Main Scenario/The King's Ploy

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Chapter 30.png
30-1 Dark Celestial Sphere
30-2 Railway Above the Sea
30-3 Vortex of Ever-Darkness
30-4 The King's Ploy
30-5 St. Iris's Giant Tree
30-6 An Impossible Promise
30-7 The Five Altars
30-8 The Final Key
30-9 King of Ever-Darkness
30-10 Light Celestial Sphere
30-EP Epilogue
We landed successfully on the island directly under the 'Dark Celestial Sphere' via the sea railways.
The magical vortex of darkness and Mist ravaged the waters around the island. Now those black waterspouts are rolling in everwhere. If we had been a little later, the Mist Train would never have made it to this island.
Story Queensway.png
"We've slain all the monsters that were around here. The Mist doesn't seem to be clearing at all, though..."
Story Yakutsk.png
"That's to be expected. This darkness and Mist won't go away until we do something about that celestial sphere."
Story Queensway.png
"It's a lot darker than it was before. I can't even see the lighthouse lights."
Story Putra.png
"Did the M. Flamarine fleet get out of these waters safely? I hope they made it back to land."
Story Mary.png
"If they can get close enough to shore, Islington should be able to do something to dispel the darkness with a different kind of magic to Yuuzen's sorceries."
Story Vivienne.png
"Yuuzen's sorcery was amazing. I didn't see her use her art directly, but the tornado that was heading towards the fleet stopped moving several times and even changed course."
Story Yoshino.png
"Umm, Yuuzen's true colours are on display."
Story Putra.png
"If it wasn't for Yuuzen, we would have been wiped out."
Story Yakutsk.png
"The problem now is that Yuuzen and Miyako are nowhere to be seen."
Story Vivienne.png
"They either fell into the sea or were sucked into the Mist or waterspout."
Story Putra.png
"If they fell into such a swirling sea, they'd never make it back up. Hopefully they escaped somewhere else."
Story Yakutsk.png
"That sound!"
Story Yoshino.png
"The sound of Samantha, the ghosts of the Mist. Not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing."
Story Samantha.png
"The Divine Children of the Iridescent Clouds have come to the ravaging celestial sphere."
Story Samantha.png
"They have come to clear the darkness that covers the celestial sphere."
A Samantha, ghost of the Mist, arrives with rings of a bell, after having lost Yuuzen and Miyako in the vortex of strong magical forces.
Yoshino said that it 'could be good or bad', but the element of 'bad' is basically breathing down Samantha's side. Is it time to signal that the current situation is not good, or that it will get even worse in the future? It is at such times that this ghost of the Mist appears.
Even Samantha that are harmless almost always brings 'bad news'...
Story Samantha.png
"We bring 'good news' first. We will tell you the 'bad news' afterwards."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Right, can we get on with the good news now?"
Story Samantha.png
"The sorceresses from Nishiki whom defeated the forces of darkness. Both of them are alive."
Story Versailles.png
"Miyako, she's alive..."
Story Queensway.png
"I knew it, Miss Yuuzen must have escaped with her Gate after all."
Story Yoshino.png
"Not good to take things on faith. Samantha only said 'alive', it didn't say they were safe."
Story Samantha.png
"They have some injuries, but nothing that will affect their basic activities. However, the two of them are in a place where it would be difficult for them to escape on their own."
Story Samantha.png
"We're here to help them."
Story Mary.png
"I don't suppose you're going to tell me they're inside that celestial sphere?"
Story Samantha.png
"Kyehyehyehyehyeh... Intuition. You are right. The two sorceresses were taken inside the celestial sphere."
Story Samantha.png
"However, that's what is required save the guardians. You all should head inside right now."
Story Queensway.png
"Samantha said earlier that it was to 'clear the darkness of the Celestial Sphere', right? Does that mean we have to go in there to make this darkness go away?"
Story Samantha.png
"The level of pollution in this world is rising rapidly due to Poison from the otherworlds. The Guardians of the Giant Trees hid themselves in the Celestial Sphere of Light, but the oncoming darkness has trapped them within the Celestial Sphere."
Story Mary.png
"The oncoming darkness trapped the Guardians of the Giant Trees?"
Story Queensway.png
"The Guardians of the Giant Trees are in there..."
Story Samantha.png
"The original Celestial Sphere of Light had healing powers. Should the Guardians felt threatened by the Poison, they can rebuild their power inside the Celestial Sphere of Light."
Story Samantha.png
"But it was a trap set by the King of Ever-Darkness."
Story Mary.png
"So it is the King of Ever-Darkness that has created this darkness. That means, we have to defeat him."
Story Samantha.png
"The King of Ever-Darkness is one who lives in the interstellar worlds. If what you mean by 'defeat' means 'kill', it will be difficult to achieve that."
Story Yoshino.png
"How difficult is difficult?"
Story Samantha.png
"As long as you are a human or an elf, that can be considered almost impossible."
Story Yoshino.png
"Yoshino is a beastkin though?"
Story Samantha.png
"It is difficult for both beastkin and shana."
Story Yoshino.png
"Almost impossible does not mean absolutely impossible?"
Story Samantha.png
"It's not absolutely impossible. The King of Ever-Darkness has no concept of 'death', killing him is thus difficult, but it is possible to grant him something that is as close to 'death' as possible."
Story Yoshino.png
"If there is an effective way to seal him, or neutralise him, it's better than killing him, just like we can't kill Samantha."
Story Putra.png
"Yoshino, is like she's having a normal conversation with Samantha."
Story Vivienne.png
"But this Samantha doesn't seem that dangerous. I wonder if it's a type of Samantha who gives you information like we saw in the Giant Tree Railway."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Provided everything she says is true."
Story Yoshino.png
"There is always the possibility that they are lying. But have Yoshino and friends ever been deceived by Samantha?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"We've been attacked before, it almost did us in back in Sakhalinsk."
Story Yoshino.png
"The Samantha we fought at that time, was man-man motivated, not the type to chat with Yoshino and friends."
Story Yoshino.png
"I don't think this Samantha was a bad child for giving us information like this..."
Story Queensway.png
"I'm willing to believe it. It's not that we are hostile to the Samantha in any way."
Story Mary.png
"Believe it or not, you shouldn't think of it as friend or foe, because there's nothing else that we know less than Samantha."
Story Mary.png
"If it's stupid enough to attack someone on a whim, sure. It's not that scary because it can choose to 'fight'."
Story Mary.png
"But Samantha who interacts with people is smarter than Samantha who attacks people. It can use people. Remember that well."
Story Samantha.png
"The skilled knight, and her apprentices are very good. They can fight inside Ever-Darkness. They may be able to thwart the king's ploy."
Story Mary.png
"You are still willing to speak. You casually mentioned something important, is the king you mentioned the King of Ever-Darkness?"
Story Samantha.png
"Definitely. The ruler of the Darkness who has appeared in Iris Metro from the world between worlds."
Story Vivienne.png
"The King of Ever-Darkness's ploy...
Story Vivienne.png
Story Vivienne.png
"It was part of his ploy that he gave us clues in The Ruins of Thunder. So he took advantage of us."
Story Putra.png
"It can't be helped. That was the only way to stop Canaria. We wouldn't even have come here without his hints."
Story Yoshino.png
"Is Yoshino the only one who doesn't feel good about this?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"What is it? Is there something on your mind?"
Story Yoshino.png
"The King of Ever-Darkness is thinking about something bad. And he didn't want Yoshino and friends to collect the 'keys' because he didn't want us to get in his way, right?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Yes, that's right. He also told Conductor to 'stay away from the Guardians'."
Story Yoshino.png
"Yet, he helped Yoshino and friends at the Ruins of Thunder, likely he wanted us to do something about Canaria, but that's why Yoshino and friends finally came here."
Story Yakutsk.png
"True, if Canaria was also aiming to come here, we would both be threats to the King of Ever-Darkness."
Story Yoshino.png
"Right? If Yoshino were in the shoes of the King of Ever-Darkness, Yoshino would have pitted Canaria against the SSS. So what would you think then, as a millitary person?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"I would trap Conductor and Canaria and kill them both."
Story Versailles.png
"Agree. If she's as powerful as the King of Ever-Darkness, I think that's quite possible."
Story Mary.png
"The King of Ever-Darkness was afraid of Canaria...?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Actually, Yoshino kind of thinks so too."
Story Mary.png
"But I don't think Canaria will ever be able to surpass the combined might of the SSS, no matter how evil and powerful she has become. I don't think the King of Ever-Darkness is afraid of just Canaria."
Story Yoshino.png
"But what if Canaria wasn't alone?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"I see! Canaria is like Samanthas then, there are so many Canarias out there!"
Story Mary.png
"...Reminder Canaria is a human being."
Story Yakutsk.png
Story Yoshino.png
"Fascinating imagination from Yakky-tan. Yoshino likes you. But that's not it this time."
Story Yakutsk.png
"We-well... I was a bit close though."
Story Mary.png
"What Yoshino meant was that Canaria is feared as an 'organisation', not as an individual."
Story Mary.png
"There are people working with Canaria that Yuuzen and I don't know. Neither Yuuzen nor I knew anything about the person who was talking to Canaria in that place at the time."
Story Samantha.png
"The Apostles of Doom is not one person. A number of people have already blended into this world through the Giant Tree, and Canaria is one of them."
Story Samantha.png
"And the King of Ever-Darkness cannot interfere with the Apostles of Doom. If he did, the darkness of this world would clash with the Poison of the otherworlds, leaving darkness incomplete."
Story Mary.png
"The King of Ever-Darkness likes Canaria about as much as us."
Story Vivienne.png
"Can't interfere with Apostles of Doom... Come to think of it, I think he said something like that back in the Ruins of Thunder."
Story Queensway.png
"That was...!"
Story Versailles.png
"Ever-Darkness, yes."
Story Samantha.png
"We stayed a bit too long. It seems that the King of Ever-Darkness has caught us off guard."
Story Samantha.png
"We're going to take refuge somewhere else. It would be good to see with our own eyes what our world is like now."
The Samantha rang a bell in front of us, and a black circle similar to a Gate appeared.
The black circle then instantly took away our vision and engulfed everyone present...
Chapter 30.png
30-1 Dark Celestial Sphere
30-2 Railway Above the Sea
30-3 Vortex of Ever-Darkness
30-4 The King's Ploy
30-5 St. Iris's Giant Tree
30-6 An Impossible Promise
30-7 The Five Altars
30-8 The Final Key
30-9 King of Ever-Darkness
30-10 Light Celestial Sphere
30-EP Epilogue