Main Scenario/Iridescent Light of Absolution

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Chapter 40.png
40-1 Commander's Instrument
40-2 "The Thorn Railway"
40-3 Unexpected Departure
40-4 Natural Lift?
40-5 The Weight of a Sword
40-6 Shoulder to Shoulder
40-7 An Honorable Battle
40-8 Samantha and the Altar
40-9 Obstacles That Stand in the Way
40-10 Iridescent Light of Absolution
Story Railway Seeker2.png
Railway Seeker
Story Queensway.png
"It's strong... There's no weaknesses at all..."
Story Versailles.png
"It dodges when it gets close... Vivienne's and Yoshino's attacks don't even work either?"
The Demon General, the name given to this Railway Seeker by the Mistism cultist, was stronger than anything else we had fought so far.
Neither magic or sorcery attacks, nor direct attacks by Versailles or Queensway had much effect. Sometimes it nullified damage, other times it physically evaded attacks. Its tactics are very versatile.
Story Railway Seeker2.png
Railway Seeker
"Did you think even this is just everything our army can do?"
Story Versailles.png
"What the?"
Story Mechanical Sniper.png
Machine Soldier A
Story Mechanical Sniper.png
Machine Soldier B
Story Queensway.png
"Machine soldiers! At this time..."
Story Euston.png
"They're very large. Not just one, but several too."
Story Versailles.png
"These are the ones that Queensway and I had trouble with. We have to take them out before they call forth reinforcements..."
Story Railway Seeker2.png
Railway Seeker
"O' Divine Child of Iridescence. I will grant thou mercy one more time."
Story Railway Seeker2.png
Railway Seeker
"Come with me. Be my servant and knight to defend the Steel Throne."
Story Railway Seeker2.png
Railway Seeker
"Our family will rule the foggy world. I shall bear your children and they shall be heirs. A new power will create a perfect world!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"SCREW YA! You don't actually want Conductor at all!"
Story Vivienne.png
"Yeah! You gave two choices before, servant or wife, and now you want both!"
Story Putra.png
"Wife... well, not wrong to be honest."
Story Yoshino.png
"You will Inject a lot of dark Iron into Shashou. Understood."
Story Yoshino.png
"And then Shashou goes crazy. Wondered if that Railway Seeker was like that too, huh..."
Story Railway Seeker2.png
Railway Seeker
"Come, join this side. Mistism welcomes you. Live as my husband and I will spare the lives of these women."
Story Queensway.png
"No, Sir Conductor! They will use you to their advantage and that will be the end of it! We won't be safe either!"
Story Versailles.png
"That's right! Let's retreat! I'll create an opening while you get the Mist Train to..."
Story Euston.png
Story Versailles.png
"Sir Knight Euston, please don't lecture me at a time like this. I never said anything wrong, if we surrender Conductor to the Mistism, that's the end of the world!"
Story Euston.png
"Did I ever said you were wrong? I agree with you."
Story Versailles.png
Story Euston.png
"I'll join you. Let's buy ourselves some time. I'm sure we can make it work between the two of us."
Story Versailles.png
"Sir Knight Euston..."
Story Queensway.png
"Then I will stay too."
Story Euston.png
"No, Miss Queensway, you will escort Conductor. I hate to be frank, but it is easier with just the two of us. We have trained together for countless times. Just like you and Mary."
Story Queensway.png
Versailles and Euston stood forth against the Railway Seeker, each holding their weapons. While they both appear to have a flawless stance, they cannot win this fight alone. This opponent could not be handled even with all of us at combined. This is not a good strategy.
Even if the two of them bought ourselves enough time, they would not be able to escape. One Railway Seeker would be enough. If we include the several large mechanical soldiers on top of that... our conclusion is hopeless.
Should I go to Mistism once myself here and bet on the slim hope that our allies will come to my rescue...?
Just as I was making this rare consideration, I sensed faint magic somewhere from afar.
And in the space of a blink of an eye, that "faint magic from afar" turned into "powerful magical raining down from directly above the enemy".
The Iridescent Light of Absolution.jpg
St. Iris's Lightning! Incinerate all sinners!"
ーーIridescent Light of Absolution. One of the world's strongest magic that mankind can use.
The lightning of justice, which strikes out only the wicked, scattered everywhere and instantly eliminated anything within.
"Milord Conductor! Are you safe!?"
"She is... No way..."
"Eldest sister Farringdon!?"
"Paddington, I'm glad you're safe too. Ah, I'm glad I made it in time."
The individual who struck the miraculous blow out of the most desperate situation. The most famous Divine Child of St. Iris.
ーーFarringdon Elrond.
She is said to be the successor to Ricardo Trevithick, the world's most powerful Divine Child.
"I apologize for the delay in my arrival. Are you hurt?"
"No problem. The Train Knights protected me. Paddington did a great job.
That said, what about the infantry unit? If you're here, Farringdon, does that mean the Thorn Railway is now passable?
"Yes, I have arrived here with the Allied Forces elites. The Mist seems to have lifted almost as soon as I arrived."
Good to hear. Now we can continue with the operation. Now if only we could get power back to the Station...
"That is not our concern. Take a look over there."
Story Putra.png
"The lights are lit..."
Story Vivienne.png
"And aren't the tracks glowing slightly too? It looks like it has magic in it."
Story Farringdon.png
"The Station power has returned. Now we can see what's ahead. I am sure that the Iridescent God will guide us ahead."
Story Yoshino.png
"Is it because the Railway Seeker was defeated? Or did it respond to Farringdon's magic?"
Story Farringdon.png
"Probably the former, I think. The Railway Seeker may have suppressed Conductor's magic."
Story Yoshino.png
"Oooooh, that's why. That's why Yoshino and friends weren't doing so well in the fight earlier."
Story Yoshino.png
"Farringdon, is amazing. Not only are you strong, but also smart."
Story Farringdon.png
"Hmmhmm, I'm flattered."
Story Yoshino.png
"Yoshino, thinks Farringdon is nice. Do you want some ohagi?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"HO-HO-HO-HOLD IT! YA DARNED FOX! What are ya presenting with that squished ohagi? You should look at the person you're talking to first before you say things like that!"
Story Yoshino.png
"Why? Paddington would happily eat it though?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Paddington is the exception and not the norm!"
Story Yoshino.png
"Is that so? Even siblings have different tastes then."
Story Yoshino.png
"By the way Yakky-tan, there's a scary story to really tell you. Yoshino has one ohagi missing. Maybe someone stole it..."
Story Yakutsk.png
"I don't care! That's enough, ya just come over here for a minute!"
Story Farringdon.png
"To all Train Knights, you have fought well. As the Divine Child, and as a St. Irish citizen, I thank you from the bottom of my heart."
Story Farringdon.png
"Miss Queensway. I have heard of a lot of your accomplishments. As a fellow St. Irish citizen, I am very proud of you."
Story Queensway.png
"Th-thank you for your kind words! I will continue to fight with all my might as a knight!"
Story Farringdon.png
"Paddington has grown up so well. As your sister, I am happy for you."
Story Paddington.png
"It's been a long time, sis Farringdon. I hear you hardly come home anymore..."
Story Farringdon.png
"My place is at the royal castle. I have official duties, so I don't have much time to spend with you."
Story Farringdon.png
"By the way, Paddington."
Story Paddington.png
"Yes? What is it?"
Story Farringdon.png
"Have you, since you have been here, spoken or acted in any unnatural way while unconscious? I've been informed that it hasn't been for some time now..."
Story Paddington.png
"About that, it seems like something similar has happened again for the first time in awhile. When I was preparing to accelerate the train into the Thorn Railway, I said something strange without realizing it..."
Story Farringdon.png
"Do you remember what those words were?"
Story Paddington.png
"Yes. Putra and the others wrote it down and I remember it verbatim."
Story Farringdon.png
"Say it."
Story Paddington.png
"Power has returned to the land of ruin. The railroad wakes up from its slumber and clears the Mist."
Story Paddington.png
"The old railway is not dead. It runs between graves and corpses, and will look up at the dead Giant Tree."
Story Paddington.png
"That's it. I have no idea what I'm even talking about."
Story Farringdon.png
Story Paddington.png
"Sis Farringdon?"
Story Farringdon.png
"Yeah... indeed. What is that all about, I wonder?"
Story Farringdon.png
"Just to be safe, don't be alone for a while. And if you say more incomprehensible words, let me be aware of it. I will do anything to protect you."
Story Paddington.png
"Heh heh, sis Farringdon, I'm kind of embarrassed to hear you say that!"
Story Versailles.png
"This is the Steel Tree Station... How far do the tracks go?"
Story Euston.png
"There might be a Metro Hole somewhere."
Story Versailles.png
"I don't think we can go back to Metro for a while yet..."
Story Euston.png
Story Euston.png
"Versailles, I apologize. I know I was cruel to you, for bringing up the Versailles unit..."
Story Versailles.png
"It's fine. You needed to talk about it at the time, and it was only when you, Knight Commander Euston, seriously scolded me that I was able to face my mistake immediately."
Story Euston.png
"You have grown a lot in this battle. You are now a full-fledged knight."
Story Versailles.png
"Come on. That's not something you should be saying now. While it's true that I'm still a long way from you, Knight Commander Euston, I'm already a troop leader, you know?"
Story Euston.png
"Yeah, I know that. I also properly recognize your competence."
Story Euston.png
"I shouldn't have. I haven't been able to let you hands-off yet. I know I'm a busybody, you know? However I can't help but talk to you and help you."
Story Versailles.png
"And what's wrong with that? A knight does not fight alone. Together with their friends, they help each other to accomplish their mission."
Story Euston.png
Story Versailles.png
"But Sir Knight Euston, you tried to fight alone earlier. You said, 'Let's both stay'... But you were going to let me escape."
Story Versailles.png
"I intended to stay alone in the end. If you suggested that, I would never comply, so you tried to trick me into helping you."
Story Versailles.png
"Am I wrong?"
Story Euston.png
"No... You are right."
Story Versailles.png
"Let's not be like that. I'm already a full-fledged knight."
Story Euston.png
Story Versailles.png
"But I don't care even if I'm only half-baked."
Story Versailles.png
"If you stay by my side forever..."
Story Versailles.png
"If Sir Knight Euston is gone, I don't mind being half-baked."
Story Versailles.png
"That's a childish idea, isn't it? That's why I won't say such a thing in public. I can hold my own."
Story Versailles.png
"So please be patient, too, Sir Knight Euston. Don't put yourself in danger to let me hands-off. That is naive. As a fellow knight, face me to the very end."
Story Euston.png
"I'm sorry..."
Story Euston.png
"I am so sorry. I have done such a terrible thing to you..."
Story Versailles.png
"Please believe in me. Trust me, as I trust you with all my heart."
Story Euston.png
"What are you talking about? I have always believed in you."
Story Euston.png
"I will always be with you, Versailles."
Chapter 41.png
41-1 Farringdon Elrond
41-2 Divine Children's Marriage
41-3 Succession Problem
41-4 Islington Elrond
41-5 Relationship Between Sisters
41-6 Big Sis
41-7 Divine Child's Secret Technique
41-8 Difficult Battle
41-9 For the Strategy
41-10 Heroic Figure