Main Scenario/Lack of Cooperation

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Chapter 30.png
30-1 Dark Celestial Sphere
30-2 Railway Above the Sea
30-3 Vortex of Ever-Darkness
30-4 The King's Ploy
30-5 St. Iris's Giant Tree
30-6 An Impossible Promise
30-7 The Five Altars
30-8 The Final Key
30-9 King of Ever-Darkness
30-10 Light Celestial Sphere
30-EP Epilogue
In order to return the Guardians of the Giant Trees to their original Giant Trees, the Special Steel Squad collected keys from various locations and raided the "Dark Celestial Sphere"in M. Flamarine.
After successfully defeating the King of Ever-Darkness who was waiting for us there, and after freeing the Guardians, we returned to Iris Cloud via the Mist Train.
...However, our homeland had completely changed since our long absence.
Story Blackfriar.png
"Now then, I'm sorry that you've just returned from Iris Metro, but I'm going to ask Conductor for a difficult task to accomplish with us Out-Siders."
We arrived to the north-east of St. Iris. The garrison of the Order of St. Iris is established close to where the Sea of Fog used to be.
This location was originally an observation point for the Giant Tree after Ricardo's liberation. The excellent knights of the Out-Siders and the Allied Forces army were asked to observe and keep watch, but it quickly changed from an observation point to a 'defence base'.
Story Blackfriar.png
"As you can see, the Giant Tree has changed its appearance dramatically. It just got more and more evil-looking with each passing hour."
When I looked through binoculars from the defence base, I saw a black Giant Tree in the distance.
A Giant Tree is surrounded by a black mist. The Sea of Fog, which we thought had cleared up, has also returned.
However, I can recognise it as the Giant Tree because I know where it used to be. As for the what I know from sight, it is as if it is a different thing.
It is hard to believe that what I am seeing now is the Giant Tree of St. Iris. I can't believe that that is the Giant Tree that supports Iris Cloud.
The leaves withered and the trunk is covered in a black mist.
But what is more astonishing is that it is covered in places with steel parts.
Rusted mechanical parts can be seen in places, such as the trunk and branches of the Giant Tree. The scale of which is too large to assume that someone has fitted it.
Story Mary.png
"That's the Poison of the otherworlds. The Giant Tree of St. Iris must have lost control over the Poison."
Story Queensway.png
"Isn't that too much? How can it change to something like this so rapidly in such a short period of time?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"The Guardians have returned to the four Giant Trees all at once. All the Poison that had been flowing into the other Giant Trees may have accumulated back to the St. Iris Giant Tree."
Story Mary.png
"Blackfriar's team was just observing the Giant Tree. How did those steel weapons and mechanical parts appear?"
Story Blackfriar.png
"Gradually, no doubt. But we don't really know the process. It was covered by a very thick Mist."
Story Fayette.png
"It didn't look like that at first. Initially there was a huge Phantom Mist that covered the Giant Tree. Then a black mist seeped out from the middle."
Story Fayette.png
"The black mist cleared up shortly afterwards, but by the time we could see it, it had already taken on that eerie shape."
Story Queensway.png
"Black mist..."
Story Yakutsk.png
"I don't want to believe it, but isn't that Ever-Darkness?"
Story Blackfriar.png
"I suppose we see it that way. There is some connection with the events in Iris Metro. If we don't find the cause and deal with it soon, the whole world will be engulfed in that darkness."
Story Fayette.png
"It's calm for now, but it could turn into heavy fighting soon. Detroit is working with the other Out-Siders to push up the front line. We plan to turn back at night. They didn't come back, so we won't be given any relief."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Y'all shouldn't be trying to take on so many with so few people. If the entire Giant Tree is the source of the Ever-Darkness, then we'll need the entire St. Iris military arsenal to take on the threat."
Story Queensway.png
"The Order alone won't be enough to defend the city. The Allied Forces will have to fight as one."
Story Fayette.png
"But, on the other hand, it's not going to work that way."
Story Queensway.png
"Why not? The Allied Forces are here so that the whole world can join forces. The Special Steel Squad alone can't handle it."
Story Mary.png
"Not all people have your brilliant ideas, Queensway, especially the upper management."
Story Queensway.png
"What do the leaders of the Order and the Allies say?"
Story Blackfriar.png
"The Order is to 'strengthen the defence of urban centres'. The armies of each country are 'reinforcing border security'."
Story Mary.png
"As expected. I don't agree with the Order's decision, even if the other countries' decisions are unavoidable. If I were the Knight Commander, I would have deployed my troops by now."
Story Blackfriar.png
"Go back to being a Knight Commander then, Sir Legendary Knight Commander? Let me tell you, the Order now is a lot more complicated these days. It's very difficult to make dogmatic decisions like that, many thanks to our great predecessors."
Story Fayette.png
"Mary, what would you do if you were the Knight Commander?"
Story Mary.png
"I'd drag the big decision-makers and bring them over here. We need to make them realise that if we don't stop the threat, the country will perish."
Story Fayette.png
"That's rad. I like it, but that's not for the Order's taste."
Story Mary.png
"Right? And that's why I resigned."
Story Blackfriar.png
"It looks like Islington is going to play her trump card, so let's hope for the best."
Story Mary.png
"What trump card?"
Story Blackfriar.png
"Said 'I hate it to death, but I'm going to bow down to my sister'."
Story Mary.png
"Farringdon, eh? The eldest daughter of the Elrond family has come a long way."
Story Blackfriar.png
"Don't say that. If Farringdon moves, so does the castle. Without her, no one might come here, you know?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"Everyone, Miyako's shikigami's here. We've got a message from the separate unit."
Story Mary.png
"What did Miyako say?"
Story Yuuzen.png
"She says it's safe. Safe to proceed with the Mist Train."
Story Mary.png
"Good. That's a step forward for now. You've got a good disciple."
Story Yuuzen.png
"I told ya she's not my disciple."
Story Blackfriar.png
"Well then, Sir Conductor's team will go to the first outpost as planned. Fayette and I will stay here."
Story Mary.png
"Begin operations. Queensway, let's go."
Story Queensway.png
Story Yuuzen.png
"Good grief, who's the one with a master-disciple relationship now?"
Chapter 31.png
31-1 Lack of Cooperation
31-2 Sniper in the Darkness
31-3 Separate Action
31-4 Large Army
31-5 Overcoming Numerical Disadvantage
31-6 Enemy General
31-7 Rain of Light
31-8 Happy to See Youko
31-9 Steel Thorns
31-10 Steel Tree of St. Iris