Main Scenario/Islington Elrond

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Chapter 41.png
41-1 Farringdon Elrond
41-2 Divine Children's Marriage
41-3 Succession Problem
41-4 Islington Elrond
41-5 Relationship Between Sisters
41-6 Big Sis
41-7 Divine Child's Secret Technique
41-8 Difficult Battle
41-9 For the Strategy
41-10 Heroic Figure
Story Islington.png
"Mr. Conductor... may I have a word?"
Islington came to see me alone just before we left to explore the Thorn Railway.
I had just finished talking with Farringdon, and from the looks of her face, it suggests that we will have to have a similar conversation again.
Story Islington.png
"I'm sorry about earlier. I was kind of unusually distraught..."
Story Islington.png
"So what did Sister Farringdon said to you?"
Pretty much the same thing she said earlier in front of everyone. We talked about our marriage, our children... and you, Islington.
Story Islington.png
"About me?"
Story Islington.png
"Like you've been giving me too much freedom, so you're going to make me do aristocratic things around here?"
She said none of that. She just said, "I'm sorry about Islington". She did not expect you to be so emotional, Islington.
Farringdon was very worried about you, Islington. She wondered if her rebellious sister, who was running around the battlefield with a small escort, would one day disappear into the Mist, or she might return but completely changed, and so on.
Islington, you should understand your sister's feelings a little better. You are not protected by Train Knights on the Mist Train like Paddington. You should be aware that you are putting yourself in danger.
ーーYou are not a member of the Out-Siders. You are St. Iris's, the world's Divine Child, don't forget that.
Story Islington.png
"Ugh, the thing I least wanted said was said by the person I least wanted said..."
Story Islington.png
"You hit the nail on the head. Impressive as ever, Mr. Conductor. You know me so well."
Story Islington.png
"That's right. It's true. I like to think of myself as a 'warrior'."
Story Islington.png
"Somewhere deep down I knew I was a member of the Out-Siders. I would support the SSS in places where the Order could not intervene. I liked that about myself."
Story Islington.png
"Sorry... Would you mind if I tell you a little bit about myself just now?"
Of course not, I'm always willing to listen to your story, Islington. Complain, speak, whine, whatever you want.
Story Islington.png
"Thanks. I came here because I knew you would say that."
Story Islington.png
"Unlike my other sisters, I was wandering around outside all the time, right? I think people generally said to me 'You should listen to the voices of your people', but... the reality is a little different."
Story Islington.png
"I wanted to fight the enemy. Unlike Farringdon who's happy-go-lucky and gets along with everyone. I wanted to get rid of the Phantom Mist that was plaguing this world with my own hands as soon as possible."
Story Islington.png
"I'm not belligerent by any means. I just know a little more about what's 'outside' than most Divine Children. I've told myself that many times. If a person's been running around the battlefield, this is a normal thing to do."
Story Islington.png
"But when I had a brief argument with Mary earlier, she said, 'Are you planning on starting a war?' I got really upset..."
Story Islington.png
"It's an uncharacteristic idea for a Divine Child. You can't find a Divine Child like that anywhere."
What are you talking about? You've got one right in front of you.
Story Islington.png
"Mr. Conductor...?"
We defeat monsters for peace. We clear the Mist for peace. That is what we are fighting for. It is a necessary fight. The whole country, the whole world is fighting the Phantom Mist.
Is being active in that fight a bad thing? The power of the Divine Child will save many people. Even if we are good at destroying our enemies, we should be using their power for the sake of peace.
Or do you, Islington, want to create warfare itself? Will you lead your army even in places where there is no Phantom Mist? Will you still look for enemies to fight after the world is at peace?
Story Islington.png
"Of course not. I don't think that way."
Story Islington.png
"I don't... It's true. Believe me."
Of course I believe you. I've believed it from the very beginning. From the very first time I met you.
Story Islington.png
"The first time we met was when we were kids?"
That's right. I have believed in you since we were kids, Islington. I believed that this Divine Child would one day save the world. That's what I thought. It's not a lie. It is true.
It is important to live and fulfill the duties of the Divine Child without fighting. Islington, with her influence over the people, could shine in the city, not on the battlefield or in the royal castle.
But if there is a place where she can shine more than that... It will be here.
Story Islington.png
"Here being... Conductor's place?"
Yes. Instead of being with the Out-Siders, you can choose to ride the Mist Train with us and fight right at the source of the Phantom Mist. Instead of leading a large army against a horde of demons, you can choose to fight as a Divine Child, as a warrior, on the rail roads.
Story Islington.png
"That means..."
ーーDo you just follow your sister's lead and go back to the castle like this?
Story Islington.png
Story Islington.png
"No way."
Story Islington.png
"Absolutely not! I don't care about being an heir or whatever, I can't just retreat to the safety of my own home and leave everything else to Mr. Conductor!"
Together With Us.jpg
Then it's settled. Islington... come with us. We'll stay on the Mist Train to find the entrance to the Steel Tree. We also need your support for Paddington as she's unstable.
That's your mission, Islington Elrond. Leave the Allied Forces to Mary and the Out-Siders. They are the best in the world. You should know that better than anyone, Islington.
"Of course they are. There is no way that our elite troops can be defeated by Phantom Mist. Mary and Blackfriar will manage without me."
"But... what will my dear sister say then? Usually I pretend to not know either, but this time there are soldiers from other countries as well. As expected, I can't protest openly."
Don't worry about Farringdon. We've already discussed about it. She said she would leave the rest to Islington's will.
"Oi oi, come on, you can't be serious, right?"
I'm not bluffing, okay? I negotiated directly with Farringdon.
"You're pretty tough to overturn that decision. Mr. Conductor... You used some pretty strong words, didn't you? Did you also take advantage of the fact that my sister loves you?"
Don't talk like that. As a Divine Child and captain of the SSS, I was only 'advising' Farringdon.
We will need Islington's help down the road. If we leave here, the morale of the squad as well as our bond will be weakened... and so on.
"By 'we', do you mean me and you, Mr. Conductor?"
Yes, that's right. I also had to mention our relationship with the Elrond House.
"Is that what you call a threat?"
If this is a threat, then Farringdon's proposal is coercion, and if that is coercion, then that's no different to a threat. Farringdon should have known that.
"Woah... Mr. Conductor, you're pretty good, eh? I feel you're just like Ricardo Trevithick."
"So the rest is up to me, huh..."
What are you going to do then?
"I'm not going to say anything..."
"Let's go. I'm going. I will fight beside you as best I can. And live life to the fullest."
"I'm not going back to the castle. I'm going to the Steel Tree. It is the mother tree, that I must protect."
Then it's settled. Now pack up and get your stuff on the train.
...... And those of you who are snooping around in there.
Story Queensway.png
"AH! No, this is uh, umm..."
Story Paddington.png
"Hawawa! We've been discovered! Miss Queensway just ruined the good mood..."
Story Queensway.png
"Wait, why are you acting like it's my fault! You're the one who gave the slip, Miss Paddington. I was trying my best not to be obvious."
Story Islington.png
"Yeah yeah, you little ones. It doesn't matter whatsoever. This is the Mist Train, there's no mood or anything."
Story Islington.png
"Besides, when I make out with Mr. Conductor, I don't care if others are watching."
Story Queensway.png
"Tha, that means..."
Story Queensway.png
"Please stop! Lady Islington, you can't make a baby in front of us!"
Story Islington.png
"Sure. Then can you leave now?"
Story Queensway.png
"Y-Yes! I am so sorry!"
Story Islington.png
"Ah, wait a minute Queenswaaayー"
Story Queensway.png
"Yes, what is it!?"
Story Islington.png
"Can you help me with my luggage?"
Story Queensway.png
"Luggage, maam? Of course, that's totally fine, but where do you want me to carry to?"
Story Islington.png
"Here here, in the Mist Train, I'm going with you girls."
Vivienne & Putra
Story Islington.png
"Oh my, you two too...?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Yes. To be honest, we are all here."
Story Yakutsk.png
"We just got here, though."
Story Yakutsk.png
"More importantly, Islington. What do you mean you're coming with us?"
Story Islington.png
"I mean exactly what I mean. I'm going to fight together with you all here."
Story Yakutsk.png
"That means, you will fight as a Train Knight...?"
Story Yoshino.png
"With Islington with us, we'll have a hundred men. She's very helpful. It'll be fun."
Story Islington.png
"Mhm, I'm counting on you too, my little Yoshino."
Story Islington.png
"So, Mr. Conductor, I'm going to hold off on the idea of having a baby with you. But that doesn't mean I don't want it."
Story Islington.png
"I guess I'll have to take my sister's place as your wife then?! I'm sure she won't let up on that one."
Islington, who formerly led an infantry unit, hurriedly decided to ride the Mist Train with us to conquer the Steel Tree.
She seemed to have got over it. Her carefree smile was still very much in evidence.
Chapter 41.png
41-1 Farringdon Elrond
41-2 Divine Children's Marriage
41-3 Succession Problem
41-4 Islington Elrond
41-5 Relationship Between Sisters
41-6 Big Sis
41-7 Divine Child's Secret Technique
41-8 Difficult Battle
41-9 For the Strategy
41-10 Heroic Figure