Main Scenario/Between Good and Evil

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Chapter 24.png
24-1 Inn of Love
24-2 Crime City Kabukichou
24-3 Akiba-kei and Shibuya-kei
24-4 Nightlife in Moderation
24-5 Freak Show Girl
24-6 Children in Adult Town
24-7 Bragging About Gang Fights
24-8 Angry Children
24-9 Cover Up the Stench
24-10 Between Good and Evil
Story Abashiri.png
Abashiri's face went completely pale, she released sorceries from her artifact haphazardly. Usually calm and collected, her attacks are desperate and out of character for her.
Story Abashiri.png
Story Shibuya.png
"Akiba-chan! We're going to rescue Susukino-chan, and once it's done, please blow up the enemy!"
Story Akihabara.png
"HAHYUUI? I don't know how to do it so suddenly, but gotcha!"
Story Akihabara.png
"A proper livestreamer is able to react quickly to situations adrift and improvise in humour to get through them...!"
Story Shibuya.png
"Good answer! Heh heh heh, we make a good combi duo!"
Story Akihabara.png
"Don't remember us being a combi duo!?"
Story Akihabara.png
"But yes! You're such an interesting character that Akiba wants to invite you as a guest again next time...!"
Doku Doku Radio Tower
Emitting a deafening strange sound wave, the radio tower sprouted tentacles from its entire body. Undaunted, Shibuya headed straight for Susukino.
Story Shibuya.png
"Susukino-chan! Hand...!"
Story Susukino.png
"Huh? Yes, just as Shibuya-tan said~♪"
Susukino firmly grasped Shibuya's stretched hand and laughed.
Story Susukino.png
"Shibuya-tan is also one of my favourite friends!"
Story Akihabara.png
Story Abashiri.png
"WAIT! I know you're covering for me, but don't shoot so many times! My sister-in-law hasn't been evacuated yet...!"
Story Akihabara.png
"Don't worry, ohkaii~? I've calculated the trajectory and the destruction it will cause!"
Story Akihabara.png
"Have a little faith in Akiba and the others, senpai♪"
Story Abashiri.png
I trust you! I know you're good kids I KNOW!"
Story Abashiri.png
"BUT...! If I knew I was going to feel like this, then I don't want a family anymore, I don't want a sister-in-law...!"
Abashiri. I know you're always pessimistic, but I don't like what you've said just now.
Story Abashiri.png
Our families, our loved ones, they are what make us strong. So much so that we will never be defeated by the Phantom Mist that arises from nothing and only destroys everything.
Story Abashiri.png
"Y-Yes, that's right... Yes..."
Story Abashiri.png
"Aaah, Darling, you always say what I needed..."
Story Abashiri.png
"That's why, I love you...♪"
While anxiously pinching the hem of her clothes, Abashiri raised her artifact towards the enemy's surroundings, instead of directly at it.
Story Abashiri.png
"Everyone!! I'll reinforce this underground space with sorcery to keep it from collapsing, so finish off the enemy in the meantime! Give it all you've got...!"
Story Shibuya.png
"Understood, Abashiri-paisen!"
Shibuya held on to Susukino tightly as if she's clutching a souvenir, then she hits the tower with a somersault kick. While at the same time as she leaped towards us-
Story Akihabara.png
"That's all! It's almost time to go, so I'm going end the stream now~ chu!"
Akihabara fired a barrage of bullets loaded with plenty of curse power. Countless beautiful fireworks went off in the basement of the vice-filled sin city.
Story Akihabara.png
Story Shibuya.png
Story Abashiri.png
"You're being too fancy, you two...! Wait no, I know I'm the one who told you to do it that way...!"
Abashiri shouted in a panic and begin leading everyone to flee. She has always been reserved and non-aggressive, but things have changed her.
Story Abashiri.png
"We've done what we have to do, let's get out of here! We can't stay here anymore, it's going to collapse...!"
Story Susukino.png
With her sister-in-law holding her hand firmly, Susukino wagged her tail- She turned to the crumbling tower and whispered.
Story Susukino.png
Story Susukino.png
"Thank you for making me happy all these years."
Story Abashiri.png
"So does this all mean, in the end...?"
Then... After destroying the radio tower, also the source of the Phantom Mist, we escaped and retreated to the safety of the Train for the time being.
Story Abashiri.png
"The Mist disappeared and the case was solved, but... In the end, there are a lot of things we don't understand."
The Train was welcomed by reinforcements who had apparently not been able to enter Kabukichou for some reason.
Seeing their smiling faces as they congratulated us on our safety, I am truly happy that we have made it back alive.
Story Abashiri.png
"Well... We asked for reinforcements, but they didn't come to help us, I don't think we deserve to be given a lot of slack..."
Story Shibuya.png
"But why couldn't anyone but Shibuya-san and the others enter the town?"
Story Susukino.png
"Well, let's see. It seems that only bad people were allowed in that Kabukichou."
Story Susukino.png
"Ah had a little chat with the oyabun-san of Kabukichou at the end, so ah know about it."
Story Shibuya.png
"Only bad people can enter the town...?"
Story Shibuya.png
"That means, Shibuya-san was recognised as a bad girl! That's right~ you can't find a bad girl like Shibuya-san in the whole world☆"
Story Akihabara.png
"Isn't that theory wrong? If Shibuya-san is judged to be a bad girl, then pretty much the majority of mankind is bad, no?"
Story Shibuya.png
"What do you mean, Akiba-chan!?"
Story Susukino.png
"Uh, eh, that's not what ah meant~?"
Story Susukino.png
Ah'm sorry ah'm not very good at explaining. It's not that, it's just that it seems that only those who were invited by the Kabukichou's oyabun-san were allowed to enter?"
Story Susukino.png
"Kabukichou's oyabun-san originally inherited the noble Nishiki blood."
Story Susukino.png
"He was persecuted because he was born as a kijin and banished underworld."
Story Akihabara.png
"Ah~ Such a thing happened in the past. Kijin were discriminated against as oni and monsters."
Story Akihabara.png
"Even now, there is still some amount of discrimination. Akiba was also dishliked by the locals, who said I am disgusting."
Story Shibuya.png
"Is that so? That's terrible! Akiba-chan is such a good girl!"
This is a remnant of a time when the threat of Phantom Mist was worse and much stronger than it is today. Back then, people are hysterical, they were frightened by the Phantom Mist, and were much more cruel towards others than they are now.
Even in my home country of St. Iris, I hear that witch hunts were carried out.
Story Susukino.png
"Yes. For those who were feared and hated in that way, oyabun-san built a town where everyone could live in peace."
Story Susukino.png
"That is, Kabukichou."
Story Abashiri.png
"It's a home for the persecuted... Nowadays it seems to be a haven for criminals, but it was born out of such ideals and good intentions in the beginning..."
Story Susukino.png
"Seems so. But one day, due to some accident, the celestial sphere fell..."
Story Susukino.png
"It became pitch black around Kabukichou, it was cold and there was no food that can be harvested, so people became hungry and panicked."
Story Abashiri.png
"So that's how it became a lawless area that's now called the sin city."
Story Susukino.png
"Yes. But not all the people who lived in Kabukichou were bad people, you know? There were many ordinary people who could only live there."
Story Abashiri.png
"However. The countries of Iris Metro and the SSS destroyed Kabukichou as a mere den of evil... They even evicted the inhabitants under the guise of building a prison on the site..."
Story Abashiri.png
"They exterminated those they named evil, unilaterally, with a righteous face."
Story Susukino.png
"Yes. Oyabun-san was in total despair of this that he told everyone else not to go against the government or something..."
Story Susukino.png
"When it was all over, he nestled up to buried celestial sphere underground, and then he committed harakiri there and died."
Story Abashiri.png
"He commited suicide... I guess it means that the oyabun-san who lived in Kabukichou could have abandoned the town and ran away... He thought that when he died, he would end up together with everyone..."
Story Abashiri.png
"I kind of know that feeling... I would kill myself after my Darling if he died too..."
Story Abashiri.png
"But that's what happened... That's how oyabun-san, who died in despair, merged with the fallen celestial sphere..."
Story Abashiri.png
"The weird radio waves generated, the source of the Phantom Mist-- It transformed into that strange tower..."
Story Abashiri.png
"With such a tower at its centre, Kabukichou was contaminated and turned into a different realm... It became a town filled with vice, as if it was the embodiment of everyone's prejudices--"
Story Abashiri.png
"I wonder, it's my own guess... If you call us evil, we'll be as evil as you want us to be..."
Story Abashiri.png
"And then. I wonder if they were trying to get revenge on this world that denied them..."
Story Susukino.png
'No. That's probably how they felt, but..."
Story Susukino.png
"The town he loved was denied, told they were unwanted, that they were going to be erased... Oyabun-san was, you know, sad."
Story Susukino.png
"He was so sad that he wanted to end his life."
Story Susukino.png
"The Phantom Mist took advantage of those feelings, and he ended up in a lot of trouble. Oyabun-san probably wanted me to stop himself from doing that."
Story Susukino.png
"He thought that he was the only one who needed to be sad, and that he would be the last."
Story Susukino.png
"That's why, he invited us, the SSS, to come to town. Shibuya-tan, who has the same noble blood as him, and Akiba-tan, who is a kijin..."
Story Susukino.png
"And then. Me, who knows Kabukichou very well."
Story Susukino.png
And you, Abashiri nee-tan. Ah used to say that ah admired and respected you."
Story Susukino.png
"If she was like me, and could make the right decisions, she would have stopped me..."
Story Susukino.png
"That's what my oyabun-san must have thought."
Story Susukino.png
"It's probably the same with Conductor nii-tan. Nii-tan is the 'Conductor' of the SSS, is the justice in this world."
Story Susukino.png
"Surely, he will destroy evil in the true sense of the word, eliminate the Phantom Mist..."
Story Susukino.png
"Oyabun-san said he is sure sure he'll make a decision that will make everyone he loved and everyone in the world happy."
Story Susukino.png
"Ah want to believe that that's what he thought."
Story Abashiri.png
"That's right.... Justice and evil can easily run amok... The countries' decisions to cleanse the area and improve security in Kabukichou are based on justice, but..."
Just because it is righteous does not mean that we can do anything we please. It is precisely because we are the ones who can change the fate of the world with our unparalleled strength, travelling by train above and below ground--
Because we are the SSS, that we should bear this in mind. No, will learning and remembering this be a memorial service to the town of Kabukichou and to the boss, who loved it so much?
Story Susukino.png
"Yes. Ah'm sure, he'll be satisfied."
Story Susukino.png
"Oyabun-san was~ a very kind and good person. Just like Conductor nii-tan, he was a man who accepted and loved everyone..."
Susukino's face scrunched up and she bursted into tears. The beloved town where she wandered and grew up is gone--
Story Susukino.png
"--Inai, inai, BAAH♪"
A carefree smile appeared on her face as she bursted out of her tail.
Story Susukino.png
"Ah wonder if he was the kind of person who would laugh and be overjoyed just from me showing a trick that anyone could do."
Story Susukino.png
"Ah really really loved him a lot."
Inside the heart of this precious woman who honestly loves anyone, the town where everyone can live happily will continue to exist.
Chapter 25.png
25-1 Voltarja Celestial Sphere
25-2 Bestyakh and Tayshet
25-3 Glow in the Tundra
25-4 Troublesome Little Sister
25-5 Everything Freezes Over
25-6 Mysterious Disc
25-7 The Saviour
25-8 "A Good Soldier"
25-9 Star Shards
25-10 The Steel Twin Stars