Main Scenario/Relationship Between Sisters

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Chapter 41.png
41-1 Farringdon Elrond
41-2 Divine Children's Marriage
41-3 Succession Problem
41-4 Islington Elrond
41-5 Relationship Between Sisters
41-6 Big Sis
41-7 Divine Child's Secret Technique
41-8 Difficult Battle
41-9 For the Strategy
41-10 Heroic Figure
Story Islington.png
"That's why I'm going with Mr. Conductor's group. Leave Paddington to me, sister Farringdon."
Story Farringdon.png
"I knew you would choose that path. Please be careful. I will always be thinking of you."
Story Islington.png
"Oh, stop that already, dear sister. That's shameful, shameful. You never said that to me before, what's wrong all of a sudden?"
Story Islington.png
"Meh... is not a good way to put it. It's my fault for not showing my face to my family much. I'm sorry I've been wandering around without going home or to the royal castle."
Story Islington.png
"Thanks for letting me decide. I'll take good care of Mr. Conductor, too."
Story Farringdon.png
"I'm glad to hear that. I hope that our bond will be strengthened as we fight together with Lord Conductor."
Story Islington.png
"So what are you going to do after this, sister? Mary and the others are going to stay here for a while, but will you go back to the rear?"
Story Farringdon.png
"No, I thought about that, but my squires said 'it would be too dangerous'."
Story Islington.png
"Speaking of squires, what happened to Charing Cross? I haven't seen her once ever since we've joined up with you."
Story Farringdon.png
"I had her remain at the royal castle. She should stay with Kensington until I return."
Story Islington.png
(What would you do if you didn't bring her in at a time like this then? Charing Cross is stronger than King's Cross too...)
Story Farringdon.png
"Don't worry so much. I will be working with Yuuzen after this. I have come to the conclusion that it is safest for me to stay with her."
Story Islington.png
"I see, Yuuzen can use Gates. If you just go back the way you came, you can evacuate if something happens...?"
Story Islington.png
"But even without that, I feel you'll be safe with Yuuzen. That woman is strong and smart. Mary said she's unkillable even if she tried to."
Story Farringdon.png
"Yes, she is a reassuring ally indeed. Also, we have asked the Metro knights Miss Euston and Miss Versailles to stay at the Station and join the infantry unit. Mary has asked them to reinforce the defenses there."
Story Islington.png
"I think that's a good idea. The people who are in danger in this situation are the ones who remain at the station; the Railway Seeker may attack us to take it back."
Story Paddington.png
"Sis Islington, we are about to leave."
Story Islington.png
"Ah, sorry, sorry. Sorry to keep you waiting when you're all ready to go."
Story Islington.png
"Well then, Farringdon sister. I'll take my leave."
Story Farringdon.png
"Yes, have a safe trip."
Story Farringdon.png
Story Farringdon.png
Story Islington.png
"Yeah? Sister?"
Story Farringdon.png
"Take care of Paddington for me... won't you?"
Story Islington.png
"Got it. Keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't go flyyying off on her own."
Story Islington.png
"That's what you're saying, right...?"
Story Farringdon.png
"Yes, that's what I mean."
Story Paddington.png
"Gosh, sis please. I wouldn't fly off by myself~"
Story Islington.png
"No, you're definitely going to fly away, because I've heard all about what happened at the Giant Tree Railway."
Story Islington.png
"It's time to get serious about finding the cause of ya thing, too. I've told the big guys that it's 'the Giant Tree's magic', but the case in Flamarine was of a slightly different pattern..."
Story Farringdon.png
"The Iridescent God is reacting to a foreign object..."
Story Islington.png
"Sister Farringdon? What did you say just now?"
Story Farringdon.png
"No, it's nothing... I was just wondering if the Iridescent God might be protecting Paddington."
Story Islington.png
"That may be true, since Paddington has been in danger so many times and yet she always comes back without serious injury."
Story Paddington.png
"That's because I'm a good fighter."
Story Islington.png
"Nice, let's have a game with your sisters next time! Shall we have a two against two duel with our squires~?"
Story Paddington.png
"Hawawa, Victoria's going to die."
Story Farringdon.png
"You two, stop fooling around and just leave already."
Islington & Paddington
Story Farringdon.png
"Good gracious, the two youngest sisters still behave like children."
Story Yuuzen.png
"This is interesting, so this is how Islington is in front of her elder sister."
Story Farringdon.png
"Even if she is firm, Islington is still the fourth sister. In my and Kingston's eyes, she is still a child."
Story Farringdon.png
"But I haven't seen her look that adorable in years. She must be in a good mood to be in the front lines."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Ya also forgave her very easily. Did Conductor give ya a hard time?"
Story Farringdon.png
"To be honest, he was very hard on me."
Story Farringdon.png
"But I have come to the conclusion that it would be better to have someone who can take care of Paddington, for I am afraid that she might be affected by the evil influence of the Steel Tree, since she sometimes reacts strongly to the Giant Trees' magic."
Story Farringdon.png
"While I am against the idea of leading an infantry unit, it would mean a lot if I were to ride the Mist Train with Lord Conductor and Paddington."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Ya told Islington to go home out of concern for her safety, but you're okay with her getting on the train, huh. The weight of meaning is overturned if there is someone to weigh in."
Story Farringdon.png
"What do you mean?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"I'm saying that ya prioritized Paddington's safety first. No matter how many reasons ya give, unless someone's an idiot, they will realize this fact. Of course Islington is aware of it."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Hey Farringdon, yer not here because yer worried about Conductor's succession, right? Is Paddington's situation that serious?"
Story Farringdon.png
"Islington is right. Miss Yuuzen. You're really reliable."
Story Farringdon.png
"The fact that Paddington speaks independently of her will means it has something to do with a Divine Child's power. There is no doubt about it. A Divine Child of St. Iris receiving the omens of the Iridescent God or that she uses special powers isn't strange."
Story Yuuzen.png
"Yet Paddington can neither hear divine omens nor use magic; she is the only 'commoner' of the five sisters of House Elrond. This is the problem, yeah?"
Story Farringdon.png
"You are right. I would still understand if she were given words at the same time as their powers awakened, but that girl remains as incapacitated as ever."
Story Farringdon.png
"Despite that, there are things like awakening the ancient steel railway. Sometimes she received phrases that even I or Kingston have never heard before. This is not a problem that can be overlooked, and I have told Islington as much."
Story Farringdon.png
"Miss Yuuzen. Do you know what is happening to her body? Can you exorcise it?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"I don't feel anything. Even if there was something, Nishiki's sorcery would not be able to exorcise it. Only a Divine Child of St. Iris can do it."
Story Yuuzen.png
"So it would... be better to have ya or Islington by her side? Conductor has to use his power elsewhere in case of any emergency."
Story Farringdon.png
"That is my thoughts as well. I am sure that Islington understands this too."
Story Farringdon.png
"We are House Elrond's Divine Children. We must always think about this country and this world. That is a Divine Child's responsibility, a Divine Child's destiny."
Story Yuuzen.png
Story Yuuzen.png
"My apologies. I'm going to make it clear that I have this kind of personality. I don't like it, and I've been saying that to Ricardo and Mary for a long time."
Story Farringdon.png
"Don't worry about it. Without people like you, the world would not change at all. Please continue to help St. Iris and my sisters."
Chapter 41.png
41-1 Farringdon Elrond
41-2 Divine Children's Marriage
41-3 Succession Problem
41-4 Islington Elrond
41-5 Relationship Between Sisters
41-6 Big Sis
41-7 Divine Child's Secret Technique
41-8 Difficult Battle
41-9 For the Strategy
41-10 Heroic Figure