Main Scenario/Akiba-kei and Shibuya-kei

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Chapter 24.png
24-1 Inn of Love
24-2 Crime City Kabukichou
24-3 Akiba-kei and Shibuya-kei
24-4 Nightlife in Moderation
24-5 Freak Show Girl
24-6 Children in Adult Town
24-7 Bragging About Gang Fights
24-8 Angry Children
24-9 Cover Up the Stench
24-10 Between Good and Evil
Story Akihabara.png
"Uuu~mmm Huuu~mmm...?"
Meanwhile at the same time - in the newly built and constructed Special Steel Squad garrison in M. Nishiki, the Special Steel Squad member Akihabara was making suspicious movements.
Story Akihabara.png
"This place is- ummm~ no gud, rite? This one is...? Aaaaaahmo, it's no gud here either!"
Akihabara was fruitlessly wandering back and forth through the base corridors of the garrison. Every so often, she would stop and stretch out, pinching and rubbing the horns on her forehead.
Story Akihabara.png
"Myu~n, myu~n!"
Incidentally, Akihabara has the ability of divine communication, that can connect with other people's minds and hearts without regards to distance. And, she regularly distributes unusual "livestream channels" that make use of it and show said hallucinations to others.
Story Akihabara.png
Story Akihabara.png
"--No, no! Ughhh, still can't get a connection anywhere! Is there no signal in the underground universe of Iris Metro~? Or is it because this is a base station with wards and so on that don't allow divine communication power to penetrate?"
Story Akihabara.png
"Oh gosh, I'm cringing from withdrawal symptoms...! Akiba is a modern-day zoomer, who gets anxious when there's no Internet connection!"
Story Akihabara.png
"Gah, subscribers all over the world are waiting for updates on 'Akiba☆Channel'! So sowwy, my moe piggies, Akiba is disqualified from being a streamer~!"
Story Shibuya.png
Story Akihabara.png
Akihabara screamed in terror as she was caught in the arms of Shibuya, who rushed forward unexpectedly.
As for Shibuya, she is the daughter of a noble family (Nishikese nobility), but for some reason she is a strange girl who wants to act like a delinquent. If only her strange nature were left out, she would truly be an excellent member of the squad.
Story Akihabara.png
"Oi, wait! What's going on all of a sudden? Akiba's making noises a girl shouldn't make! Thank goodness I'm not online...!"
Story Shibuya.png
"Eh~? Sometimes watches Akiba-chan's channel, but mostly hear 'Where's that voice coming from?', and are ya making a strange noise?"
Story Akihabara.png
"That's exactly what Akiba's trying to do! That's my characterization! If Akiba doesn't adjust it properly, it'll just be unpleasant for people to listen to- t, SHIBUYASHIIIIIIIIIII!?"
Story Shibuya.png
"YEEEESS! This is Shibuya-san de~su☆"
Story Akihabara.png
"W-w-wha-what are you doing here?"
Story Shibuya.png
"Eh? Probably for the same reason as Akiba-chan? All the available personnel were called up to this garrison because M. Nishiki was going to be on the front line for a while!"
Story Shibuya.png
"But because we've been recruited at random, there's a bit of a surplus of talent! That's why there are people like Shibuya-san who have too much free time on their hands, so she went for a walk..."
Story Akihabara.png
"If-If you have nothing to do, just go back up the surface! Didn't Conductor-shi issue such an order to you?"
Story Shibuya.png
"Aaaah~ he said that in the morning meeting the other day, didn't he? Something about a mismanagement by the top brass, called in too many troops, and they want at least half of them to return to the sur~face?"
Story Shibuya.png
"It feels like there's a flurry of activity, these days. Everyone is in a hurry or something... That's how bad the world must be right now."
Story Shibuya.png
"It's because of these cold, cold times that Shibuya-san's trying her best to do what she can do. -- Um, what?"
Story Akihabara.png
Story Shibuya.png
"Oooo~oi! Why are ya backing away from her so slowly Akiba-chan? Come and let's have a friendly chat with Shibuya-san~♪"
Story Akihabara.png
"No no, no thank you! Why are you being so friendly with me, Shibuya-shi, way more than necessary? You've been like that since the moment we met...!"
Story Shibuya.png
"Eh~? Because when she asked ya, Akiba-chan, said that yer from the same region as Shibuya-san right?"
Story Shibuya.png
"We were born in the same region, so we're like sisters! Do we need other reasons to get along with each other?"
Story Akihabara.png
"Oh, you're the kind of person who wants to be friends with everyone, so surely that you think that way! Akiba, with her limited communication skills, is very choosy on who she makes friends with!"
Story Akihabara.png
"I'll be honest, you're a nuuuisance when you come on to me! You scare my otaku-tachi away when you're around!"
Story Shibuya.png
"Eh, Shibuya-san, is scary? Fufufu, at last, Shibuya-san showed off how gangsta she is...☆".
Story Shibuya.png
"Hey, hey, which part of it was scary? Knew it, people who see her can tell that she's the worst kind of punk who hurts everyone she comes into contact with☆"
Story Akihabara.png
"HELL NO! What Akiba-tachi are scared of is your unleashed riajuu-aura! Shibuya-shi always hangs out with the most fashionable and stylish girls, talking about clothes and make-up and so on!?"
Story Akihabara.png
"I can't be otaku about that kind of thing! We have no common topics of conversation at all! Otaku and riajuu are the opposite of each other, so...!"
Story Shibuya.png
"Eh~? But Akiba-chan knows a lot of things, don't ya? Surely we'll have a lot of fun talking about clothes and make-up!"
Story Shibuya.png
"Come now, don't be afraid to get involved with me! Come on, come on♪"
Story Akihabara.png
"Don't wanna! Riajuus are always ridiculing and mocking us otakus' tacky clothing!"
Story Akihabara.png
"The other day Akiba was walking around in an anime shirt and they omegaluled at me. I'll never forget that!"
Story Shibuya.png
"Eh~? That was everyone praising ya for being kawaii kawaii! ...By the way, what is anime? A new brand?"
Story Akihabara.png
"That's what I meant~! That's what I meant~!"
Story Akihabara.png
"Whatever! Akiba is physiologically incapable of dealing with people like you. Akiba-kei and Shibuya-kei are the exact opposite of each other, and we exist in a completely opposite way...! Please don't talk to me so earnestly if you can help it!"
Story Shibuya.png
"Eeeeh~, please don't say such a lonely, lonely thing~? It's indeed a little shocking if ya reject this much...?"
Story Akihabara.png
"Ugh... Sh-so sorry, didn't mean to hurt you."
Story Shibuya.png
"But don't worry, this is all good! She can stay a gangsta if she's kept at a distance! Rather, she's more excited~, Shibuya-san's now scarier than ever...☆"
Story Akihabara.png
"GYHAAAAH!? Akiba can't take this anymore, I can't take it! Somebody~, somebody help me~! I'm being forced to communicate with a positivity troll~!"
Story Akihabara.png
Story Shibuya.png
"Huh? What's the matter, Akiba-chan? I'm sorry, did she touch ya in a weird way...?"
Story Akihabara.png
"No? Somethin' just happened. The wireless that's been disconnected for a long time suddenly..."
Story Shibuya.png
"Wireless? What is this wireless? Is this also an anime?"
Story Akihabara.png
"EEEEI, SHADDAP! Don't make a lot of noise when I'm in the middle of a call! That's what I meant about bloody riajuus~! Don't try to communicate all the time! Read the room!"
After shaking off Shibuya, who was very glued to her, Akihabara put her hand on the corner of her forehead and shouted into the void.
Story Akihabara.png
"-What a surprise! Mochi mochi, Conductor-shi? What's the hasty notice, what's your business with Akiba?"
Chapter 24.png
24-1 Inn of Love
24-2 Crime City Kabukichou
24-3 Akiba-kei and Shibuya-kei
24-4 Nightlife in Moderation
24-5 Freak Show Girl
24-6 Children in Adult Town
24-7 Bragging About Gang Fights
24-8 Angry Children
24-9 Cover Up the Stench
24-10 Between Good and Evil