Main Scenario/Difficult Battle

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Chapter 41.png
41-1 Farringdon Elrond
41-2 Divine Children's Marriage
41-3 Succession Problem
41-4 Islington Elrond
41-5 Relationship Between Sisters
41-6 Big Sis
41-7 Divine Child's Secret Technique
41-8 Difficult Battle
41-9 For the Strategy
41-10 Heroic Figure
The disappearance of the huge wall of thorns that had blocked the railway line made it possible to run on the tracks leading up to the steel tree.
However, the tracks were swarming with monsters. As the Mist Train began to make its way towards the Steel Tree, the monsters were understandably on the warpath and charged towards us en masse...
Story Islington.png
"Queensway, Yakutsk! Back down a bit. The rearguard's a bit off position!"
Story Queensway.png
"Roger that! Miss Yakutsk, let's move back a bit."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Roger. But what about the enemies north-west?"
Story Islington.png
"Leave that to meee~"
Story Islington.png
"That's iiit~ they're chopped up into little pieceees~!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Such firepower... They really are chopped to bits."
Story Queensway.png
"Lady Islington is amazing. She was able to use such powerful magic repeatedly, that's how much a Divine Child is able to do. Even Miss Vivienne seems to be struggling to keep up."
Story Islington.png
"Vivienneee~? What are you doing, hurry up, hurry up. Get on with it and blast that lump out of there!"
Story Vivienne.png
"I heard you already geez! You're a wild Divine Child!"
As I knew it, Islington's fighting ability was more than adequate compared to a Train Knight.
Vivienne is good at offensive magic and can use magic as she pleases without worrying about anything, yet Islington surpasses her. Yoshino's sorcery is also naturally high in firepower, so it wasn't too difficult for us to break out of our numerical disadvantage.
The entrance to the Steel Tree became closer. Aiming at the thorny gate seen ahead, we advanced, and blasted away the monsters.
――But reality was not that sweet.
Story Islington.png
Story Islington.png
Story Islington.png
"Stop! Everyone, stop at once, the Mist Train too, stop stop!"
Story Paddington.png
"Mist Train, emergency stop!"
Story Queensway.png
"Lady Islington, what's going on all of a sudden!? If we stop here, we'll be surrounded by the remnants, won't we?"
Story Islington.png
"Don't worry. We'll move on properly after this. For now, we're just stopping to check the situation."
Story Queensway.png
"Check the situation..."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Queensway, look ahead. The entrance to the steel tree, there's Mist just a little bit before that."
Story Queensway.png
"Yes, but the source of the Phantom Mist is steadily decreas..."
Story Queensway.png
"Those are... machine soldiers!"
Story Mechanical Sniper.png
Machine Soldier
Story Mechanical Sniper.png
Machine Soldier
Story Islington.png
"This timing is no coincidence. They're clearly aware of our movements."
Story Islington.png
"... And that's what I think, so what do you think, lil' Yoshino?"
Story Yoshino.png
"They start to act once they see the ressha is stopped, that's what it means."
Story Mechanical Sniper.png
Machine Soldier
Story Mechanical Sniper.png
Machine Soldier
Story Islington.png
"Mhm, they'll come at us with everything they've got."
Story Yoshino.png
"So that's what Islington expected."
Story Islington.png
"Everyone get on the train now! We're falling back! Plan two! Retreat retreat!"
This unnatural plain in the middle of a thorn-covered magical field was already in the enemies' control. It is a tactical formation that fakes a fortification in the center of the plain, but after we break through there, a corps of machine soldiers will be waiting for us. It requires a different fighting style to the Phantom Mist battles we've experienced so far.
A deep pursuit is fatal. Islington's decision to 'retreat' was the best decision. The mechanized soldiers in front of us were moving faster than anything we had ever seen before, and they ran over the tracks at a ferocious pace. They would soon be in Islington's attack range.
Could we continue back into the thorns and run around the complex railway line to keep the machine soldiers away from the Station?
――While I was thinking about this, the situation became even worse.
Story Islington.png
"We can see the Thorn Railway now. Let's get as much speed as we can while we're on this plain."
Story Islington.png
"At this speed it looks like they can't keep up with us. Everybody, this is where we're going to have to start. We're not going back to the station, we'll scatter our pursuers in the forest of thorns! And when we get the chance, we'll gradually reduce their numbers!"
Story Queensway.png
"Affirmative. We'll be ready for the next battle."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Islington, you give pretty impressive orders. You don't just seem to be able the dumb-type that only uses flashy magic, eh?"
Story Islington.png
"Ah-ha-ha! Who do you think I am? I'm Conductor's potential wife number four after all~?"
"HAWAWA! No good, big sis! There's an accident! Mist Train will be slowing down!"
Story Islington.png
"Oh come on... I was just getting into the mood too."
Story Islington.png
"Report the accident details."
"Th-there's people! There's people on the tracks!"
"Those are... Mistism cultists, the Mistism followers are blocking the entrance to the Thorn Railway! We're going to crash into them!"
Story Islington.png
"How many are there?"
Story Islington.png
"Maybe they're not a threat. They're seriously going to die. Paddington, Conductor, stop the train at all costs! All train Knights to jump down and assault the Mistism army!"
Story Putra.png
"Why are these Mistism cultists here ......"
Story Vivienne.png
"That pompous bitch probably sent them to stop us, she's going to use her followers again like she did with Loren Citadel."
Story Putra.png
"What does she think people's lives are worth? I will never forgive them!"
Story Mistism Cultist.png
Mistism Cultist
"This land belongs to us, the Children of Mist. Those who defile our land must be purified."
Story Mistism Cultist.png
Mistism Cultist
"O' Divine Child of Iridescence, come with us. You will be the servant of our master."
Story Islington.png
"Shut up, you idiots! Who do you think you're talking to about our lands! In the name of Lady Islington, St. Irish lands are not allowed to be privatised!"
Story Islington.png
"And besides, you people! I'm to be your master's servant? You've got to be kidding me! Who would be a servant of the Mistism cult?"
Story Mistism Cultist.png
Mistism Cultist
"We are not interested in a female Divine Child. We only need a male Divine Child."
Story Islington.png
"You've got to stop poking fun at me about now...?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Seems like she still desires Shashou's body after all, Islington doesn't seem to be on her find."
(Original: "イズリントンのことはウォンチュウにないもよう", She doesn't seem to <want you>, Islington. ウォンチュウ: Want you.)
Story Putra.png
"'On her mind'. I think 'find' is fine though."
(Original: "『眼中』ね。ウォンチュウでいいような気もするけど", 'Want you' is close enough though. 眼中:In her eyes(Ganchuu).)
Story Queensway.png
"Lady Islington, what do we do now? The Mistism cultists are not at all intimidated. If we continue like this, we'll soon be surrounded by machine soldiers."
Story Islington.png
"We have no choice. I'll move them out of the way by force."
Story Mistism Cultist.png
Mistism Cultist
"Followers, now's the time for us, the Children of Mist to show them who we are!"
In order to banish the Mistism cultists, the Train Knights had no choice but to use force.
However, the battle against the Mistism was fought with much difficulty...
The Train Knights are not trained to fight against humans. They can mediate drunken fights and catch sneak thieves, but most of them almost never experienced full-fledged warfare against humans.
The people these women are dealing with are not drunks or swindlers, but "warriors" who take up arms to "fight". It is not easy to control the situation by taking it easy on them. It looked like they were doing their best just to defend themselves.
Story Yakutsk.png
"Pull yourselves together you all. If you don't break one of their arms, we'll be the ones who get hit!"
Yakutsk was the one making the best moves, but she was also too busy protecting the others to fully display her strength. This time the enemies are not 'Wandering Lives', but living humans with flesh and blood. Queensway, for example, was clearly lagging behind and was about to be knocked down.
Story Queensway.png
"I can't! I really can't attack them for real! The formation is disorganised and is a mess, Miss Yoshino and Miss Vivienne are in danger..."
Story Islington.png
"This is not good. We're fine fighting strong enemies, yet we're so fragile when it comes to fighting humans."
Story Islington.png
"But if we don't do something, they'll really capture us. I'm going to have to give them a merciless beating somehow."
Story Queensway.png
Story Islington.png
"Hey Queensway, what's with your weakness? Why are you having trouble dealing with amateurs?"
Story Queensway.png
"I, I am so sorry."
Story Islington.png
"Just think of it as a lesson. You just take it easy and disarm their weapons."
Story Queensway.png
"That's quite difficult. Apparently, the people here have a background in combat. And they only aim at our vital points, so it's not so easy..."
Story Vivienne.png
"The spellcaster unit at their back has some serious training too. Those are Verforench elves, I'm sure of it. Their chanting speed and accuracy is the same as a Gendarmerie commander class."
Story Islington.png
"Why did the Mistism cult have such an elite team at all? Why don't they use that time and help the Allied Forces?"
Story Paddington.png
"Big sister, we're in big trouble!"
Story Islington.png
"Oh my God, what now!? Has someone turned onto the Mistism?"
Story Paddington.png
"No, it's..."
Story Paddington.png
"The machine soldiers have caught up with us! They'll be flanking us shortly and they'll completely surround us!"
Story Mechanical Sniper.png
Machine Soldier
Story Mechanical Sniper.png
Machine Soldier
Story Islington.png
Story Islington.png
"Hey, Mistism followers? The Machine soldiers are here by the way. Let's join forces and fight together~"
Story Islington.png
"What the heck... The machine soldiers don't even attack the Mistism cultists~"
Story Yakutsk.png
"What are you talking about? You're strong, so do something about the machine soldiers. Leave this side to us."
Story Islington.png
"I guess we're in trouble because you can't leave it to me. Sooner or later the Mistism cultists will take over the train."
Mistism behind us; machine soldiers in front of us. If the Mist Train cannot choose to "break through" or "assault" when facing a pincer attack in the direction of travel, it is forced to stop on the spot.
The Train Knights, who were holding back greatly against their human opponents, were out of their element and gradually began to be pushed back.
The machine soldiers caught up with them and the area around the Mist Train became a battlefield.
The Special Steel Squad completely missed the timing to re-start the train, they're upset and disorganised in formation against the people who were attacking them seriously. To be cornered by humans instead of Mist Monsters...?
――However, it was also the humans who broke the situation.
Story Mary.png
Story Blackfriar.png
"Fayette and Detroit, deploy to the right, rescue Yoshino and Vivienne, then tell Sir Conductor about the mission. They're going to kill us. Spare no mercy."
Story Fayette.png
"Roger. Let's go, Detroit!"
Story Detroit.png
Story Blackfriar.png
"Finchley to come with me. We'll hunt down the rearguard. Focus on speed. Show violence. Break the sorcerers' arms. Shatter the magi's jaws. Okay?"
Story Finchley.png
"Acknowledged. Complying orders."
The covert unit of the Order of St. Iris, known as the Out-Siders, appeared. They are an elite unit that conducts top-secret missions in Northern St. Iris and other remote areas far from the Royal Castle.
These women... are more merciless towards their 'enemies' than the Train Knights. Even if their opponents are people, they will do their best to win. That's what Out-Siders are all about.
――Who dares wins - You cannot win if you never want to dare; You have to dare if you ever want to win.
The fiercest fighters of all time charged into the Mistism cultists without hesitation.
This combat unit, which silences even crying children, is not intimidated in the face of any enemy...
Chapter 41.png
41-1 Farringdon Elrond
41-2 Divine Children's Marriage
41-3 Succession Problem
41-4 Islington Elrond
41-5 Relationship Between Sisters
41-6 Big Sis
41-7 Divine Child's Secret Technique
41-8 Difficult Battle
41-9 For the Strategy
41-10 Heroic Figure