Main Scenario/Angry Children

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Chapter 24.png
24-1 Inn of Love
24-2 Crime City Kabukichou
24-3 Akiba-kei and Shibuya-kei
24-4 Nightlife in Moderation
24-5 Freak Show Girl
24-6 Children in Adult Town
24-7 Bragging About Gang Fights
24-8 Angry Children
24-9 Cover Up the Stench
24-10 Between Good and Evil
Afterwards - in order to seek the underlying solution to the situation - we set out to defeat Kabukichou's boss, who is believed to be the source of the Phantom Mist.
According to Susukino, who is familiar with Kabukichou, he's at the place we were initially in - The basement of that strange hotel-like building. Believing her words, we headed there at full speed.
Story Akihabara.png
"Akiba☆Channel, starting livestream~ Chu☆"
Story Shibuya.png
"Hyayah! Take this, baddie gangstas coming through~!"
The ever-energetic Shibuya kicks away the demihuman yakuza who are swarming around him. Enemies spring up one after another, but she pushes on as if she were going through an uninhabited field.
Story Shibuya.png
"ORAORAORA! Shibuya-san is a baddie girl, so she's going to beat the heck out of you, no questions asked~!"
Demihuman Yakuza
Demihuman Yakuza
Story Akihabara.png
"ONISUGOO~I! We're going to introduce 'Demihuman Yakuza Live Cooking' on our livestream today! Asking our spechial guest, Shibuya-shi, what's the shecret to this dish!?"
Story Shibuya.png
"Fiends, she'll make you all cry like babies...!"
Story Akihabara.png
"Eeeh? Is that a certain-famous-manga reference?"
Story Shibuya.png
"Eheem♪ Hence Shibuya-san studied it because she wanted to be friends with Akiba-chan!"
Story Akihabara.png
"Ah, got it... Akiba doesn't really care, but if this is too graphic, we can't broadcast this, so can you please tone it down a bit?"
Story Shibuya.png
"The enemy is trying to kill us, we can't go easy on them! If you want to go easy on them, Akiba-chan, please help us ya know~?"
Story Akihabara.png
"Haaaai♪ It's me, Akihabara, New Sensation ☆ Streamer, who can sing, dance and battle~! Please subscribe to my channel!"
Akihabara also fired wildly with her tanegashima to cover Shibuya, who's just flat out running. The crowd of demihuman yakuza were unable to resist and scattered.
Story Abashiri.png
"I knew it, they disintegrated into dust and disappear when they die... The demihuman yakuza seem to be monsters created by the Phantom Mist, or should we say Mist Monsters..."
Abashiri sighed, she was behind a little of the rampaging pair. She held hands firmly with her younger sister-in-law, Susukino, leading us to where we need to go.
Story Abashiri.png
"I wouldn't have a conscience about slaughtering them if they weren't living creatures. That said, I'm worried about those kids, they seem a bit out of control..."
Story Akihabara.png
Story Shibuya.png
"Oh gosh, that way of laughing is so not natural, Akiba-chan!?"
Shibuya was taken aback, her face and fists are stained with spurted blood, but Akihabara didn't even reply while firing her gun wildly. She's intoxicated in blood, or rather - It looked like she truly lost it and is bloodthirsty.
Story Susukino.png
"Hmmn~, hmmn~...?'
Story Susukino.png
"What's going on~, ah've always had a bad feeling about dis~... My head feels fuzzy, like ah'm drunk with alcohol..."
Story Abashiri.png
"Have you caught a cold? Oh no!"
Story Susukino.png
"Nah, it's not like that~ Abashiri nee-tan?"
She giggled at her sister-in-law who put her hand on her forehead in concern, Susukino looked around in the meantime.
Story Susukino.png
Look, ah'm too stupid to say it right but-- ah knew it, although this is Kabukichou, it's not Kabukichou at all."
Story Abashiri.png
"? What do you mean..? In fact, this town seems to have become a strange realm because of the Mist...?"
Story Susukino.png
"About that, true that Kabukichou is full of bad people, right? M. Nishiki's biggest entertainment disrict, also known as the sin city, right?"
Story Susukino.png
"But, you know. It wasn't this bad."
Story Abashiri.png
"Yeah... I observed this town a while ago, but it was terrible everywhere... Drunken people fighting, running around the brothels-"
Story Abashiri.png
"It was rather unnatural... It was like the very exaggeration of what good, sensible people imagine a crime-infested town to be-"
Story Susukino.png
"Yeah, but ah don't think that's the case. But you understand, don't you, Abashiri nee-tan? Even bad people - criminals - eat their meals and sleep in their futon at night."
Story Susukino.png
"They don't do bad things every day, all the time."
Story Abashiri.png
"That's true... It's only mankind's natural enemy - the Mist Monster - that does bad things all the time."
Story Susukino.png
'Yeah, but you know, this town has changed weirdly."
Susukino pressed her hand against her tiny chest and looks down, heartbroken.
Story Susukino.png
"You know, when ah was a little girl, ah was spirited away..."
Story Susukino.png
"Ah realised, ah was lost in Kabukichou."
Story Abashiri.png
"Yes... I heard at least the gist of it when I met you again... I still don't know why you were spirited away...".
Story Susukino.png
"Muh otou-tan and oka-tan were famous criminals in Nishiki. They were all resentful, and as their daughter, ah was probably cursed because of it."
Story Susukino.png
"That's what Chitose obaa-tan said."
Story Susukino.png
"'So you have done nothing wrong'."
Story Abashiri.png
"That sounds like something baa-sama would say... Even if you don't know the cause, it's better for your mental health to think that way..."
Story Susukino.png
"Um. So, ah wandered into Kabukichou and lived there. Ah was separated from my family and ah was all alone."
Story Susukino.png
"Ah was lonely and it was hard. But even so, ah survived."
Story Susukino.png
"It's true that bad people gathered in Kabukichou, but there were also good people there."
Story Susukino.png
"Nuh-uh, they were all kind. Everyone was kind. When ah was lonely and crying, they called out to me, 'What's wrong?'"
Story Susukino.png
"They took pity on me and gave me food and water. They also showed me places where ah could rest at night."
Story Susukino.png
"Ah can't do anything, and ah can't give anything back. But they told me they felt sorry for me and told me not to cry."
Story Susukino.png
"As a thank-you for being so kind to me, ah showed them the trick like the one ah just showed you, where ah said 'inai inai baah', and they were overjoyed."
Story Susukino.png
"Everyone's smiles were so beautiful and kind."
Story Susukino.png
"Ah, really really love them so much...♪"
Story Abashiri.png
"I see... Even though you lived in a terrible environment. You never lost your love for someone like that-"
Story Abashiri.png
"It's because the people around you loved you..."
Story Abashiri.png
"I envy you, Susukino."
Story Susukino.png
"Um. The people of Kabukichou loved me."
Story Susukino.png
"People in this city used to think I was a bloodless, heartless evil being."
Story Abashiri.png
Story Susukino.png
"But. Um, this is no longer the Kabukichou, that ah know anymore."
Story Susukino.png
"This town must have turned into something else because of the Mist. It's been transformed into a worse, more unpleasant, incomprehensible town."
Story Susukino.png
"Ah'm very sad about that."
Story Abashiri.png
Story Susukino.png
"Abashiri nee-tan. Ah'm an idiot and ah didn't really understand what the SSS was..."
Story Susukino.png
"Ah didn't want to be separated from Abashiri nee-tan, so ah joined because ah wanted to be with you..."
Story Susukino.png
"The SSS, in this world distorted by the Phantom Mist in a nasty way... Ah fight together to blow away all the sad feelings we have right now, yeah?"
Story Susukino.png
"Not sure what to do. But ah'll do the same."
Story Susukino.png
"As a member of the SSS, ah too will fight against the evil Phantom Mist that makes fun of and tramples on the things ah love."
Chapter 24.png
24-1 Inn of Love
24-2 Crime City Kabukichou
24-3 Akiba-kei and Shibuya-kei
24-4 Nightlife in Moderation
24-5 Freak Show Girl
24-6 Children in Adult Town
24-7 Bragging About Gang Fights
24-8 Angry Children
24-9 Cover Up the Stench
24-10 Between Good and Evil