Main Scenario/Steel and Poison

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Chapter 17.png
17-1 The Breakthrough
17-2 The Instructor of the Out-Siders
17-3 Challenge to the Death
17-4 The Newcomer's Identity
17-5 Terror
17-6 The Guide
17-7 Steel and Poison
17-8 Mary's Purpose
17-9 Poison is Steel
17-10 The Path
"The Divine Children of St. Iris have the ability to fuse with the Giant Tree. This generates more magic power than the Giant Trees of other countries. A single human pillar can protect all five Giant Trees from the Poison."
"It is the destiny of those born with this power to protect the Giant Tree."
"The Poison comes from the other worlds. The Giant Trees has protected this world from 'poison' for many years. But the Giant Tree of St. Iris has reached its limits. It has taken on Eisengrad's Poison and is on the verge of withering away."
"--Poison is Steel. --'Steel is Poison."
"The Mist and railways are closely related. So, are the steel railways of this world lead to the Poison of other worlds? Is the creator of the railways really from this world?"?
"To find the answers to these questions, we set out on the railway. We didn't get all the answers. After a long journey, we arrived at the contaminated Giant Tree."
"And I, as the Divine Child of St. Iris. I came to a conclusion after uniting with the contaminated Giant Tree."
"This world does not need a Mist-clearing Divine Child. What is truly needed is someone who can bring harmony to this Misty world."
"Nishiki, the country of Divine Beasts and Sorcery."
"Eisengrad, the country of Eternal Snow and Steel."
"Verforet, the country of Forest Green and Magic."
"Flamarine, the country of Scorching Sands and Blue Seas."
"St. Iris, the country of Peace and Iridescent clouds."
"There is no peace in St. Iris, because the Giant Tree of St. Iris are the dirtiest of all."
"Can the iridescent clouds be an ally if the country has no peace? If so, what is the point of the blessings of iridescent clouds?"
"Is the peace a lie, are the iridescent clouds as lie? Or are they both lies?
"Conductor! Wake up! I can't stall on much longer!"
"Come back! Wake Up! Don't let the Giant Tree fool you! There's nothing else we can do without you!"
...Is this voice, Mary Rosegarden?
Story Mary.png
"Okay, he's awake!"
Story Queensway.png
"...! Thank goodness! I thought you wouldn't ever wake up again, sir."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Really, you're not even breathing earlier. I thought you were dead."
Story Mary.png
"Queensway, prepare to retreat. The monsters here are as intelligent as humans. They'll spot every lousy move we make. Follow the Order's retreat protocol."
Story Queensway.png
"Acknowledged! Miss Yakutsk and Miss Putra, please draw the enemy vanguard's attention to you. If the enemy formation changes, deploy on both flanks. We will use dispersal attacks to buy time."
Story Yakutsk.png
"You don't have to repeat twice!"
Story Putra.png
"Wouldn't have made it any easier to understand! Thank you, Queensway!"
Story Queensway.png
"Miss Vivienne and Miss Yoshino, begin gradual retreat. Do not stop attacking, but stay back amid the chaos!"
Story Vivienne.png
"Roger! Yoshino, keep going, both of us at the same time!"
Story Yoshino.png
"Make booms and casually fall back, right?"
Story Queensway.png
"Darn it, they've adapted to our tactics. With this number of opponents, it's going to be tough for all of us to retreat..."
Story Blackfriar.png
"No such thing."
Story Blackfriar.png
"See? Scurry on."
Story Queensway.png
"Miss Blackfriar..."
Story Blackfriar.png
"Leave suppression fire to me. I'm used to being outnumbered."
Story Blackfriar.png
"Let Mary be in charge of Conductor's safety. You, Queensway, will be Mary's escort. You two will carry Conductor inside the factory."
Story Blackfriar.png
"You're doing pretty dandy for a temp commander... I think that's what the former Knight Commander would like to say to you."
Story Queensway.png
"Yes, sir! Thank you sir!"
Story Mary.png
"Conductor, are you OK? Can you think straight?"
Yeah, I'm fine. It looks like we're in a pretty grave situation. It's not that difficult to assess the situation.
Story Mary.png
"Very well, to put it simply, we're in a slight pinch. I'm going to carry you to the factory over there and you're going to stay put. It's faster for me to carry you there than for you to run."
It's pathetic, but as I can't move my body right now, I'll have to suck it up and let Mary carry me.
Apparently, we've been transported by that Samantha to a surreal location.
We were supposed to be in a forest, but all around us is desert and rusty factories.
A large number of Mist Monsters attacked us, perhaps coming from the mirage and the Phantom Mist generated there.
Story Mary.png
"We'll carry Conductor! Everyone retreat in turn! If you have no choice but to fight, never engage alone!"
Story Mary.png
'We'll regroup once we're inside the factory. We can't keep fighting out there. We can't take on all of these things!"
Chapter 17.png
17-1 The Breakthrough
17-2 The Instructor of the Out-Siders
17-3 Challenge to the Death
17-4 The Newcomer's Identity
17-5 Terror
17-6 The Guide
17-7 Steel and Poison
17-8 Mary's Purpose
17-9 Poison is Steel
17-10 The Path