Main Scenario/Purification

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Chapter 34.png
34-1 Monster That Sucked Poison
34-2 Two Shadows
34-3 Reunion, Confluence
34-4 The Research Facility
34-5 The Monster Inside a Cage
34-6 Like Calls to Like
34-7 The Experiment Begins
34-8 Eye of the "Hunt"
34-9 Guardian of Snow and Steel
34-10 Purification
Story Monster.png
Story Mistism Cult Leader.png
Mistism Cult Leader
"No way... My servant..."
Story Mistism Cult Leader.png
Mistism Cult Leader
"...There must be more than one monster that flew from M.Eisengrad to the otherworlds. Tell me. How does this gate connect to the otherworlds?"
Story Samantha.png
Giant Tree Guardian
"Even if I tell you that, there is nothing you can do about it."
Story Mistism Cult Leader.png
Mistism Cult Leader
"The gate is still open. The Poison of the otherworlds must flow from here."
Story Mistism Cult Leader.png
Mistism Cult Leader
"If we widen this gate, surely the Giant Tree of Eisengrad will also become a Steel Tree due to the Poison?"
Story Mistism Cult Leader.png
Mistism Cult Leader
"If it stays inside the Giant Tree, we can get the Eisengradian throne..."
Story Mistism Cult Leader.png
Mistism Cult Leader
"...Tch, Children of Sunshine!"
Story Vorkuta.png
"It's a bad idea to look away in the middle of a battle."
Story Vorkuta.png
"Right now, I'm so pissed off I don't even know what I'm feeling. I am used to fighting monsters, but I'm now used to fighting against humans too... What do you think is the reason?"
Story Mistism Cult Leader.png
Mistism Cult Leader
"That's because you are an animal that lacks intelligence."
Story Mistism Cult Leader.png
Mistism Cult Leader
Story Tayshet.png
"Sorry, Vorkuta. Tried to cut off arm, but didn't fall off. She's protected by some weird magic."
Story Mary.png
"But our attacks still work on her. We've got her. We can win this."
Story Mistism Cult Leader.png
Mistism Cult Leader
"The SSS, the Divine Child of Mist-Clearing... The Steel Throne will not pass."
Story Mary.png
"She's gone!? How did she disappear without using Gates...!?"
Story Samantha.png
Giant Tree Guardian
"She uses a special method to move through the Mist. The more Poison there are from the otherworlds, the stronger she is."
Story Samantha.png
Giant Tree Guardian
"More importantly, we need to seal that rift. If we leave it as it is, the Poison of the Otherworlds will push it over the edge. Just as that woman said, the Giant Tree of Eisengrad will become like the Steel Tree of St. Iris."
Samantha... No, Guardian of Eisengrad. One thing has been bothering me since a while ago, and I was wondering if you could tell me about it, please?
If it is true that the monster 'went back and forth' through the Giant Tree, then wouldn't the Poison that flows through the Giant Tree also flow out to the other side?
This side of the Giant Tree is connected to that side. From what I have seen and heard so far, this is almost certain to be true.
But if this world is connected to the other world, doesn't that mean that the flow is in more than one direction? Even if a Guardian's power has weakened and allowed the Poison to flow in, wouldn't it be possible to regain power and push it back to the other side?
Story Samantha.png
Giant Tree Guardian
"Your idea is about right. But strictly speaking, it's a little different."
Story Samantha.png
Giant Tree Guardian
"Poison flows in from the otherworlds. The more powerful the Giant Tree is, the more it can be prevented."
Story Samantha.png
Giant Tree Guardian
"However, once the Poison has flowed in, it is unlikely to return as it is. The Phantom Mist that occurs in the Iridescent God's universe is different in nature from Poison."
Story Yoshino.png
"'Immunity'. It is the Mist that should not be cleared if possible."
Story Samantha.png
Giant Tree Guardian
"Exactly. The Mists of the two worlds is different in nature."
Story Yoshino.png
"Could it be that when the Giant Tree regains its power, the Mist, which Yoshino and friends call Immunity, will flow to the otherworlds?"
Story Samantha.png
Giant Tree Guardian
"We, the Guardians of the Giant Trees, think so."
Story Yoshino.png
"Then, maybe the people on the other side are also receuvubg what they call Poison of the otherworlds...?"
Story Mary.png
"The space is distorted. The Guardian's Room is about to collapse."
Story Vivienne.png
"Strong magic is leaking through that rift! Maybe the Poison will really flow in sooner or later!"
Story Samantha.png
Giant Tree Guardian
"I will close that rift. Divine Child of Iridescent Clouds. Son of Ricardo, I need your help."
Story Samantha.png
Giant Tree Guardian
"Give me the power of the Divine Child. What you do for Train Knights, you do it for me."
Are you sure about the Iron Injection?
Story Queensway.png
"Can an Iron Injection be done to a Giant Tree Guardian?"
Story Mary.png
"I don't know. But it can be done the other way round, so maybe it's possible."
We don't have time to worry about it. If even the Giant Tree of Eisengrad is affected by the Poison, it will be irreversible. I'll give power to the Guardian. Power must be given to the Giant Tree.
Story Samantha.png
Giant Tree Guardian
"So this is Ricardo's son. What mighty power..."
Story Samantha.png
Giant Tree Guardian
"More power than I imagined. This will help restore the Giant Tree's power."
The Giant Tree Guardian in the appearance of a Samantha gained the power of the Divine Child, floated up into the air, and instantly sealed the large gate that had formed on the ceiling.
Not only that, the Guardian flew around the Giant Tree, giving it a powerful breath of life.
The Giant Tree revived. A large number of Samantha's appeared and laughed, moving their eerie masks up and down, left and right.
Story Samantha.png
Giant Tree Guardian
"The Giant Tree of Eisengrad has been restored. This will keep the influx of Poison at bay for a while."
Story Samantha.png
Giant Tree Guardian
"But the other Giant Trees are still weak. The fanatic will also return with more strength."
Story Samantha.png
Giant Tree Guardian
"Above all, we must be wary of messengers from the other world."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Messengers from the otherworlds?"
Story Samantha.png
Giant Tree Guardian
"They are hiding here and there in this world. Those who try to prevent the magic of the Iridescent God from flowing into the otherworlds."
Story Samantha.png
Giant Tree Guardian
"As well as those who try to pour the Poison of the otherworlds into this world."
Story Yoshino.png
"They are pushing harmful things at each other. It feels like that."
Story Samantha.png
Giant Tree Guardian
"SSS, son of Ricardo. Thank you for saving me this time. I thank you as a Guardian and as a fellow Divine Child. If you need my help, you can call upon me at any time."
Story Yakutsk.png
"This is..."
Story Bestyakh.png
"This is where that laboratory used to be. The Mist seems to have lifted by now."
Story Queensway.png
"I'm sure it's because we defeated that monster."
Story Yakutsk.png
"We got lucky this time. The Giant Tree Guardian saved us."
Story Queensway.png
"I think so too. If it wasn't for the Guardian's help, we'd be stuck in the lab right now..."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Come to think of it, I wonder where that Youko woman went? Didn't she follow that monster into the Giant Tree?"
Story Bestyakh.png
"That's true. I think it would have been surprising not to encounter her at the Giant Tree, since she was so skilled at using Gates."
Story Yoshino.png
"Quite sure the Guardian did something about it. She's strong, proud and seemed to have a sense of responsibility."
Story Yakutsk.png
"She is indeed Eisengrad's Guardian. I have a lot in common with her."
Story Yoshino.png
"Such as?"
Story Bestyakh.png
"Strong, proud and responsible."
Story Yoshino.png
"Ooooh- little sister idiot."
Story Yakutsk.png
"Hold up, Bestyakh is not an idiot."
Story Yoshino.png
"Big sister idiot."
Story Yakutsk.png
Story Yoshino.png
"You don't seem to understand what it meant, so whatever."
Story Vorkuta.png
Story Tayshet.png
"It's over."
Story Vorkuta.png
"It's not over."
Story Tayshet.png
"It's not? Why not?"
Story Vorkuta.png
"I don't know. I don't know, but I feel like I shouldn't say this is the end."
Story Vorkuta.png
"The Mist is gone and there are no demonic beasts. Why is that?"
Story Tayshet.png
"Probably because there's something on your mind, Vorkuta has something on mind with this incident."
Story Tayshet.png
"Tayshet, can help you? When we come to Metro on a mission, let's find out what's 'bothering' Vorkuta together, shall we?"
Story Vorkuta.png
"...Yeah, well, I'll ask you then."
Story Tayshet.png
"Hehehe, Vorkuta. Vorkuta's a good girl after all."
Story Tayshet.png
"Tayshet, is glad to be friends with Vorkuta. Feels like we're getting to know each other better than before."
Story Vorkuta.png
"So, will you duel me?"
Story Tayshet.png
Story Vorkuta.png
"Eh, why not? Come on, just a little bit please~"
Story Islington.png
"Yeah, I knew it! I knew this was going to happen~"
Story Islington.png
"That's what I'm talking about, Conductor. It looks like you've done well on the Metro."
Story Islington.png
"Out-Siders, gather round~ It looks like the thorns on the Steel Tree have moved away a bit~? Check it out with your lives~♪"
Chapter 35.png
35-1 The Marine Station
35-2 Naval Tactics
35-3 Where the Voice of the Sea Leads
35-4 The Underwater City
35-5 Another Entrance
35-6 Clairvoyance
35-7 Hertz
35-8 Main Core
35-9 Fierce Battle of the Mother Room
35-10 Extremist Youko