story Queensway.png
"Was that just now Lady Ricardo's memory...?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"There was Yuuzen and Mary, I wonder if this was a memory of when Yuuzen became Ricardo's companion."
Story Yoshino.png
"Yuuzen, she was quite a nice person."
Story Ricardo.png
"...Mary, finish me quickly."
Story Ricardo.png
"If you don't kill me, the Poison willl go to someone else. If my son is next, it'll be unstoppable this time."
Story Ricardo.png
"Please. Do your duty."
Story Mary.png
"Alright, I'll escort you to the ends of the earth."
Wait, Mary. That's not necessary.
Story Mary.png
"Conductor, I'm sorry, but Ricardo is right. We have to mercy kill Ricardo while she still contained the Poison in her. Otherwise, either Ricardo or the conductor will be become a vicious Monster with a Giant Tree as its stronghold."
Story Mary.png
"Whoever that is will be the worst source of the Poison."
I know. We must put Ricardo down, together with the Poison.
But that is not Mary's role. That role should be mine, as a Divine Child, as the Conductor of the Special Steel Squad.
Story Mary.png
I'm doing doing this as a duty of a son. Killing Ricardo, who has been poisoned, means sealing off the source of the powerful Mist that infects this Giant Tree. In that case, the most effective way to finish her off is with the power of a Divine Child.
Story Ricardo.png
"The boy has a point. Mary, I apologize, but let him do the honours."
Story Mary.png
Story Mary.png
"...Are you okay with that?"
Story Ricardo.png
"Good. All good."
Story Ricardo.png
"When I decided to stay here, I was prepared to stay here forever. But now I can say goodbye to my favourite friend and my beloved son. I can also see my son fulfilling his duties as a Divine Child, now that he has grown up. I have no regrets, it's the most beautiful ending I could have hoped for."
Story Mary.png
"I understand. It's my duty to fulfil your wishes."
Story Mary.png
Story Mary.png
"Hey, Ricardo."
Story Ricardo.png
"Yes, Mary?"
Story Mary.png
"Have I fulfilled my duties as a knight?"
Story Mary.png
"Even though I wasn't with you, have I done what I needed to do?"
Story Ricardo.png
"Yes, you did a great job. You may not know this, but I watched everything..."
Story Mary.png
Story Ricardo.png
"You've ended one big battle. There were many times when I thought it was all over, but... you managed it all."
Story Ricardo.png
"And now a new battle is about to begin. Protect my son, Mary, it's your duty as a knight."
Story Mary.png
"A new battle..."
Story Mary.png
"Hahah- what a bother, you're the same rowdy Divine Child as always."
Story Ricardo.png
"Take care of my son for me, Mary."
--We don't have much time for pleasantries anymore.
Story Ricardo.png
"Please excuse me. I thought I should at least thank her for her hospitality."
Ricardo... my mother.
As your son, I'm sorry it had to end this way. But I am proud of my mother, I wanted to tell you this.
Story Ricardo.png
"I, too, am proud of you."
Ricardo Trevithick's achievements in this world are great, you designed the Mist Train and fought against the Phantom Mist as the Divine Child of Trust.
But it is not for these reasons that I am proud of you, mother.
You did not turn away from the truth. You thought about what she had to do to protect Iris Cloud, to save people. You thought about what you had to do, and you showed it in action.
I salute you from the bottom of my heart. I will tell many people about what you did, mother. A woman and her friends who protected peace and iridescent clouds.
Story Ricardo.png
"Thank you. I'm happy I built the Mist Train."
Story Ricardo.png
"What is that train called now by the people of Iris Cloud?"
--The Train of Dreams.
Story Ricardo.png
"I see. Thank you, everyone."
Story Ricardo.png
"I have no regrets. I am the happiest Divine Child of St. Iris."
Story Ricardo.png
"Goodbye. Take care of Mary. Take care of your friends above all else."
Oh, and I'll make sure I look after my sister too. Dr. Gloria was very worried about you too.
Story Ricardo.png
"I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused her. I hope you love her a lot, even more than I do."
Story Mary.png
"Conductor, Ricardo's magic will run out soon. It's now or never."
Next, we will defeat the monster that haunt the Giant Tree of St. Iris, and seal the root source of the Poison that calls forth the objects of the otherworlds.
Story Queensway.png
"This tremendous power... I sense a power stronger than Lady Islington's offensive magic."
Story Yoshino.png
"If Yoshino and the others were here, we might get caught in the blast."
Story Yakutsk.png
"All hands on standby! We'll board the Mist Train and prepare for an emergency escape!"
Story Queensway.png
The Train Knights may have sensed my magical reaction. They quickly return to the Mist Train.
My subordinates are excellent. This is also the first time today that I have used the powers of a Divine Child. It's hard to even say that I can control it completely.
Story Mary.png
"Queensway has grown up too. I thought she was going to say she wants to stay here with me..."
"This means she has faith in you, Mary. She knows Mary can handle it on her own, so she has taken action to do the best she can."
Story Mary.png
"My duty is to assist the Divine Children. I'll make sure you're protected. Make sure you finish her. Don't go easy."
Of course I'm going to take it seriously. This is my first big job.
As the heir to the power of Ricardo Trevithick, as a child of the Country of Peace and Iridescent Clouds,
As the commander of the SSS -- it is my duty as the Conductor.
Story Ricardo.png
"The Giant Tree of St Iris in the Land of Peace and Iridescent Clouds will be purified. But don't forget... there are four more Giant Trees. There are also four more Guardians to save..."
Story Ricardo.png
"Farewell. My loved ones."
And so, the Guardian of the Giant Tree completed its task, absorbed by the Giant Tree of St. Iris.
Ricardo Trevithick's life came to an end, who fought to absorb large quantities of the Poison that flowed from the otherworlds to save the Giant Tree of St. Iris.
She was smiling in her last moments.
She looked towards the Train of Dreams and waved to everyone,
As if to say, "Have a good journey".
Story Mary.png
"Conductor, we're going back to the Mist Train now. After all that strong magic, anything can happen."
Story Queensway.png
"Mary, Conductor sir, hurry! There are a lot of Samanthas pouring in from down there!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Prepare to depart! Vivienne and Yoshino, prepare to intercept! Paddington, what's the status of the furnace?"
Story Paddington.png
"No problem! If Conductor injects some magic power, the train will be able to run as normal."
Story Yoshino.png
"It doesn't even have to function normally. The rails are glowing red, just like when we came up."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Good! Luck is on our side! Now we can get all the way back to the gate at once! Mary, Conductor, get on board alright!?"
Story Mary.png
"It's alright. Let's start the train."
Story Paddington.png
"Here we go then. Mist Train, full speed ahead!"
The Mist Train ran at full speed through the interior of the Giant Tree and passed through the gate leading to the Sea of Fog, with a great many Samantha surrounding us.
Unlike the outward journey, the return journey was a straight road. We weren't stopped at every station. There were no trials, no Samantha's appearance, etc. directly heading towards the first station where Islington was waiting for us.
On the way, an astonishing sight met our eyes.
Story Queensway.png
"Everyone, look outside!"
Story Yakutsk.png
Story Queensway.png
'The Mist is... cleared?'
Story Queensway.png
"The Sea of Fog in St. Iris is gone! Conductor sir and Lady Ricardo have really cleared the Mist!"
Story Vivienne.png
'Wow... was this really the Sea of Fog?'
Story Putra.png
"What a beautiful sight. This place was called the Sea of Fog for hundreds of years!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Unbelievable. I didn't know that the area around the Giant Tree was so beautiful."
Story Yoshino.png
"There are beautiful forests and flower gardens that go on forever. It's like a paradise."
Story Mary.png
"This is the country Ricardo loved. This is St. Iris, the country of Peace and Iridescent Clouds.
Story Mary.png
"This is the world we must protect."
The continent of Iris Cloud is shrouded in deep Mist - The Mist spreads across the world from around the Giant Tree that towers over the borders of each country, vicious demons called Mist Monsters dwelled in the Mist, bewitched people and attacked them.
People called the abominable mist - the Phantom Mist.
Where does the Phantom Mist come from? How long has it covered this world?
There was a legendary Divine Child who got to the bottom of the matter before anyone else,
Her name is Ricardo Trevithick. She was a divine child who received the blessing of the goddess St. Iris, the hero of the Iris Cloud, who has upheld the spirit of justice and defended the world.
"-The Mist and the railway are closely related. Go around the stations hidden in the Mist and release the Guardians who sleep in the five Giant Trees. Let the iridescent clouds strengthen and become a light that clears the Mist.
Ricardo is the only Guardian of the Giant Tree we have released.
We just saved the Giant Tree of St. Iris. Does it not mean that we have saved Iris Cloud...?


Chapter 18.png
18-1 The Return
18-2 A New Road
18-3 Through a Long Tunnel
18-4 The First Test
18-5 What You Lack
18-6 A Meaningful Battle
18-7 A Shaky Illusion
18-8 How to Save the World
18-9 Divine Child's Sacrifice
18-10 Country of Peace and Iridescent Clouds
18-EP Epilogue