Main Scenario/Commander's Instrument

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Chapter 39.png
39-1 Jusatsu Forest
39-2 Lord of Kijinga Castle
39-3 Village of Tragedy
39-4 When the "Line" is Crossed
39-5 Reasons to Believe
39-6 Apprentice of Koroshiya
39-7 Reverse Soul Technique
39-8 Yuuzen's Past
39-9 Effects of Poison
39-10 Sorceresses' Bond
Story Mistism Cult Leader.png
Mistism Cult Leader
"Here we are... We finally made it here."
Story Mistism Cult Leader.png
Mistism Cult Leader
"We are always ahead of the Children of Sunshine. No matter how the Steel Tree's thorns move or the Steel Railway opens, the Children of Sunshine cannot reach our realm."
Story Mistism Cult Leader.png
Mistism Cult Leader
"The Poison of the otherworlds are on our side, the Children of Mist. All other worlds will become one singularity world... The foggy world of Mist."
Story Mistism Cult Leader.png
Mistism Cult Leader
"For we are Children of Mist, the only ones in the whole world who can enter the Giant Tree without using railways, and neither the guidance of the Giant Tree nor the Sea of Fog deny us."
Story Mistism Cult Leader.png
Mistism Cult Leader
"Poison has not weakened the Giant Tree, it has brought it as close to us as possible. The Giant Tree Guardians will become our servants and the Giant Tree will become our strength."
Story Mistism Cult Leader.png
Mistism Cult Leader
"When every Giant Tree becomes the Steel Trees, we will truly transform this world into our foggy world of Mist."
Story Railway Seeker.png
Railway Seeker
Story Mistism Cult Leader.png
Mistism Cult Leader
"Everything will be ours. This power is the true power given by the Giant Tree to the Children of Mist to become the rulers of the foggy world...."
ーーSt. Iris's Steel Tree. Edges of the Steel Thorns.
Story Islington.png
"Mary, how are the troops doing? Are we going to be able to begin as planned?"
Story Mary.png
"Yeah, so far there seems to be no problems. Each unit's commanders are signaling that they are ready to go. They are elite units for sure, gathered from many countries. Well-trained and their blood's boiling."
Story Islington.png
"It's your job to unite all those bloodthirsty people. Good luck, 'Legendary Knight Commander'."
Story Mary.png
"I'm a Train Knight now. You already have another Knight Commander."
Story Islington.png
"True, but on top of the castle tower, you know? Not the type of Knight Commander someone would expect on the battlefield."
Story Islington.png
"Of course, I know I can't depend on you entirely, okay? I'm not going to keep you tied to the Order, and I don't want to do that myself. But I can't afford to have my backside cocked in this operation."
Story Mary.png
"I know, it's too big a force for the Out-Siders to handle, and it would be a bit much for Blackfriar to handle alone."
Story Mary.png
"Not to worry. I'm still a former Knight Commander. I haven't forgotten how to handle my fair share."
Story Islington.png
"I'm sorry to bother you right after the great run you all had at Nishiki the other day. I didn't expect the steel tree's thorns to move so spectacularly."
Story Islington.png
"And now there's even a suspicious railroad. Something is definitely going on inside the steel tree."
Story Mary.png
"I wonder if it has something to do with us defeating Hone Ningyou."
Story Islington.png
"Hmm, I don't think it has anything to do with that, but rather with the Great Magic Circle."
Story Islington.png
"Surely not... It's that Youko the fox lady then?"
Story Mary.png
"I'm pretty sure Youko is the one who created the Great Magic Circle. Yuuzen was amazed. Youko must be crazy to make something like that all by herself."
Story Islington.png
"She's causing Poison to influence everywhere. It's causing poison clusters and machine soldiers to accumulate."
Story Islington.png
"So, there was another Canaria? Was she able to supress Youko or not?"
Story Mary.png
"She said herself that she was from an otherworld. She was very vague about it, but so far she doesn't seem to be an enemy of ours yet."
Story Islington.png
"Mary dearie, you are getting old~ That's what the report says, and I don't need to read that. That's not the kind of information I want."
Story Islington.png
"Can we beat her with our forces or not? That's what's important."
Story Mary.png
"That's a pretty bad take there. Trying to start a war with another world?"
Story Islington.png
"Right back at you too. I have no intention of starting a war, nor have I said anything about it. Well, not that it won't happen."
Story Mary.png
"That doesn't mean you're not thinking of that route."
Story Islington.png
"I'm saying that the other party may have that intention, 'former' Knight Commander. The military on this side of the world is not so peaceful as to let otherworlders roam freely in the Mist and come into conflict with the SSS."
Story Islington.png
"'Not enemies yet' means 'potential enemies' someday. We can't afford any more enemies."
Story Mary.png
"But that doesn't mean ......"
Story Islington.png
"'But that doesn't mean we can't kill people who aren't even our enemies.'"
Story Islington.png
"I know that... That's not what I meant. It's best if everyone is peaceful and happy. That's what I think."
Story Islington.png
"But it's difficult to do that. I mean, look at that. That steel tree surrounded by those damned thorns."
Story Mary.png
Story Islington.png
"I couldn't save it. You, Mary and Ricardo did your best, but our Giant Tree is dead."
Story Islington.png
"I'm sorry, I love and respect you, Mary. She was also someone I admired. I don't blame you for what you did."
Story Islington.png
"But circumstances change the way we do things and the way we think. That's how Ricardo fought, isn't it?"
Story Islington.png
"The worst case scenario has to be considered. We all do. Iris Cloud is no longer the world we know. Beyond the thorns, our common sense doesn't exist."
Story Islington.png
"Mary, you know that on the other side of the Giant Tree, there is another world that is not the world of Iris Cloud's God."
Story Mary.png
Story Mary.png
"It's not the world of the God of Iridescent Clouds, but there is almost certainly a Phantom Mist on the other side."
Story Mary.png
"Canaria said 'the power to fight the Mist is essential'. Like us, they are also fighting the Phantom Mist."
Story Islington.png
"Is Canaria a soldier on the other side?"
Story Mary.png
"No. She claims she's a 'researcher'."
Story Islington.png
"Was she studying demonic beasts? Did she go into their cages and take care of them?"
Story Islington.png
"Why wouldn't she...? I'm told that the world over there is so wrecked that even researchers need the strength to fight. I suppose."
Story Mary.png
"Yeah, I think so. That's why Youko and Canaria possesses so much strength."
Story Islington.png
"We can assume that there are units like the SSS or equivalent institutions. So that's what you're saying."
Story Mary.png
"That's just my theory."
Story Mary.png
"What is still unclear is Canaria's and Youko's goals. What that is will greatly affect how we respond to them."
Story Islington.png
"What do you think, Mary? Be it speculation or plain conjecture, you can tell me."
Story Mary.png
"Their goal is Iris Cloud's Giant Trees. Or even Iris Cloud itself."
Story Mary.png
"The otherworldly people want to do something about the Phantom Mist on that side, right? What if they know how to do so? And what if it has something to do with Iris Cloud..."
Story Islington.png
"Of course they would go for Iris Cloud."
Story Mary.png
The two worlds are expelling Poison coming from each other. If that were true, and one of the worlds had to be sacrificed to stop the Poison..."
Story Islington.png
"It would be war."
Story Mary.png
Story Islington.png
"That's precisely what I'm talking about. Now do you think it's an outrageous and violent idea to assume that we're going to fight them?"
Story Mary.png
"No... it's not. You're right, we have to think that far."
Story Islington.png
"I wish I could somehow talk to anyone over there. That's one of the reasons I wanted Youko to be captured alive. But, well, if Mary can't do it, that's going to be difficult."
Story Mary.png
"It would be tough to catch her. We're dealing with a sorceress. And a pretty nasty type, too. Yuuzen can't catch her, so it must be very difficult."
Story Mary.png
"But the one that Yuuzen is most worried about right now is not Youko."
Story Islington.png
"Canaria, huh?"
Story Mary.png
Yeah, Youko is already a big handful alone, but I don't know what will happen if multiple people like Canaria become our enemies..."
Story Blackfriar.png
"Excuse me for interrupting, but I have an urgent report from the Out-Siders."
Story Islington.png
"Sounds like bad news. Please make it brief."
Story Blackfriar.png
"We're seeing an exceptional class of Phantom Mist in the vicinity of our planned ingress route. Mist Monsters are appearing endlessly, and they are the source of the Phantom Mist. The front and back sides are trapped and the infantry is having to fight their way out."
Story Islington.png
"I knew it's not going to be easy after all..."
Story Mary.png
"What about the steel railroad, can we get inside with the Mist Train?"
Story Blackfriar.png
"That one's still clear. If we give the signal now, we'll make it."
Story Mary.png
"I'd like to have some soldiers with me, can we get cover from the Out-Siders?"
Story Blackfriar.png
"Negative. We can't afford it. You'll have to go out on your own."
Story Mary.png
"Then let them go. It's riskier for them to join us."
Story Blackfriar.png
The infantry unit is sure to be in shambles. This place will soon become a battlefield. Islington, you have the choice of a retreat, or you can make up your mind."
Story Islington.png
"I'm here because I'm ready. The infantry won't be annihilated. That's why I've recruited the best and the brightest from all over the countries."
Story Blackfriar.png
"Then let's continue the operation."
Story Islington.png
"Let's continue."
Story Blackfriar.png
"So, let's brief on the scenario, Captain. You are the commander of the infantry unit in this operation. What are your orders?"
Story Mary.png
Story Mary.png
"Plan three. Make a breakthrough while holding the siege. Each unit, to engage in combat."
Story Blackfriar.png
"Plan three, good, Islington will be in the squad with me. Fayette and Detroit will hit the source."
Story Mary.png
"That's fine. Maintain the front lines with the Out-Siders. I'll leave the push/pull decisions to Blackfriar."
Story Mary.png
"Nishiki's Tsukiyo Banshuu will position on the outside of the formation and serve dual role of guerrilla assault and messenger. However, Ohana will be forced to fight on the front lines alongside the Out-Siders, and there would be no point in having her work with the Tsukiyo Banshuu."
Story Blackfriar.png
"What about the fighters in the north and south fronts?"
Story Mary.png
"Dela Veteranov and the Skanda Mercenaries will firmly defend the center. If a melee breaks out, deploy these two units and leave them in charge of strong enemies. Tell them that if they don't do what I order, I won't ask them to ever again."
Story Islington.png
"Quite a good threat. Had you told them, 'If you don't do what I say, I'll be ripping you all a new one,' they're just going to ignore it. Those people."
Story Mary.png
"I'll take direct command of the rest of it there, Blackfriar, and you can go as wild as you want today. I take full responsibility in the name of Mary Rosegarden."
Story Blackfriar.png
"...... Roger that. Captain."
Story Islington.png
"My, what's this blazing development now? Blackfriar's fully serious, and Mary's on fire. Glad I was born a St. Irish. Mhm."
Story Mary.png
"If you're going to continue with the jokes, I'll be leaving you here, Milady Divine Child. If you would like to evacuate, please let me know and I will send an escort and servant to you."
Story Islington.png
"Nah~ Hold it hold it. I want to go all out in this party too~!"
Chapter 40.png
40-1 Commander's Instrument
40-2 "The Thorn Railway"
40-3 Unexpected Departure
40-4 Natural Lift?
40-5 The Weight of a Sword
40-6 Shoulder to Shoulder
40-7 An Honorable Battle
40-8 Samantha and the Altar
40-9 Obstacles That Stand in the Way
40-10 Iridescent Light of Absolution