Main Scenario/Overcoming Numerical Disadvantage

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Chapter 31.png
31-1 Lack of Cooperation
31-2 Sniper in the Darkness
31-3 Separate Action
31-4 Large Army
31-5 Overcoming Numerical Disadvantage
31-6 Enemy General
31-7 Rain of Light
31-8 Happy to See Youko
31-9 Steel Thorns
31-10 Steel Tree of St. Iris
Led by Detroit, we moved quietly through the darkness of the night. Despite no usage of lights, Detroit led us almost at a run without stopping even once, to the rendezvous point where Yoshino was.
Story Detroit.png
"Yoshino, thanks for waiting for me."
Story Yoshino.png
"Welcome back Detroit, a woman who looks good in the dark of night."
Story Detroit.png
"Are the wards secure? Anything unusual?"
Story Yoshino.png
"About that, there were a lot of strange anomalies. If you hadn't come after waiting a bit longer, was thinking of just slinking away personally."
Story Yoshino.png
"First, the ward's power is obviously weakening. If this continues, it will soon lose its effectiveness and quickly turn into a place where Phantom Mist is likely to break out."
Story Detroit.png
"What a bad timing to weakening at this point. If should have lasted for a few more days even if we don't do anything."
Story Yoshino.png
"Yoshino doesn't know that either, it's been getting weaker and weaker since Detroit passed the baton."
Story Detroit.png
"What else happened?"
Story Yoshino.png
"The monsters that had been standing still in the distance started to move, little by little. As for this, thought it would be good to have Shashou take a look."
I received a pair of binoculars from Yoshino. When I turned my viewpoint in the indicated direction, I could see eerie lights popping up in the darkness.
They seem to be increasing gradually...
Story Detroit.png
"Those glowing lights are the eyes of monsters. We can't see them during the day, but we should be careful of beings who shine their eyes like that during the night."
Story Yoshino.png
"Probably a guard with max sensitivity, thought to be sensitive to the magical powers of Yoshino and friends."
Story Detroit.png
"If we're going for the enemy general, it's better to avoid them."
Story Putra.png
"Wait a minute. If we go for the enemy general, does that mean we're going past the enemy lines in this case? Wouldn't more and more guys be in combat mode?"
Story Detroit.png
"We still have a chance now. Their defence will be more formidable when they all wake up in the morning."
It's troublesome. From what I can see over there, it doesn't look like they're setting a trap. If we want to quickly approach the source of the outbreak and finish it off immediately, it's possible to work with this amount of people.
But what if countless enemies are "combat-ready" in the darkness? What if their eyes all light up at once as we slice right cut into them?
When I think about it, it seems like a very difficult operation to clear the Mist by crushing their leader.
Story Putra.png
"That's right. It's not always enough to just avoid only those with glowing eyes. In fact, there must be many times more monsters wandering around, right?"
Story Detroit.png
"Not 'many times'. It's 'many dozen times'."
Story Putra.png
"Then it's even more dangerous."
Story Detroit.png
"We all knew it was dangerous from the start. The important thing is to make a decision here and now whether to let that dangerous enemy get closer to the city or to stop it right here and now."
Story Detroit.png
"Think about it. There is an army of monsters right there in front of us. And there's a huge, unmanageable Phantom Mist behind them."
Story Detroit.png
"Normally we wouldn't even have time to be having a strategy meeting in a place like this. That level of Mist keeps expanding near the ever-darkness of the Giant Tree. Yet we are safe. The monster's aren't attacking us."
Story Yakutsk.png
"And we know where the source is."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Isn't that right, Detroit?"
Story Detroit.png
Story Yakutsk.png
"I think we should hit the source of the outbreak. If they start attacking, even the defences of the Out-Siders will be easily breached. Then they will kick out the unprepared St. Iris Knights and invade the city centre."
Story Yakutsk.png
"We came here to prevent that from happening. And our investigations have shown that it is possible."
Story Queensway.png
"Retreat, or attack. It's not a bad situation to have that choice. It's rather good."
Story Queensway.png
"I think we should see it as an opportunity. Even if reinforcements do come, they won't get here quickly enough. Even if Lady Islington, Mary and the rest were to lead a force now, they would not get here before dawn."
Story Putra.png
"Detroit, where is the location of the source?"
Story Detroit.png
"It's on the eastern edge of the hillside."
Story Putra.png
"If it's the side edge, it's right there."
Story Detroit.png
"The glowing eyes are clumped in the middle. On the west side there are a lot of monsters like the ones that attacked Queensway. Likely the west is the first line of troops. But they're deployed on a sloped terrain, so there's a lot of blind spots."
Story Detroit.png
"So, we'll continue to move east along the high ground. Once we hear the sound of the river, we rappel down the cliff with ropes. We'll jump over the river and we'll be right there."
Story Vivienne.png
"Great raid route..."
Story Putra.png
Story Vivienne.png
"Oui. Assuming their sense of sight, hearing and smell is at least as good as ours or slightly better."
Story Vivienne.png
."..Oui, I feel like we can go there."
Story Vivienne.png
"I approve. I think we could do it. We all have a map of the area in our heads, don't we?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"I have, but can ya be more specific about why you think we can 'go'?" Because I want to make sure there are no major differences between the tactics of the Verforet Gendarmerie and the Eisengrad Northern Army."
Story Vivienne.png
"As Detroit stated, the enemy's camp is deployed to the west. And that we are on high ground where we can unilaterally hide."
Story Vivienne.png
"Most importantly, if Detroit's 'enemy general' is not the source of the Mist, we can quickly retreat back to the river and into the valley to the east."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Good. My thoughts exactly."
Story Yoshino.png
"If we run to the narrow canyon, we can manage our numerical disadvantage. In the first place, the only way to escape into that ravine is to dive over the waterfall. It's a very difficult place for a large group of people to chase."
Story Putra.png
"I see. So even if the attack fails, we still have an escape route. And we have to keep moving further and further away from the city."
Story Vivienne.png
"C'est parfait, Detroit, and considering this is the starting point, it couldn't be better positioned."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Detroit, were you planning on doing this all along?"
Story Detroit.png
"Told ya. I told you this is my job."
Story Detroit.png
"I'm used to dealing with a lot of enemies. We've been watching this place since the Giant Tree went nuts. We're not going to take a risk just on the spur of the moment. We're here to clear that big dumbass Mist, and we've thought it through."
Everyone agreed with Detroit's proposal, let's spread out the map and rethink the plan.
The enemy is a vicious monster army. Ours is a small squadron.
But the Phantom Mist will disappear once we hit the source. This is our chance to win. This is the time to test the true worth as the squad to clear the Mist.
Chapter 31.png
31-1 Lack of Cooperation
31-2 Sniper in the Darkness
31-3 Separate Action
31-4 Large Army
31-5 Overcoming Numerical Disadvantage
31-6 Enemy General
31-7 Rain of Light
31-8 Happy to See Youko
31-9 Steel Thorns
31-10 Steel Tree of St. Iris