Main Scenario/Poison is Steel

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Chapter 17.png
17-1 The Breakthrough
17-2 The Instructor of the Out-Siders
17-3 Challenge to the Death
17-4 The Newcomer's Identity
17-5 Terror
17-6 The Guide
17-7 Steel and Poison
17-8 Mary's Purpose
17-9 Poison is Steel
17-10 The Path
The Giant Tree houses the St. Iris Divine Child. This person plays the role of a human pillar as the Guardian of the Giant Tree.
However, according to Mary, there is no longer enough power left to prevent the contamination of the Giant Tree and she needs to fulfil the role of Guardian of the Giant Tree, in place of the Divine Child.
In other words, Mary will be riding the Mist Train without a return ticket. She claims that this is her "knight's duty".
Story Mary.png
"If only I could use Gates, I would have carried it out myself. But the Giant Tree, and the Divine Child inside the Giant Tree, prevented me from doing so. I should have made the decision before she lost her mind...."
Story Mary.png
"I realise I'm being selfish, But in order to save Iris Cloud, I have to stop the contamination of the Giant Trees. If one Giant Tree dies, the contamination will spread to the other Giant Trees."
Story Mary.png
"I made a promise to her. I promised her that if she lost control of the Giant Trees, I would take over her responsibilities. That's why she gave me her special powers."
Story Queensway.png
"So you're willing to sacrifice yourself in place of the Divine Child?"
Story Mary.png
"This is not a sacrifice. This time I will be the Guardian of the Giant Tree. That's all."
Story Blackfriar.png
"I respect the oath taken between a knight and a Divine Child. But can't someone else take your place?"
Story Mary.png
"The Giant Tree's chosen one could. But there are very few who have the aptitude for it. Even if you are a Divine Child, you cannot become its Guardian if you're still rejected by the Giant Tree."
Story Yoshino.png
Story Vivienne.png
"What's wrong, Yoshino?"
Story Yoshino.png
"Oh? Uh, yeah... it's nothing."
Story Yoshino.png
"It's nothing."
Story Mary.png
Story Mary.png
"If I die, then I still have friends who can take my place. You can rest assured that I will not be the only knight to protect the Child."
Story Mary.png
"But I'm better suited to the role. This is something we discussed and decided together when we first explored the Giant Tree. We all agreed that it was necessary to protect Iris Cloud."
Story Queensway.png
Story Queensway.png
Queensway gritted her teeth, slamming her tightly clenched fist onto the rusted iron fence.
Feeling the stares of her speechless colleagues, Queensway held on as best she could.
She is desperately trying to think of what to say to Mary and her friends. She understands the gravity of the situation, and as her emotions had nowhere else to go, she unleashed it through her fists instead.
Mary is special to Queensway. It was because of Mary that Queensway decided to leave the mansion and explore the outside world.
How many times had she dreamt, of reuniting and embracing her lost friend as they once did?
To fight hand in hand together.
Even if her name has changed, even if their positions have changed... One day that dream will surely come true. Queensway must have survived to this day because she held on to these thoughts to heart.
In fact, she is still enduring it. Biting her lip, she fought hard to push back the thoughts that are about to overflow into her heart, with her fists against the pile of metal junk.
--Don't go, Rosa.
She couldn't say that here and now.
Story Mary.png
"You took this well. Just keep it in and swallow."
Story Mary.png
"Do not say out your thoughts, if any. What you wanted, what you want me to do. That's not something you should be saying here and now."
Story Mary.png
"Don't even mention the name that's about to come out of your throat. Look at Blackfriar. She hasn't let down her attack stance, you know? She'll pummel you mercilessly in this situation."
Story Blackfriar.png
Story Mary.png
"But well done for persevering. You've really became stronger."
Story Mary.png
"You're in good company, Queensway. You are no longer alone. You're not a crybaby or a scaredy cat. You're a great Train Knight."
Story Mary.png
"So fight to the end. Don't turn away from reality, keep fighting your illusions. Don't whine or complain. If you talk nonsense, I'll send you back to your house."
Story Queensway.png
"I won't say it..."
Story Queensway.png
"I won't say it! I absolutely won't say anything weak!"
Story Yakutsk.png
Story Queensway.png
"I only wanted to know what you wanted. I only wanted to know why Mary Rosegarden was joining forces with the SSS, that is all. I asked, because I want the answer to that."
Story Queensway.png
"But you are sorely mistaken."
Story Mary.png
Story Queensway.png
"You and our purpose are two different things. Our purpose is to find out what is happening inside the Giant Tree. We are here to find out what's wrong with the Giant Tree and stop the Phantom Mist from forming. We are not here to take the place as the Guardian of the Giant Tree."
Story Queensway.png
"Mary Rosegarden. You're not a member of the SSS. Should you get this fact wrong, it's going to cause us problems. You don't get to make the decisions."
Story Queensway.png
"Besides, even if we can get to the Giant Tree, we don't know what's going to happen to us. It's the same for you, Mary. Isn't that right, everybody?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Precisely. It is even up to Blackfriar's decision to detain Mary if she so wishes."
Story Yoshino.png
'If there's a better way, I'll go for it. It's not Mary's decision, it's Shashou's."
Story Blackfriar.png
"Absolutely. The SSS is right."
Story Mary.png
Story Queensway.png
"It's troublesome when you're on the mindset of 'maybe' or 'probably'. We have here now is an important operation that could make or break the fate of this world! We could accept your proposal, but it's too early to decide whether or not to go ahead with your ideas. Don't be daft."
Story Queensway.png
"Therefore, don't run away from this game. 'Gamble' --Challenge the unknown game, that act is not running away."
Story Queensway.png
"Think of ways to save the world, not just ways to save the Divine Child. There is still time. Don't give up the game until the end."
Story Mary.png
"Not just how to save the Divine Child, but how to also save the world, you say..."
Never say never. We might even find our answer on the Train, along the way to the Giant Tree.
Or we might even figure out a solution from the Guardian of the Giant Tree - the Divine Child.
She is, after all, the world's strongest Divine Child who designed the Mist Train and laid the foundations of the SSS.
Story Queensway.png
"Conductor, is that who I...?"
Yes, exactly. The Divine Child who Mary is trying to save is named Ricardo Trevithick, the designer of the Mist Train.
--She was a hero, my mother.
Story Mary.png
"Ah, so you knew. How could you not recognise her? You would know your mother's voice as her son after hearing her so many times, even after all these years."
Story Yoshino.png
"So it was Shashou's mother who was talking to Yoshino and friends."
Story Mary.png
"Ricardo used to be actively involved in the investigation of the Giant Tree together with her Out-Sider friends, she must have already seen everything you all have seen so far."
Story Mary.png
"And she realised the dangers that were impacting our world and took measures to deal with it. Ricardo knew that there were Mist types that should be cleared and Mists that should not. Ricardo called a halt to the formation of the Special Steel Squad. That's the reason why the Mist Train wasn't completed for years."
Story Mary.png
"But nobody believed her justice."
Story Blackfriar.png
"The Alliance didn't believe her. They said there was no such thing as 'Mists that cannot be cleared', that idea was pure insanity."
Story Yakutsk.png
"How could they believe her if they weren't there?"
Story Vivienne.png
"Understandable. We didn't even understand what Mary was talking about back when we were on the Mist Train."
That is why Ricardo created the Resistance.
She is the leader of the Resistance. In order to fulfil her own justice, she left the Allied Forces and chose the path of maintaining harmony in this world.
-- "The Jar of Heaven mistakenly identified the leader of the Resistance and big bro as the same person."
I finally understood the meaning of Dr Gloria's words at that time. It is because we have the same blood as the leader of the Resistance. In other words, my mother Ricardo is the leader of the Resistance. She is the Guardian of the Giant Tree who maintains the harmony of the world inside the Giant Tree.
Am I right? Miss Mary Rosegarden. Ricardo Trevithick's most trusted friend, and the greatest knight of the Order of St. Iris.
Story Mary.png
"I'm sorry. Ricardo was very strict with me about not telling you until her son was close to the Giant Tree on his own."
Story Mary.png
"Initially I wanted to release Ricardo before I let you see her. But now we're in a situation where I can't say that anymore."
It's an honour to meet my mother's best friend. Whenever my mother came back from a mission, she would always talk about her friends.
I never once heard Mary's name mentioned, because she never told me anything related to her work. But I clearly remember my mother saying these words.
'The most reliable girl in the Order has become my friend.'
I now know that was you, Mary Rosegarden.
Story Mary.png
"...She was an odd one, she is. Calling her men 'friends' even though she's a Divine Child."
Story Paddington.png
"Wow. ... I'm shocked to learn that it was Conductor's mother who maintained harmony in this world."
Story Paddington.png
"Lady Ricardo Trevithick is the greatest Divine Child ever set foot in the history of St. Iris. With her powers, it may even be possible to suppress the Phantom Mist, the Poison."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Now the dots are all connected. So Mary had a good reason for wearing a mask and hanging out with strange people...".
Story Yoshino.png
"Tsk tsk tsk. Yakky-tan, you're too soft. Not everything is resolved yet."
Story Yakutsk.png
Story Yoshino.png
"If we go to the Giant Tree, we might learn a lot of things. Mary's purpose was also clearly understood."
Story Yoshino.png
"But you're forgetting something important - Mary doesn't have a map of the Giant Tree."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Oh right, I forgot about that!"
Story Mary.png
"I told you at the beginning, didn't I? If we don't do something about it, we're stuck."
Story Yoshino.png
"We've come to terms with a lot of things. But Yoshino and friends have now lost our way. We're stranded in a mysterious factory in the Terminal, and we don't even know how to get home, the situation is grim--"
Story Blackfriar.png
Although we can't go back out there, I don't even think this factory is safe.
Story Putra.png
"What does this factory here even make in the first place? You said that it uses technology not from Iris Cloud, but from the looks of it, it seems like a normal steel factory, doesn't it?"
Story Yoshino.png
"The steel in this factory is not ordinary steel. It has a very bad feeling to it, like the ones we've faced from the ancient machine parts."
Story Putra.png
"It would be terrible if this was a factory that made steel dolls or something."
Story Vivienne.png
"Gosh, don't scare me."
Story Yoshino.png
"Don't worry about that. This doesn't look like a factory that makes steel dolls."
Story Vivienne.png
"That's what our Yoshino said."
Story Yoshino.png
"However, positive that this factory makes something bigger than steel dolls."


Story Putra.png
"I think I'm hearing weird, unusual footsteps?"
Metallic sounds emerged from the factory, a huge mechanical doll so large that you could look up at it. It was larger than the steel doll we saw in Nishiki. It is humanoid, but its entire body is equipped for battle.
Giant Mechanical Puppet
"Security arsenal activated. Multiple intruders in the factory detected."
Giant Mechanical Puppet
"Issuing warning. Intruders. Leave the factory immediately. Repeat. Leave this factory immediately.
Story Putra.png
"It's hugeeeee--! It looks really strong!?"
Story Vivienne.png
"And it's equipped with a lot of dangerous weapons!!"
Story Yakutsk.png
"It's heavily armed, which it's not standard for a security robot. It's clearly a weapon designed for combat."
Story Blackfriar.png
"Even if we were told to leave, there are monsters everywhere outside. Well, what should we do...?"
Story Blackfriar.png
"Any ideas, Mary?"
Story Mary.png
"We strike first."
Story Blackfriar.png
"Exactly what Ohana sounds like. You sure you're still an ex-Knight Commander?"
Story Mary.png
"It may be able to speak human language, but it's still a machine. It won't understand you even if you tell them what happened. And if it makes the first strike with such an arsenal, the damage to us will be enormous."
Story Mary.png
"...and apparently there's someone running it."
Story Mary.png
"And I have an idea who she is. She's more trouble than a mechanical doll."
Story Blackfriar.png
"By 'running it', do you mean that she's using her magic to control the machine?'
Story Mary.png
"No, she might be able to handle otherworldly weapons without using magic. She's a loony who has a fetish for ancient mechanical parts and weapons."
Story Yoshino.png
"Oooh-- a kougyoukei girl. She must be Yoshino's rival."
'Heh heheh heh... Calling me a industrial girl, eh? You sure say some pretty interesting things, little one."
Story Vivienne.png
"Wait... that voice!?"
Story Putra.png
"I know that awful voice, it sounds awfully familiar."
Story Mary.png
"What a coincidence. Me too."
Story Putra.png
"You too, Mary?"
Story Mary.png
"Yep. This is... going to be very lovely."
Story Canaria.png
"Geheheheh! Haaaa~~aiii~ There's going to be troubleeee~!"
Story Canaria.png
"How are you doing, all of you from the SSS? Do you remember me?"
Story Putra.png
Story Canaria.png
"Canaria, the very dangerous canary, yeah~~"
Canaria appeared with her otherworld mechanical doll. She is a Gate user who demonstrated her terrifying strength back in Flamarine, but disappeared after that.
Why is Canaria here? And what kind of a person are you...?
Story Canaria.png
"Hmmhmmhmm, you want to know~? If you want to know, I'll tell you~"
Story Canaria.png
"I'm a comrade of that women over there. Isn't that right, Queenrose?"
Story Mary.png
Story Canaria.png
"Eh? You're ignoring me? Why the half-assed cold shoulder? We were friends, you know, friends! Gahhahahaha!"
Story Canaria.png
"Oh, I see. You call yourself Mary now, don't you~? Well, I don't really care what you're called. I'm just here to get your Giant Tree Map!"
Story Queensway.png
"Mary's partner is... Doesn't that mean Canaria is part of the Resistance?"
Story Mary.png
"Yes, kinda. She's a wildcard, a problem child even among the Resistance."
Story Mary.png
"But it's no longer possible for us to be considered allies, the Resistance is split into several factions now."
Story Mary.png
"This woman is an extremist who frequently disobeys Ricardo's orders. Ever since Ricardo's behaviour got stranger, she already turned her back on her and started to do whatever she wanted."
Story Canaria.png
"I don't follow anyone's orders. I just do what I want, how I want."
Story Mary.png
"Childish. You're just small fry."
Story Canaria.png
"Oh? Calling me small fry, eh~?"
Story Mary.png
"I'm right, you know? You have ambitions, but you are a coward who's afraid to challenge those who are stronger than you. You've been quiet because you didn't have the confidence to beat Ricardo or me. What would you call yourself then, kiddo, if you're not small fry?"
Story Canaria.png
"What kind of an old hag are you to talk to me like that? You're the real small fry, you're the one who's scurrying to curry favour with the Divine Child of Mist Clearing. Where's that swagger you had when you said you were going to make the world your enemy?"
Story Mary.png
"It's not that I'm no longer prepared to make the world my enemy. I just don't have to now."
Story Mary.png
"My aim is to keep the world in harmony. Unlike you, a kid who goes running wild from place to place, dazzled by new toys."
Story Canaria.png
"Gehehehe, I'm a kid? Your jokes are as amusing as always. I like that about you."
Story Canaria.png
"But I don't need you or Ricardo anymore. I'll end you quickly as soon as I get the route map. I will embrace the Poison, and from there I will build a new world."
Story Canaria.png
"I will gather many otherworldly weapons and build an army. A world where people compete with each other. A fair world where might rules!"
Story Mary.png
"Told you so, her head screws are loose. Be careful, because she doesn't listen to logic."
Story Blackfriar.png
"Yep, noted down. Attention everybody. prepare for battle. Be more wary of that woman more than the mechanical doll."
Story Canaria.png
"Aha, you're that thing, the officer of the Out-Siders."
Story Canaria.png
"The Out-Siders are used to fighting in Hell, they say. You must be a very strong officer then? Surely you must have a lot of interesting experiences. Take me on a mission next time, alright?"
Story Blackfriar.png
"I'm not that strong and I haven't had any interesting experiences. But I don't think you'll qualify to join the Out-Sider ranks, sincerest apologies!"
Story Canaria.png
"Eheheh, so why can't I?"
Story Blackfriar.png
"Because cowards like you can't even pass an entry-level Out-Siders written examination♪"
Story Canaria.png
"...Good one, you amuse me. I like you. Let's have some fun."
Story Canaria.png
"This is my first time fighting an Out-Siders officer. I wonder who is stronger, you? Or my little mechanical doll!?"
Chapter 17.png
17-1 The Breakthrough
17-2 The Instructor of the Out-Siders
17-3 Challenge to the Death
17-4 The Newcomer's Identity
17-5 Terror
17-6 The Guide
17-7 Steel and Poison
17-8 Mary's Purpose
17-9 Poison is Steel
17-10 The Path