Main Scenario/St. Iris's Giant Tree

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Chapter 30.png
30-1 Dark Celestial Sphere
30-2 Railway Above the Sea
30-3 Vortex of Ever-Darkness
30-4 The King's Ploy
30-5 St. Iris's Giant Tree
30-6 An Impossible Promise
30-7 The Five Altars
30-8 The Final Key
30-9 King of Ever-Darkness
30-10 Light Celestial Sphere
30-EP Epilogue
Story Versailles.png
"This is...?"
Story Mary.png
"This is the Giant Tree of St. Iris. Well, it looks a lot different from when we were here before."
Story Versailles.png
"Inside the Giant Tree!? I'm, really inside a Giant Tree!?"
Story Queensway.png
"We came here by train before. We freed Lady Ricardo, the Guardian of St. Iris, and succeeded in stopping the influx of Poison."
Story Queensway.png
"But how did it come to this? Nothing seemed out of the ordinary from the outside."
Story Samantha.png
"This is what the Giant Tree looks like without a Guardian. It can sustain life in the absence of bad things, but unless the Poison from the otherworlds is completely stopped, it will slowly deteriorate from the inside like this."
Story Mary.png
"What the... So we needed human pillars after all?"
Story Mary.png
"It's pointless if the Poison itself is not eliminated. In the end, it means we'll have to find Ricardo's replacement."
Story Samantha.png
"The Giant Tree of St. Iris is protected by Ricardo's power. It is less affected by Poison than any other Giant Tree."
Story Mary.png
"Then why has it been so devastated in such a short time!? If the contamination is going this fast, we'll never get the four remaining Guardians back in time!"
Story Mary.png
"If you know something, tell me everything right here, right now! You know how to completely eliminate the otherworldly Poison, don't you!?"
Calm down, Mary. This is not like you. Remember what's important. It is no longer just Poison that is corrupting our world.
Story Queensway.png
"That's true, Mary, I'm sure the King of Ever-Darkness has a lot to do with it."
Story Mary.png
Story Mary.png
"I'm so sorry. I can't believe I forgot such a simple thing..."
Understandable. For Mary, this Giant Tree is more important than anything else. You must have a much deeper attachment to it than Ricardo's son, being myself.
Until now, Mary has been fighting alone, without our knowledge. You has accumulated a lot of pain and suffering without anyone's recognition or praise. Your efforts have finally paid off and you has succeeded in freeing my mother. You are able to pass on my mother's conviction to a new generation.
How could Mary not be disturbed by the sight of this devastated Giant Tree? Mary has been fighting for the Giant Tree for a long time. With the belief that it would be for my mother's sake and for the world's sake.
Please never forget that feeling. As a knight of St. Iris, as a Train Knight.
And, as my mother's friend.
Story Mary.png
"Yes, I will. I will."
Story Mary.png
"Thank you, Conductor. And Queensway too."
Story Samantha.png
"All the humanity here have fought for the Giant Tree. The Giant Tree is grateful to humanity."
Story Samantha.png
"Humanity, as animals, are clever, but as souls, are still imperfect. But as a result, this Giant Tree was saved by your beliefs. Your souls had a great impact on the Giant Tree."
Story Samantha.png
"We, too, are grateful."
Story Yoshino.png
Story Yoshino.png
"Hey Samantha, do Yoshino and friends know you by any chance?"
Story Samantha.png
"We have met. We know about everyone's past too. You all too, remember me I'm sure."
Story Putra.png
"I am not sure about that, all the Samanthas look the same..."
Story Yoshino.png
"Oooooh- Got it. You are Samantha, the guide."
Story Putra.png
"You actually know!?"
Story Yoshino.png
"This Samantha is the one who guided us through the Giant Tree Railway and followed us through the ordeal, and the fact that it knows about Yoshino and friends' past is a big hint."
Story Samantha.png
"Kyehyehkhyeh. You knew. Interesting. The beastkin who had seen through my true identity."
Story Putra.png
"Much less beastkin, more like superhuman."
Story Samantha.png
"The Divine Child of Iridescent Clouds. And the knights who serve under you. Clear the darkness if you want to save the Giant Tree.
The Samantha disappeared and instantly reappeared before my eyes. It stretched out its slender arm and pointed one pale, translucent finger at me.
Story Samantha.png
"Everything depends on you. If you don't clear the darkness that covers this celestial sphere, there will be no future underground or above ground. You must free the Guardians of the Giant Trees. Unless the Guardians are returned to the Giant Tree, the ever-darkness will continue to spread throughout the subterranean world."
Story Samantha.png
"After a violent clash between the Poison of the otherworlds and the ever-darkness, the winner will engulf the loser and they will eventually meld together. Whichever side wins, there will be no living creatures left in this world."
That's a very large scale thing to say. If all that is true, why did you keep quiet until now? If you had advised us a little earlier, you might not have made things so much worse.
Story Samantha.png
"There aren't many like me. It was difficult to approach you and let you know the facts before you reached that island."
Story Samantha.png
"There is no escaping the power of the King of Ever-Darkness. The King who rules over the dimensional chasms corrupts the five Giant Trees. He is so mighty that he can cancel out light. You have been spotted by so many opponents."
Story Samantha.png
"Because you ignored the king's advice, to stay away from the Guardians. But you have made the right decision. If the guardians are not saved, the power of the Giant Tree will be lost."
We know that what covers this area is Ever-Darkness. But I don't understand why the King of Ever-Darkness is after the Guardians of the Giant Trees.
Why does he target the Guardians of the Giant Trees without attacking people, or cover the Giant Trees with darkness, or any other such aggression? How can we save this world and the five Giant Trees?
Story Samantha.png
"Humans are greedy creatures. They always want what they want. They are creatures of greed who wants before they even think about give."
Story Samantha.png
"But you are a little different. You want what you need in order to give."
Story Samantha.png
"After all, you are the Divine Child of Iridescent Clouds, son of Ricardo. You have the capacity to be a guardian."
Story Samantha.png
"...We can understand why the Giant Tree chose you."
Story Samantha.png
"We are sure you will listen to us. We guess that's what the Tree decided."
Story Samantha.png
"The aim of the King of Ever-Darkness is to create Giant Trees without guardians. He wants to disturb the harmony maintained by the five pillars, and dare to call in Poison from the otherworlds."
Story Samantha.png
"He will embrace the Poison. Things from the otherworlds are compatible with the darkness that covers the world."
Story Samantha.png
"...Go to the celestial sphere. We will open the gateway."
Go to the celestial sphere. After telling us this, the Samantha rung the bell and created the black circle again.
We prepared ourselves to be sent somewhere else again, but this time it was different. Samantha's black circle formed a huge Gate.
It was a gate for the Mist Train. A tunnel appeared at the end of the tracks that had been cut off at the landing point on this island.
Story Samantha.png
"Not even the King of Ever-Darkness can interfere with that Gate. It doesn't matter if I disappear."
Story Samantha.png
"Divine Child of the Iridescent Clouds. Take the Mist Train through the Gate and save your people. Then clear the evil Mist and Darkness created by the King of Ever-Darkness and free the guardians."
Story Samantha.png
"We will say it one last time. The Giant Tree and those of us who lived with it are grateful to you. We hope you will continue to protect that beautiful tree."
A giant hand appeared.
A hand protruded from the darkness, grabbed the Samantha before our eyes, and was crushed with all its might.
The guide Samantha had finished its task before it could say 'thank you' to us.
Chapter 30.png
30-1 Dark Celestial Sphere
30-2 Railway Above the Sea
30-3 Vortex of Ever-Darkness
30-4 The King's Ploy
30-5 St. Iris's Giant Tree
30-6 An Impossible Promise
30-7 The Five Altars
30-8 The Final Key
30-9 King of Ever-Darkness
30-10 Light Celestial Sphere
30-EP Epilogue