Main Scenario/Farringdon Elrond

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Chapter 40.png
40-1 Commander's Instrument
40-2 "The Thorn Railway"
40-3 Unexpected Departure
40-4 Natural Lift?
40-5 The Weight of a Sword
40-6 Shoulder to Shoulder
40-7 An Honorable Battle
40-8 Samantha and the Altar
40-9 Obstacles That Stand in the Way
40-10 Iridescent Light of Absolution
On the Thorn Railway leading to the Steel Tree at St. Iris, we succeeded in defeating the Railway Seeker and unleashing the Station's power.
This "defeat" however, did not mean that the Special Steel Squad overwhelmed the enemy in combat. It was thanks to a powerful 'helper' from St. Iris's Royal Castle who swept away the entire enemy army.
Elrond House's eldest daughter Farringdon. She is the closest to the Iridescent God. The strongest spellcaster in the world. The Oracle of Iridescence. The most powerful Divine Child of St. Iris with various aliases. She eliminated the Railway Seeker, which we could not even touch, with one cast of magic.
The magic Farringdon used was a extremely advanced rank of magic to clear the Phantom Mist. The magic spun by the special power that only the Iridescent God's chosen Divine Child could acquire was something that even the Railway Seeker had no means of countering.
If she had not come, we would have been defeated here. Our strategy of retreating aboard the Mist Train would not have worked either.
Our objective was to release the power of the Station and find a railway to the Steel Tree. It would have been better to say that we achieved that, but if the Railway Seeker had not retreated, the infantry unit led by Mary would have suffered a heavy blow.
--"The Divine Child of Iridescence works miracles".
It was true what they say, but this time it was the Divine Child who lives in the Royal Castle who saved the Train Knights, one who has never boarded the Mist Train.
As a Divine Child myself and as a Conductor riding on the train of dreams, I have never felt more inadequate...
Story Islington.png
"Righto! Now that we've secured the Station's safety, it's time to move on to the second phase of the operation. Elites of the Allied Forces! Are you all ready~?"
Story Islington.png
Story Islington.png
"Oh, wow, Greatest Sister Farringdon is such a big hit. What a surprise, the world's greatest Divine Child ever, eh?"
Story Mary.png
"But of course. After all, she's the savior of Iris Cloud."
Story Islington.png
"Then why don't you get her autograph? You can sell it for a lot of money to people in the Order, y'know?"
Story Mary.png
"Not interested. I'm just like the Out-Siders. I care not for the Castle Knights or the Divine Children."
Story Islington.png
"The Skanda Mercenaries and the Dela Veteranov don't seem to be interested in Greatest Sister Farringdon either. 'Those who fight in war are family'... I guess?"
Story Islington.png
"Still, I don't think it's a good idea for the former Knight Commander to say that."
Story Mary.png
"I resigned because of that kind of stuff from the big guys. Neither Bluerose nor I were suited to be a Knight Commander."
Story Mary.png
"They've been sitting on their hands so long, so I wonder what are they going to do now they've come to the front...?"
Story Islington.png
"Oi oi, hold yer tongue hold yer tongue. You're going to get yourself in trouble if you act like that with THE Divine Child."
Story Mary.png
"It doesn't matter. I don't care who or where they are or who is on my radar."
Story Mary.png
"Farringdon and Kingston are supposed to stay in the castle and deal with the nobles. However, not this time. Somehow she had shown up in such a dangerous place and used her magic to destroy the enemy."
Story Mary.png
"This is indeed strange. I knew you bowed down and begged for help, but she's not the kind of person who suddenly takes a big stand on the front lines."
Story Mary.png
"Tell me, Islington. Why did Farringdon feel compelled to come all the way out here?"
Story Islington.png
"You can say that again. Didn't she want to see the Conductor?"
Story Mary.png
"You really don't know?"
Story Islington.png
"I really don't know."
Story Mary.png
"What did your other sisters say?"
Story Islington.png
"As you can see, Paddington loves her eldest sister with all her love power."
Story Mary.png
"I don't mean Paddington. I mean your older sisters."
Story Islington.png
"Sister Kingston is furious, of course. Who do you think you are to go off without consulting me, she asked. She was just flailing her little body around, scattering papers all over the place."
Story Mary.png
"That's it? I can't believe that Kingston is just sitting there with her fingers crossed, doing nothing."
Story Islington.png
"That's how serious Farringdon was about this... If Farringdon Elrond had a 'stay out of my way' aura, the smartest person in the room would back off. At least I would."
Story Mary.png
"I'm thoroughly opinionated, though."
Story Islington.png
"That's because Mary, you are not a 'smart person'. People with muscles for brains are not suited for royal castle work."
Story Islington.png
"But our House's second daughter, Kingston, is different. Despite her looks of a little girl, she's smarter than anyone else. She's frustrated, but she's thinking a few moves ahead."
Story Islington.png
"If she doesn't argue, there must be something going on, and it's a good thing we're not doing anything while Sister Kingston keeps her wits about her. It's best to stay put for now."
Story Mary.png
"What did Kensington say?"
Story Islington.png
"Of course not. She's still at Kingston's beck and call. She was just watching her sister's antics. She's in charge of the Knights, so I don't think she's wouldn't know."
Story Mary.png
"It's someone else's business. Kensington's troops never leave the Royal Castle after all."
Story Islington.png
"But of course you're the former Knight Commander who deserted in search of freedom. You never stop complaining about the great ones."
Story Farringdon.png
"Islington, how dare you be cheeky of our hero?"
Story Islington.png
"Ghh, when did she?"
Story Farringdon.png
Story Islington.png
"I, know what I'm talking about. I'm just doing my job."
Story Islington.png
"So umm, I should change my tone of voice? I'll show the former Knight Commander the utmost respect. Salute!"
Story Islington.png
"Will you forgive me now, Lady Mary Rosegarden?"
Story Mary.png
"Yes, I don't mind. Let's keep up the good work."
Story Islington.png
"Well, I'm glad. I'll do my best~"
Story Farringdon.png
"Good gracious, you're a child as always."
Story Farringdon.png
"Mary, my sister has been very rude to you. As her sister, I apologize for my younger sister's rudeness."
Story Mary.png
"That's okay. I don't really think of her as someone to be wary of."
Story Farringdon.png
"Huh, so you two are pretty good friends. I wonder when Islington had became friends with you, Mary. I wish I was introduced too."
Story Mary.png
"If you can get me some good drinks, I'll go out any time. Also stock Nishiki's high-quality sake. I'll even bring along a friend who a dummy at drinking."
Story Farringdon.png
"Of course. I'll do my best to accommodate you then."
Story Mary.png
Story Islington.png
"Inflexible Divine Child, isn't she? Told you so, sarcasm won't work."
Story Mary.png
"You all used to be a little cuter back when you're kids. Only one that hasn't changed is Paddington."
Story Islington.png
"I think that girl needs to change a little more."
Story Farringdon.png
"Islington, gather the Train Knights when the time is right. I would like to speak to the SSS."
Story Farringdon.png
"And I also have something important to say to Lord Conductor too."
ーーIt's about our future.
Farringdon whispered this bit with her motherly smile so that only I could hear.
Chapter 41.png
41-1 Farringdon Elrond
41-2 Divine Children's Marriage
41-3 Succession Problem
41-4 Islington Elrond
41-5 Relationship Between Sisters
41-6 Big Sis
41-7 Divine Child's Secret Technique
41-8 Difficult Battle
41-9 For the Strategy
41-10 Heroic Figure