Main Scenario/Nightlife in Moderation

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Chapter 24.png
24-1 Inn of Love
24-2 Crime City Kabukichou
24-3 Akiba-kei and Shibuya-kei
24-4 Nightlife in Moderation
24-5 Freak Show Girl
24-6 Children in Adult Town
24-7 Bragging About Gang Fights
24-8 Angry Children
24-9 Cover Up the Stench
24-10 Between Good and Evil
Story Abashiri.png
'What's the matter, Darling...? Do you have a headache...?"
Story Abashiri.png
"I, too, feel dizzy just from breathing the air of this town... It's dreary, looking to the right, and looking to the left-"
Having safely escaped from captivity, we wandered around Kabukichou at Nacht. The surroundings were filled with garish colours, and angry voices and cries could be heard here and there.
The toxic air is tinged with the stench of rotting flesh, alcohol, and the Phantom Mist. Apparently, the entirity of Kabukichou has turned into an unusual realm.
Story Abashiri.png
"It seems so... The people walking around the town are all humanoid monsters - so-called demihumans... This is no place for normal people like us to live...
Story Abashiri.png
"But fortunately, everyone seems to be so absorbed in their debauchery that none of them are paying attention to us... We do get a lot of touts from pubs and brothels trying to talk to us, though..."
Story Abashiri.png
"It doesn't seem likely that we're wanted like fugitives... We can't be too careful in such a foreign space, though we may not have to worry about pursuers for the time being..."
Right. Let's stay safe and find a way out of the city for now.
Story Abashiri.png
"Yes... But we've been walking around for quite a long time and the scenery hasn't changed at all... I don't think we can escape in a normal way..."
In considering our past cases. The different universes created by this kind of Phantom Mist will disappear if the source of the Phantom Mist is destroyed, which is at the centre of this universe.
Story Abashiri.png
"Well... First of all, let's look for it... Do you have any idea of the source of the Phantom Mist, Darling...?"
I don't know. I told you earlier that I was asked for help by someone who seems to be the boss of this town. I'm thinking that person might be suspicious.
Story Abashiri.png
"The boss... Certainly sounds like it, but who is he...? Do you know his name, or even what he is...?"
I don't know the details. The person who contacted me was a well-dressed demihuman who said he was the boss's nominal representative.
Story Abashiri.png
"Let's see if we can get hold of that guy and, persuade him to share some information... it's something I'm good at...♪"
You are an expert of interrogation and torture, Abashiri. But it seems difficult to find our target among such a large number of demihumans walking around in this large town of Kabukichou.
Story Abashiri.png
"Yeah... It would be nice if there was an informant who knew the town well...."
If there is such an individual, it's likely a demihuman - a humanoid monster. I doubt they would be able to talk to us properly.
Story Abashiri.png
"Yes, that's right... We are now in a nest of monsters, so to speak... It's a miracle we're walking around in one piece, really..."
Abashiri looked anxiously at her surroundings and offered me a plate, which she had been holding in her hand for some time.
Story Abashiri.png
"More importantly. They say you can't fight a battle if you're hungry, Darling... I bought some food and stuff from the stall there that looks as harmless as possible, so let's eat it..."
Story Abashiri.png
"Look, fried meat that I don't know the origin of, and drinks with a colour that looks bad for your health...♪"
Is that all they sell...?
Story Abashiri.png
"I didn't find much that looked edible for normal beings... It's fortunate that I was able to shop with normal M. Nishiki currency though-"
Story Abashiri.png
"I got ripped off quite a bit, they were on my feet... I'm already very short of money on hand, so I may have to earn it one way or another soon..."
Story Abashiri.png
"Worst case scenario, even if I have to sell my body-"
I absolutely will never let you do that, Abashiri.
Story Abashiri.png
I always make you do the dirty, messy work that nobody else wanted to do. Things that even your own people doesn't like when running the Oshioki Prison, like interrogating and torturing prisoners...
I'm not going to let your hands, which are already dirty for our sake, get any filthier.
Story Abashiri.png
"It's fine... That's what I do for a living and I would do anything for my Darling..."
Story Abashiri.png
"But. Thank you, Darling... I'm glad you feel that way...♪"
As she said this, Abashiri hid her face with the guard's hat she always wears, as if ashamed. She was teasingly lovely and I really wanted to be her protector.
Unfortunately in truth, I am completely under the protected side in terms of comparing combat power... These thoughts raced through my brain as I stood and ate fried food with Abashiri for a while.
Story Abashiri.png
"Ufufu... I know it's an unusual situation like this, but it's like I'm on a date alone with my Darling, I'm so happy...♪"
Story Abashiri.png
"However. I'm not sure I'll be able to protect Darling all by myself... I'm not the type of person who fights hard on the front line, and I'd like to increase my strength a little more if I could..."
Story Abashiri.png
"But. Is it difficult to call for help in a city where escape seems impossible...?"
No, I've just asked for reinforcements.
Story Abashiri.png
"Reinforcements...? Have you made contact with the outside...?"
Yes, I have. When we were taken prisoner, we were deprived of weapons and communication magic devices. But somehow I was able to make contact with Akihabara just now.
Story Abashiri.png
"Hmmm... So that's why Darling was talking to himself earlier, thinking back a while ago..."
Story Abashiri.png
"Akihabara... I wonder if she has divine powers that allow her to communicate with people far away..."
It seems her communication is often blocked by Phantom Mist and barriers, so we can't rely on her too much, though. Fortunately, I was able to communicate with her for a short time, so I told her about our situation and asked her to help us.
Story Abashiri.png
"Hmm... But, I wonder if help will be able to reach this town, it seems to be closed... We should not get our hopes up too high and try to find a way out..."
There is a possibility that they will try to come and help us and get trapped in this town just like us. We want to find the source of the Phantom Mist and destroy it before it causes further damage.
Story Abashiri.png
"For that, we need more forces... Sigh, we're talking in circles..."
Abashiri then let out her usual gloomy voice with a sigh - Shortly afterwards.
Story Susukino.png
Ah~! Abashiri nee-tan and Conductor nii-tan☆".
A cheerful voice sounded, as if to erase the gloomy air.
Chapter 24.png
24-1 Inn of Love
24-2 Crime City Kabukichou
24-3 Akiba-kei and Shibuya-kei
24-4 Nightlife in Moderation
24-5 Freak Show Girl
24-6 Children in Adult Town
24-7 Bragging About Gang Fights
24-8 Angry Children
24-9 Cover Up the Stench
24-10 Between Good and Evil