Main Scenario/The Guide

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Chapter 17.png
17-1 The Breakthrough
17-2 The Instructor of the Out-Siders
17-3 Challenge to the Death
17-4 The Newcomer's Identity
17-5 Terror
17-6 The Guide
17-7 Steel and Poison
17-8 Mary's Purpose
17-9 Poison is Steel
17-10 The Path
Story Samantha.png
"Welcome to the Terminal, lost children who have followed the steel railway of the Giant Tree."
Story Queensway.png
Story Samantha.png
"The Terminal is the place where the steel railway ends and begins. In the eyes of the lost children, it is where the inner world ends. At the same time, it is where the outside world begins."
Story Samantha.png
"This is the gateway to the Giant Tree."
Story Queensway.png
"Gateway to the Giant Tree!?"
Story Vivienne.png
"So it leads to the Giant Tree, so if we keeping moving on, does that mean we can get there?"
Story Samantha.png
"I'll answer that it's not impossible."
Story Putra.png
"But not recommended, you mean?"
Story Samantha.png
"If you want to go to the Giant Tree by rail, you need to find the right route from the Terminal."
Story Samantha.png
"If you want to proceed safely, you should take the Giant Tree Route Map with you. The railway of the Giant Tree is not so easy that a child of Man can reach it without a map."
Story Yakutsk.png
"So the Giant Tree's route map is important after all."
Story Yoshino.png
"Samantha certified."
Story Blackfriar.png
"A Samantha's endorsement doesn't reassure me in the slightest. Samanthas are the most unreliable beings in the Phantom Mist."
Story Samantha.png
"You're absolutely right. Samantha doesn't act to gain people's trust. Some follow the will of the Giant Tree, others act on their own will."
Story Samantha.png
"Some Samantha don't even have a will. Samantha, who acts according to their desires, is feared by humans in every country. Samantha, who has tasted the human body, feeds on human flesh. Samantha, who has tasted the human thoughts, feeds on the human mind."
Story Samantha.png
"But not me. I remain here by the will of the Giant Tree, to inform or guide lost children like yourselves."
Story Blackfriar.png
"Am I correct in assuming that you are a Samantha who can have a decent conversation with people?"
Story Samantha.png
"That's correct. I can understand your language and I can read your mind. But you cannot read my mind. We need to have a verbal dialogue."
Story Blackfriar.png
"Sure, you seem smart for a Samantha. I hope it won't be a problem to have a little talk with you."
Story Samantha.png
"I will not attack you. Even if you attack me, I won't fight back."
Story Samantha.png
"But I have to warn you. You cannot defeat me. Therefore, there is nothing to be gained by making me your enemy."
Story Blackfriar.png
"I see. I don't believe it, but I understand it. You are very clever for a savage monster."
Story Putra.png
"Blackfriar's so combative, even when facing a Samantha."
Story Yakutsk.png
"It's on purpose. Blackfriar is always ready to fight."
Story Putra.png
"What? Is that so?"
Story Yakutsk.png
"Yes. Currently the situation is calm, but she's on full alert at all times."
Story Yakutsk.png
"She's testing the Samantha's emotional state, traits, intelligence level and aggression. She's very thorough. That's what I call experience."
Story Vivienne.png
"A Samantha that can have normal conversations... I've never seen this type before. It's smarter than the other Samanthas I've seen so far."
Story Yoshino.png
"It looks the same though."
Story Putra.png
"This all sounds so deep. Um, am I the only one who doesn't understand what the Samantha is saying?"
Story Vivienne.png
"Maybe it's just you, Putra. You should do a bit more reading. Take a leaf out of Queensway's book."
Story Putra.png
"I wonder if reading books would help me understand hard words..."
Story Yoshino.png
"You can do it, Putra. You're a human being."
Story Putra.png
Story Blackfriar.png
"It seems like you are able to read my mind, so I'll be forthright. I want to be sure that you are not a man-eating monster. Then, I want to have enough information to believe that you are the guide to this Terminal. Prove it if you can."
Story Samantha.png
"That's not all you wanted. You also want to know the whereabouts of Mary Rosegarden, who has disappeared."
Story Samantha.png
"But you didn't mention it. Because you're also testing my ability to read minds."
Story Blackfriar.png
Story Samantha.png
"I'll tell you information about Mary Rosegarden".
Story Samantha.png
"Mary Rosegarden is alive. There are many gates in this Terminal. It reacts to strong magic and can snatch intruders."
Story Samantha.png
"Mary Rosegarden is inside the Giant Tree Railroad. In one of the Tree's realms, she got a copy of the Giant Tree Route Map. This is what caused her to be sucked into the gate."
Story Blackfriar.png
"That's what it said, Queensway, That's great."
Story Queensway.png
Story Queensway.png
"Thank goodness... There's still hope..."
Story Queensway.png
"Thank you so much, Miss Blackfriar."
Story Blackfriar.png
"I don't deserve your thanks. All I did was to ask the Samantha questions."
Story Blackfriar.png
"Don't count your chickens before they hatch. If the Samantha lied, Mary is probably already dead. Prepare for the worst."
Story Blackfriar.png
"See it with your very own eyes. Are we clear?"
Story Queensway.png
Story Blackfriar.png
"It's good news that Mary found the route map. But if that's the reason she was sent somewhere else, then we can't progress."
Story Blackfriar.png
"We need to find Mary as soon as possible, secure her, and the Giant Tree Map. So we need to see how far this Samantha, our guide, is willing to go to help us..."
Story Blackfriar.png
"Well, you're our guide, so of course you're going to show us the way, right?"
Story Samantha.png
"If you're going to the Giant Tree, then I'm going to take you to Mary's. If you have the Giant Tree Map, you won't need me to guide you there."
Story Blackfriar.png
"I see. That matches what Mary told me beforehand."
Story Blackfriar.png
"I can't believe she was going to accomplish such a daunting task all by herself. She's got a lot of guts, that woman's a loony..."
Story Blackfriar.png
'Yeah, thanks to you, Samantha. I've decided to trust you a little bit now. I think we're almost done with the first requirement."
Story Samantha.png
'I will now use my powers to meet your second request as well. However in doing so, some people may feel a strong aversion. Or they may be overcome by fear and suffer psychological damage. I will give you advance warning of this."
Story Blackfriar.png
"I don't have a problem with that. I didn't bring girls who would be intimidated by something as small as a Samantha."
Story Samantha.png
"Yes, I understand. I will now take you to the main part of the Terminal."
Story Samantha.png
"You will pass between the border of light and dark. Do not resist the magic you felt as you do so. If you get lost, you will wander the world between the light and dark forever."
--The fog invited the chosen lost children to enter the chasm of the world.
--To the Giant Tree Railway leading to the Giant Tree.
--There is a route map at the destination.
--Among the lost children, one of them is a blood relative of the human pillar.
--Blood relative of St. Iris's human pillar, Ricardo Trevithick.
Chapter 17.png
17-1 The Breakthrough
17-2 The Instructor of the Out-Siders
17-3 Challenge to the Death
17-4 The Newcomer's Identity
17-5 Terror
17-6 The Guide
17-7 Steel and Poison
17-8 Mary's Purpose
17-9 Poison is Steel
17-10 The Path