Main Scenario/Obstacles That Stand in the Way

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Chapter 40.png
40-1 Commander's Instrument
40-2 "The Thorn Railway"
40-3 Unexpected Departure
40-4 Natural Lift?
40-5 The Weight of a Sword
40-6 Shoulder to Shoulder
40-7 An Honorable Battle
40-8 Samantha and the Altar
40-9 Obstacles That Stand in the Way
40-10 Iridescent Light of Absolution
Story Mary.png
"Out-Siders, pull yourselves together! We're being pushed back. The cannon fodder are going for the main camp. Anyone who can still move, cover Fayette and Detroit! Keep up the assault!"
Story Mary.png
"Why are you fighting now? Remember why and what you are fighting for. Things are about to change. Be sure of yourself."
Story Mary.png
(The soldiers' are exceeding their limits. The situation is increasingly grim. I think it's time to consider the possibility of retreating...)
Story Blackfriar.png
Story Mary.png
"Blackfriar, why are you leaving your post?"
Story Blackfriar.png
"Because it's faster than using a messenger. Change of plan. The situation has changed."
Story Mary.png
"Of course things have changed for the better, yes?"
Story Blackfriar.png
"Of course. Conductor seems to have done a good job."
Story Mary.png
"You don't mean..."
Story Blackfriar.png
"The monsters on the front lines are disappearing completely. The Mist surrounding us too... Look."
Story Mary.png
"The Phantom Mist is disappearing..."
Story Blackfriar.png
"It seems possible to continue this operation under about the same conditions as Plan 1. No, perhaps even more."
Story Blackfriar.png
"'Reinforcements' from the Royal Castle have arrived in time... They will be here soon."
Story Mary.png
"Islington's 'trump card'...?"
Story Blackfriar.png
"Yes. That 'trump card'. But they're going to leave you in command of the unit until the mission is over."
Story Mary.png
Story Mary.png
"Change of operation..."
Story Blackfriar.png
"Roger that."
Story Blackfriar.png
Story Mary.png
"Column assault! We will now revert to Plan 1! We'll proceed into the Thorn Railway and cover the SSS. The Skanda Mercenaries and the Dela Veteranov will spread out and defend the flank."
Story Blackfriar.png
"The Mist has lifted. At last we can do our work. Knights, soldiers, now is the time to advance for victory. All those who can still move, follow me!"
Story Blackfriar.png
"Out-Siders, column assault. Let's get the party started. We can't let anyone else take over the lead."
Steel thorns appeared around the steel tree. These train tracks in the middle of the thorns - So-called the Thorn Railway.
As soon as we entered the Thorn Railway, we were transported to mysterious ruins. At the end of the ruins, in a hall with an altar, we met a Samantha, who told us to "restore the Station and go to the Guardian's Room", and then disappeared.
We had just found our way to the steel tree, but when we arrived at the old Station, a Steel Seaker was waiting for us. Yet there was no sign of the Mistism cult. What in the world was she doing there?
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"Leave. Divine Child of Iridescent Clouds. You cannot proceed on this steel railway now."
Story Queensway.png
"How could you possibly know that?"
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"You believe a Samantha's words, but you don't believe mine?"
Story Yoshino.png
Story Yakutsk.png
"Jeez, whose side are ya on anyway?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Of course on Shasho's side. But the Railway Seeker isn't wrong."
Believing in a Samantha's words... Huh. That's certainly true. Both Samanthas and Railway Seekers are found near the Giant Trees. It would not be strange if they both had a common understanding.
While I certainly do not believe a Samantha's words completely, if the Railway Seeker in front of us is using her words of her own will, it's possible that she's telling some truth in her own way.
Story Euston.png
"In this situation, I wonder if it is fair to put Samanthas and Railway Seekers in the same room. There is a track record of believing in Samantha's words and escaping trouble, but not for Railway Seekers."
Story Yoshino.png
Story Yakutsk.png
"We don't even know what she really is in the first place. She's not the Railway Seeker we know."
Story Yakutsk.png
"The Railway Seeker we fought didn't talk like this. They were created by Ricardo, who was guarding the St. Iris Giant Tree, right?"
Story Queensway.png
"It should be. That's why Mary was surprised when she saw this particular Railway Seeker."
Story Yoshino.png
"Railway Seekers have been spotted outside of St. Iris. It was there long before Ricardo was born. Thinking about this a lot, it's not surprising that there are many different ones."
Story Queensway.png
Story Putra.png
"We should talk to someone we can talk to. Doesn't matter if it's a human or a monster."
Story Putra.png
"Everyone, let's calm down and think about this for a minute. Remember what Euston said earlier. Is it our job to fight the enemy?"
Story Versailles.png
"No. It is to keep our people safe and the world at peace."
Story Putra.png
"That's right. This is a fight for life. A fight to make everyone happy. It's not a test of strength or a fight to show off."
Story Putra.png
"If you don't listen here and you start attacking, you're neither a knight nor a soldier anymore. That's what I think."
Story Putra.png
"Besides, you might lose something that once lost, you can never get again."
Story Versailles.png
"What you can never get again..."
Story Euston.png
"Life. And information."
Story Yoshino.png
"If it's information to save your life, you can't afford to lose it."
Story Putra.png
"Yep yep. If we're going to fight, it's better to fight as safely as possible."
Story Putra.png
"So Queensway, take another step back. We're supposed to be on the 'defensive' here. Why are we in an 'offensive' position during a negotiation? What should we do then if magic or sorcery is activated?"
Story Queensway.png
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"Good call. When I got within range, I almost connected with the Mistism cultists' eyes."
Story Vivienne.png
"This is, a magical boundary line... I see, the Mistism cult had already made the first move."
Story Vivienne.png
"But Putra, how did you even see this? Even I had to consciously look for this line to notice it."
Story Putra.png
"Of course not. But I just guessed it might be there."
Story Putra.png
"I've always thought we were standing in the same place. If they wanted to fight us, they would have our backs surrounded, and if they wanted to talk, they would be a little further away."
Story Vivienne.png
Story Queensway.png
(Now that she mentioned it, that's true. That explains why Miss Versailles was holding back behind me......)
Story Versailles.png
"Mademoiselle Queensway, cheer up. Let's look ahead. This time it happened to be you. Next time it could be me, or it could be Mademoiselle Putra."
Story Versailles.png
"Let's switch... Both of us together."
Story Queensway.png
"Miss Versailles..."
Story Queensway.png
"Yeah, let's switch."
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"The Divine Child of Iridescent Clouds works miracles. But relying on that miracle will not clear the clouds. Even if we release the Station, we can't stop the the dead Giant Tree's core."
So what's the point of just backing down? Will someone stop the Phantom Mist core's rampage on our behalf? Will someone suppress the otherworld Poison and cooperate with the Guardians?
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"You have not yet fully unleashed your power. Imperfect power can also be Poison from within."
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"It is possible that the Giant Tree you call the Steel Tree will become even more difficult to see. If that happens, the blessings of the Iridescent God will no longer extend to it."
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"The Ooison that affected the St. Iris Giant Tree is powerful. It is not so easy to control it with the power of a single Divine Child."
Story Yoshino.png
"But the Poison is only getting stronger. The number of machine soldiers is also increasing, and we may be out of control, you know?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Do you know how to solve this? Should Yoshino and friends retreat for that reason?"
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"We can't solve it as it is."
Story Yoshino.png
"If you know how to solve it, let us know. Tell us what kind of way."
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
Story Yoshino.png
"Speechless huh? You don't know. It seemed like you know a lot."
Story Yoshino.png
"That Samantha was the same way. It didn't feel like it was able to speak, but somehow it was saying things that Yoshino and friends didn't understand."
Yoshino then looked back at me,
and signaled with a question, "Can we continue?" At the same time, Euston also eyed at me.
ーーAll three of us seemed to be thinking the same thing.
I nodded to Yoshino, "Fine," and she resumed asking the talking Railway Seeker questions.
Story Yoshino.png
"Where did you come from, the Giant Tree? Are you a Giant Tree Guardian? Or are you someone who lived inside a Giant Tree like the Samantha?"
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"Our Giant Tree has always thought of St. Iris... Even though it was blocked by thick fog, we never gave up hope that one day the railroad would connect."
Story Yoshino.png
"You are not from St. Iris, are you?"
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
Story Vivienne.png
"Be careful. She's changed."
Story Putra.png
"She doesn't seem to be able to speak anymore. Is it hard to negotiate?"
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"...We have already presented you our conditions. Please leave this place immediately. This is already the place for us Children of Mist."
Story Queensway.png
"Mistism... I don't think they know what we just said."
Story Versailles.png
"That's more to our advantage. It's a big win."
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"This Station is to lead us to the Steel Tree. Your train cannot go any further. The power of the Iridescent God cannot touch us Children of Mist."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Don't be so cock sure. Ya don't even need the Station anyway."
Story Vivienne.png
"That's right. Why do you need a Station if you don't have a train? I think you're obsessed because you had a bad experience with the Station on the Giant Tree Railway."
Story Putra.png
"Well, she was transported into the in-between dimensions."
Story Yoshino.png
"But when she came back from there, she became very strong. Think it's beyond the level of 'strong' though."
Story Queensway.png
"The Mistism cultists cannot release the Station. It's no use trying to use Conductor's power. We will do our best to stop them."
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"Foolish. Do you think you can defeat us with that kind of power?"
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
"You don't know the full power of this Demon General. She is more powerful than the machine soldiers and the demonic beasts of the otherworld."
Railway Seeker
"With our power... we will surpass even the Giant Tree Guardians."
"Full alert! The enemy's power is rapidly increasing!"
"What power... It's nothing compared to the first time we met."
"Do not falter. We cannot be defeated here. Let's fight with all our might."
Chapter 40.png
40-1 Commander's Instrument
40-2 "The Thorn Railway"
40-3 Unexpected Departure
40-4 Natural Lift?
40-5 The Weight of a Sword
40-6 Shoulder to Shoulder
40-7 An Honorable Battle
40-8 Samantha and the Altar
40-9 Obstacles That Stand in the Way
40-10 Iridescent Light of Absolution